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Challenges of Enterprise Mobile App Development
In the last couple of years, mobile enterprise application platforms have seen substantial growth. • Businesses have recognized the need for enterprise mobile app development, as they’ve deemed it to be very important for their operations. • By investing inmobile enterprise application development, businesses are able to significantly improve the efficiency of all their systems and processes, as these applications enable and empower a mobile workforce. …
There are two types of mobile enterprise apps- customer-facing, and employee-facing- that overlap with one another and function hand-in-hand. • As appealing as mobile enterprise application development sounds, businesses everywhere are facing certain challenges in the field. • This makes it difficult to deliver enterprise mobile apps that perform brilliantly. What follows, are the main challenges business face when it comes to mobile enterprise application platforms. …
The Right Resources and Expertise • The first and foremost thing needed when it comes to enterprise mobile app development is the right kind of expertise and resources. • As the industry of mobile enterprise application development is fairly new, businesses may find that sourcing the right resources and expertise is a difficult task. • Gartner has stated that… …because enterprise mobile app development has become a “business necessity”, businesses most often lack the basic application development lifecycle skills like quality assurance, UX design, security requirements, as well as back-end data integration. …
Back-end Integration • As it isn’t exactly a walk in the park to integrate all back-end resources with public APIs, back-end integration is one of the biggest challenges businesses face in terms of mobile enterprise application development. • Moreover, with technology advancing and expanding every single day, back-end integration becomes even more important, as well as more challenging to do. …
User Authentication • With developing mobile enterprise application platforms, it is necessary to implement an extremely safe user authentication process. • As user authentication is assailable, the thought of developing a whole new user authentication process that’s secure from scratch can be quite intimidating. Besides being daunting, this task is also a long, trying one. …
Security • One of the a major challengesthat the development of mobile enterprise application platforms faces is quality security measures. • Just like any other mobile app, the security of enterprise mobile apps too, need reat amount of attention. • If security is overlooked during the process of mobile enterprise application development, your employees, as well as your customers can be significantly affected- and definitely not for the better. …
API Strategy • During the process of developing mobile enterprise application platforms, it is important to develop a solid API strategy. • This is because powering your mobile enterprise app requires certain APIs to enable certain functions on the app. • This is turn requires companies to take a good look at their existing APIs and analyze whether they’re fit to fulfill every requirement of the enterprise mobile app. • If the current APIs aren’t satisfactory, it’s then necessary to modify them, or even create new ones. …
Data Encryption • Mobile enterprise application platforms require a strong data encryption system. • This is because encrypting data is vital, as it keeps important information safe. • Enterprise mobile apps, like any other application, can be accessed very easily, and data can be modified, as well as copied onto other devices. By having a strong, secure data encryption system in place, all confidential information can be secured and stopped from being stolen. …
User Interface • When it comes to mobile enterprise application development, whether it's for your employees or customers, it’s common knowledge that it's really important to focus on the app’s functionality. • However, besides functionality, usability is also a very crucial aspect. • That’s where great UI comes into play. Like all apps, mobile enterprise apps also need to be intuitive and easy to use, while keeping the app as functional as possible. …