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Get details: https://www.magesolution.com/magento2-layered-navigation.html<br>Magento Layered Navigation is designed to allow you to customize the layered navigation filter for category page and catalog search page of your website.
S P E E D S U P T H E B U Y I N G P R O C E S S Magento 2 Layered Navigation is designed to allow you to customize the layered navigation filter for category page and catalog search page of your website.
VARIOUS POWERFUL FEATURES Display multi-options for the Category filter Filter results by price range Filter results by multi-select in one attribute Filter the search results by multi- attribute Enable or disable Ajax Loading
F A S T A J A X L O A D I N G The matching results will be shown instantly and smoothly after filtering any product attribute instead of reloading a whole pagey, and of course, your store shoppers can't have a chance to be disappointed
P R I C E S L I D E R C O N T R O L By the drag and drop way, you can easily to manage the price range on the slider and have the matching items on a second without reloading the whole page
S E A R C H B Y P R O D U C T A T T R I B U T E S Customers are able to search by product's attributes including Price, Category, Style, Size and Color once looking at the Filter panel
M U L T I S E L E C T A T T R I B U T E S Each product attribute provides multiple choices and customers are allowed to filter via one or more values at the same time. Certainly, they will get the most suitable results for their products
S E O F R I E N D L Y U R L S SEO- friendly URL composes of your site' agenda which supports you on search engines.
F U L L Y R E S P O N S I V E Layered Navigation For Magento 2 allows you customers to access your site by any devices