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5 Tips For Dressing Up Any Lounge Set!

After a year of working from home and social isolation, it's finally time to start dining out, catching up with friends, and venturing out into the world. There's just one problem: your closet, which used to be packed with colourful going-out outfits and professional attire, is now primarily loungewear.

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5 Tips For Dressing Up Any Lounge Set!

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  1. 5 Tips For Dressing Up Any Lounge Set! www.houseofdreams.in

  2. Afterayearofworkingfromhomeandsocial isolation, it'sfinallytimetostartdiningout, catchingupwithfriends, andventuringoutintothe world. There'sjustoneproblem: yourcloset, which usedtobepackedwithcolourfulgoing-outoutfits andprofessionalattire, isnowprimarily loungewear. Wannastepoutofthehouseinyour comfyloungewear ? Herearefivewaystomake yourloungewearseemcute:

  3. 1. Proportionsmatter: Fittedshirts shouldbewornwithloosebottoms, whileoversizedtopsshouldbeworn withslenderbottoms. 2. Addasweater/cardigan:Ifthe weatheriscoolerwhereyoulive, layer asweateroveryourshouldersfora smart, preppylook.

  4. 3. Undersetyourtop: You'lllookmoreput-together ifyoutuckyourtopin. Evenifit'sassimpleas tuckingyourshirtintoyoursweatpants. We'vegot yourbackonthisone. 4. Monochrome:Nothingbeatsamonochrome ensemblefromheadtotoe. Useavarietyoftones andtexturestogiveyourappearancedepth. 5. Accessorise:Layeronthegemstobringintrigue andpersonalitytoyourensemble. Theoccasion callsforlarge, strikingjewelry.

  5. Thesearefivewaysyoucan stepupyourloungewear fashion. Ifyou’reinterestedin purchasingquirkyand fashionableloungewearand sleepwearonline, checkoutthe HouseOfDreams’ websiteat www.houseofdreams.in!

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