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Debt consolidation and debt settlement serve distinct functions. The former helps you get out of high-interest debt while improving your credit score.
Learnthe KeyDistinctionsBetween Debt ConsolidationAndSettlement
Understanding Debt Consolidation Itis a strategyforpayingoffmultipleloans atoncewitha singledebtproduct.
AdvantagesofDebt Consolidation Yousave money on interestpayments. Itboostsyour credibility through foreclosure. Yourborrowing capacityimproves.
UnderstandingDebt Settlement Youcloseyourloanbypaying lessthanwhatyouowe. g
AdvantagesofDebt Settlement Itreducesyourdebtload. Youcanovercomethedefaultscenario.
Debt Settlement vs DebtConsolidation
Influences Your Creditworthiness Debt settlement worsens your credit report. Debt consolidation aids inbuildingastrong creditprofile.
Influences Your BorrowingPotential Debt settlement lowers your borrowing capacity.
Beneficial Debt settlement should be used as a last resort during a financial crisis. Debt consolidation is recommended when you want to improveyourcreditreport.
Cost Debtconsolidationiscostlydueto thehigherdebtcoverageratio.
Debtconsolidationshouldbeused toimprove credit, while settlement should be used as a last resort to avoiddefault.
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