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Treatment for Hepatitis C - Hepatitisccare

Dr. Karun Verma is offering highly effective treatment for Hepatitis C with no side effects. For more details visit us online and contact us on phone for appointment. <br>

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Treatment for Hepatitis C - Hepatitisccare

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  1. Welcome to Hepatitisccare.com

  2. Alternative Treatment of Hepatitis C  Hepatitis C is an Infectious virus which is carried from the blood stream to the liver resulting in inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis C is symptomatic in the beginning, although chronic infection results in scarring of liver and later leads to cirrhosis of liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) and fatty liver. Hepatitis C is also called Hep C or HCV. Dr. Karun Verma’s award winning alternative treatment of Hepatitis C is highly effective Hepatitis C treatment in India with no side effects. The herbal treatment of Hepatitis C is a ray of hope for those patients who are unable to tolerate, afford or not eligible for Interferon and Ribavirintherapy.

  3. HCV Care compound – 1, 2 & 3. The analysis of the study showed the following observations in treatment for Hepatitis C: Improvement in symptoms (subjective questioning) The reduction in levels of viral hepatitis load. Level of serum glycolytic enzymes (ALT & AST) were reduced within 2 - 6 months.

  4. Contact Us At: • Call us at 99106-72020 for a free consultation. • Email Us @ drharishverma@gmail.com • Visit @http://www.hepatitisccare.com/

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