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Yoga is not limited to a single definition but rather encompasses various paths to connect with<br>our true selves. Understanding the classical definitions of yoga and exploring our own<br>understanding of it can unlock the doors to our intuition and creativity.
DifferentDefinitionsofYoga (From 15+Scriptures&Rootsof Yoga) Yog,or Yoga as it is commonly known, isderived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’. Sanskrit is a language with an extensive vocabulary and strict rules for word usage. Each word is a powerhouse ofenergyderived fromitsletters.Interestingly, thereisno terminologyfor“Yoga”in Sanskrit.Over time, Yog became associated with thelabel of Yoga. Achieving a conscious connection is key to accessing the true essence of yoga. Through this mindful awareness, we are able to fully immerse ourselves in the present moment and experience the people, things, and experiences around us in a more profound way. This state of connection is a joyful and fulfilling experience that adds a new level of depth and richness to our lives. Yoga is not limited to a single definition but rather encompasses various paths to connect with our true selves. Understanding the classical definitions of yoga and exploring our own understandingof it can unlock the doors to our intuition and creativity. The diverse definitions of yoga reveal a broad range of knowledge and experiences that can guideus along the yogic path towardself-realization. Here, let’s know the different meaning and definitionsof yoga, from the perspective of Bhagavad Gita,Katha Upanishad, Patanjali, Mahabharata, andmore. 1. Definition of Yoga According to Kathopanishad (6.10–11) According to the Kaṭha Upaniṣad 6.10–11, it is the "firm restraint of the senses." When the mind and senses (jñānāni),are still and the intellect is not active, one can reach the highest state. This state allows for complete focusand undistracted awareness. The practice of yoga enables us to achieve this state by allowing us to transcend our thoughts and senses, revealingour true selves. By understanding yoga as restraint, we can learn to control our thoughts, senses, and actions, improvingour overall mental and emotionalwell-being.
ImageSource-bhagavad-gita.us DefinitionofYogaAccordingtoBhagavadGita According to the Bhagavad Gītā, the ancient Hindu scripture, yoga isa path to equanimity and skill in action. In Chapter 2, verse 48, states that performing actions while established in yoga meansabandoning attachment andbeing equanimous in successand failure. ] Chapter 2, verse 50, states that yoga is a skill in action, while Chapter 6, verse 23, stresses the importance of practicing yoga as a separation from suffering.To fully benefit from yoga, one mustpractice with a non-dejected mind. Alsoread: 18 Life-ChangingBhagavad Gita Shlokas(Verses) With Meaningand Lessons Mahābhārata According to the Mahābhārata 12.304.2ab, there is no power that can match yoga. This ancient Hindu text recognizes yoga as the ultimate force of control and empowerment. It also acknowledges the importance of Sāṃkhya asa knowledge system.
Samkhya-Yoga is a spiritual discipline that aims to deepen practitioners' understanding of the fundamental distinction between Puruṣa (spirit) and Prakṛti (matter). 4.YogācārabhūmiŚrāvakabhūmi TheYogācārabhūmiŚrāvakabhūmi 2.152 highlights that yoga is comprised of four primary components– faith, aspiration, perseverance,and means. By incorporating all four elements, individuals can develop an elevated level of mindfulness, awareness,and self-discipline. Image Source-itra 5.DefinitionofYogabyPatanjali InthePātañjalayogaśāstra1.1.5,1.1–1.2,3.6yogaisdefinedasthesuppressionoftheactivities of the mind. Yoga is samādhi,a quality of the mindpresent in all states, including distracted (kṣipta), confused (mūḍha), agitated (vikṣipta), focused(ekāgra), and restrained (niruddha). HereisthedefinitionofyogabyPatanjaliinSanskrit: योगि9च वfृfनरोधः॥
(Yogaścitta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ) InEnglish,itcanbetranslatedas: "Yogaisthecessation ofthefluctuations ofthemind." Alsoread:PatanjaliYogaSutras-The DoorwaytoLiberationandNirvana Pañcārthabhāṣya According to the Pañcārthabhāṣya1.1.43, which explores the Pāśupatasūtra1.1, yoga is definedas the union between oneself andthe divine. Vaiśeṣikasūtra The 1.1.7 Vaiśeṣikasūtra28 5.2.15–16 reveals that pleasure and suffering in yoga stem from the unionof the senses, mind, and objects. However, when the mind is focused on the self, there is no experience of either pleasure or suffering. This is the essenceof yoga. The goal isto detach from externalstimuli and focus on innerpeace to achieve a state ofliberation from worldly desires. Liṅgapurāṇa The Liṅgapurāṇa1.8.5a describes yoga as the state of nirvāṇa,which refers to the condition of Śiva. In essence, the term ‘yoga’ represents the ultimate goal of achieving spiritual liberation, where one reaches a state of Supreme Consciousness and enters into a state of profound unity withthe divine. ŚivapurāṇaVāyavīyasaṃhitā Yoga is the art of creatinga tranquil mind, and in theŚivapurāṇa Vāyavīyasaṃhitā29 29.6, it is mentioned that yoga involves focusing one's mind completely onŚiva. This involves reining in othermental states and avoiding distraction. Parākhyatantra In 1.1.10 Parākhyatantra3014.95–7. Yogais oftendescribed as a formof contact. Accordingto Pratoda, it can't be theunion of the soul with atattva because the soul is all-pervading. Prakāśa suggests it's more about connecting with supernatural abilities or the powerof Śiva.
