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Skin Pigmentation Treatment in Mumbai

The Esthetic Clinics where Dr. Debraj Shome and Dr. Rinky Kapoor presently lead a vibrant and vastly experienced team of skin doctors. <br><br>click here to know more :- https://www.theestheticclinic.com/skin/problem-skin-hair/pigmentation.html

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Skin Pigmentation Treatment in Mumbai

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  1. Skin Pigmentation Treatment in Mumbai

  2. The colour of the human skin is what defines its pigmentation, and it is the melanin that normally tells how light or dark your skin is. It follows that the more melanin produced, the dark the skin will be, and vice versa (for light skin). However, some distortions in the genetic or hormonal composition of the body can bring about notable alterations to the pigmentation of the skin. In essence, it is highly possible for humans to experience some pigmentation disorders. Some of the conditions have been conveniently and successfully treated at The Esthetic Clinics where Dr.DebrajShomeand Dr.RinkyKapoorpresently lead a vibrant and vastly experienced team of skin doctors.

  3. Are you looking for an skin pigmentation treatment in Mumbai then The Esthetic clinics is one of the leading clinic in Mumbai with expertise doctors. • Types of skin pigmentation disorders • Primarily, there are three types of skin pigmentation as identified and described below: • Hypopigmentation • Hypopigmentation describes a situation where there is an under – or low – production of melanin, and this could make the skin to be significantly lighter. This skin pigmentation problem is commonly caused by blisters, chemicals, and burns. • Hyperpigmentation • Hyperpigmentation simply has to do with having melanin being overproduced and this will ultimately result in the development of markedly dark skin. An individual experiencing hyperpigmentation might have persistently exposed his/her skin directly to the sun, or have a long battle with age spots – that had been left untreated.

  4. Depigmentation • Depigmentation is a skin pigmentation disorder that is reflected when the colour of the skin is wholly lost. This could bring about some patches showing up around some parts of the body. • Common examples of skin pigmentation conditions • Melasma • Melasma is a hyperpigmentation disorder hence you will always find those experiencing the conditions having significantly dark skin. It is characterized by the appearance of brown or grey patches around the affected regions of the skin. • Vitiligo • Vitiligo is a clear example of depigmented skin, and it is classified as an autoimmune condition. Vitiligo is characterized by the loss of pigmentation in certain regions of the body.

  5. Albinism • Albinism reflects the example of a skin that is experiencing low production of melanin – hypopigmentation. People with albinism are known to be very sensitive to light and may find it hard to cope – especially as it concerns their vision – under direct sunlight. • What treatment options are available forFace Skin Pigmentation Treatment in Mumbai • The treatment options will usually vary depending on the type of pigmentation disorder. For instance, vitiligo can be taken care of through the use of light-sensitive medications (e.g., Psoralen, etc), skin grafting procedures, corticosteroids, and so on. Melasma may also be treated with corticosteroids, or surgical procedures such as microdermabrasion, laser treatment, chemical peels, etc. Albinism, on the other hand, does not have any cure although certain management measures have proved to be very valuable in sustaining healthy, glowing skin – even with albinism.

  6. In spite of the effectiveness of the treatment you will be getting for your skin pigmentation disorder, you must still be mindful of some precautionary steps if you’re desirous of maintaining healthy skin. In light of this, you should be committed to keeping your skin hydrated every day, and also use sunscreen when going out. The use of alcohol and smoking should also not be condoned. What would be the Skin Pigmentation Treatment Cost in Mumbai it basically depends upon the treatment of the patient skin and health condition also.


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