Prakāśa explains that yoga leads to the attainment of supernatural abilities, including the ability to become as smallas an atom. Itarises from a union with Śiva’spower,attainment of samādhi, or the practiceof yogaitself. Alternatively,yoga isan immersioninto thedivine arising fromthe contemplationof its nature. Mālinīvijayottara Yoga is more than just stretching and breathing exercises. As defined in the Mālinīvijayottara,it is the union ofone thing with another -specifically, the unionof the individual selfwith the universalconsciousness. This "thing" that must be known is essential in order to discern what needs to be rejected in orderto achieveenlightenment. To trulyunderstand this concept,one must havethe right knowledge(jñāna). Alsoread: How is Chanting Practiced Across Different Cultures Around the World? Brahmasūtrabhāṣya The Brahmasūtrabhāṣya ofŚaṅkara stresses that practicing yoga is the key to perceiving reality. Through yoga, one can develop greater self-awareness and an enhanced ability to observethe world around them. Yogaśataka Yogaśataka322.4 defineyoga as theconcurrence ofthree components: correctknowledge, doctrine, and conduct. This leads to conjunction with liberation. The term "yoga" can also refer to the soul's contact with the causes of these components. The importance of having correct knowledge,doctrine, and conductis paramountto achieving liberationthrough yoga. Vimānārcanākalpa In the ancient Hindu text Vimānārcanākalpa96, it is explained that yoga represents the merging of the individual self with the supreme self. This union is at the core of the practice and helps individualsachieveastateofpeaceandunitywithinthemselvesandwiththeworldaround them. Kṣemarāja'sUddyota In Kṣemarāja's Uddyota commentary on Svacchandatanta 6.45, it explains the concept of yoga asthe attainment of union with oneof the elements (tattvas) to be known.Knowledge, on the
other hand, is the experience of one of these elements. This provides a deeper understanding ofthe true essence of yogaas a means for achieving unionwith a specific element. DefinitionofYogaAccordingtoYogaVasistha Inthe YogaVasistha, yoga is portrayed as ameans to achieve liberation (moksha) by transcending the illusions of the material world and realizing the ultimate truth. It describes yoga asa practice thatinvolves disciplining the mind,controlling the senses,and cultivating self-awareness. The scripture emphasizes that true yoga goes beyond mere physical postures and exercises. It delves into the techniques of meditation, concentration, and self-inquiry to help individuals understandthe nature ofconsciousness and realizetheir inherent divinity.The YogaVasistha alsohighlights the importance of a guruor spiritual guide in the yogicjourney. Alsoread: Who is Yogi and Who is Yogini?Differences& Meaning DefinitionofYogaAccordingtoHathaYogaPradipika TheHatha YogaPradipika, aclassical texton HathaYoga, providesdetailed instructionson various yogic practices and techniques. It offers insights into the physical, energetic, and meditativeaspects of yoga. Accordingto the Hatha YogaPradipika, yoga is describedas a means toachieve the union of the sun (Ha) and the moon (Tha), representing the masculine and feminine energies, respectively. This union leads to theharmonization of the individual's physical, mental,and energeticaspects. The text highlights the importance of purifying and balancing the body and mind through various practices such as asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breath control), mudras (energetic gestures),andbandhas(energylocks).Thesepracticesaimtoawakenanddirecttheflowof vitalenergy (prana)within the body,leading to increasedvitality, health, andspiritual awakening. In conclusion, exploring the different definitions of yoga as presented in various scriptures provides us with a rich tapestry of perspectives and insights into this ancient practice. From Patanjali's definition of yoga as the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika's emphasis on the union of opposites, each scripture offers a unique perspective on thepurpose and essence of yoga. Tracing the origins of yoga back to ancient India, we discover its deep roots in the Indus Valley Civilization and its philosophical underpinnings in the Vedas and Upanishads. The codification of yoga by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras further laid the foundation for the systematic study and practiceof yoga.
Conclusion: Throughouthistory, yoga has evolved and diversified, giving rise to different schoolsand lineages, each emphasizing different aspects of the practice. From physical postures to breath control, meditation, and self-inquiry, yoga encompasses a wide range of practices thataim to cultivatephysical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As we delve into the multitude of scriptures and ancient texts, we find that yoga is not limited to a single definition or approach. It is a multifaceted and ever-evolving practice that offers somethingfor everyone, regardlessof their individualinclinations or spiritualbeliefs.