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Explore premier aerospace engineering colleges in Pune and India, including the esteemed IIAEIT. Learn about the comprehensive programs and opportunities offered to students interested in aerospace engineering. Join us at IIAEIT to unlock your potential and pave the way for a rewarding career in aerospace engineering https://iiaeit.org/our-programs/undergraduate-programs/b-tech-aerospace-engineering/
P R O S P E C T U S InAssociationwith AeronauticalEngineering&ResearchOrganisation(AERO) C O U R S E SO F F E R E D DUAL DEGREE (B.T ech Aerospace + M.T ech Aerospace Engineering) UNDERGRADUA TE(B.T echAerospaceIAeronauticalIAvionicsEngineering) POST GRADUA T E(M.T echAerospaceEngineering) www.cet.aero.edu.in 9822013633 /8806033119 www.adypu.edu.in cet@aero.edu.in
Duration:5years B.T ech+M.T echinAerospace Engineering C areerinB .T ec h+ M.T ec hin A erospac eE ngineering Eligibility: Chemistry , and Mathematics/Biology obtained at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category)intheabovesubjectstakentogether . OR Passedminimum3yearsDiplomaEngineeringwithatleast45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category)subjecttovacanciesatlateralentry . Passed 10+2 examination with Physics, DefenseServices. Govt.ResearchLabslike– DefenceResearch andDevelopmentOrganisation(DRDO), NationalAerospaceLaboratories(NAL), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Indian SpaceResearchOrganisation(ISRO),Gas T urbine Research Establishment (GTRE), etc. AeronauticalDevelopmentAgency(ADA), AeronauticalDevelopmentEstablishment(ADE) Private Industries: General Electric, Boeing, Airbus, Pratt & Whitney , T A T A Aerospace & Defence, Quest Global, Mahindra Aerospace, etc. Ensuringsafetyandsecurityfeaturesinsuch complexsystems. Providingsolutionstomakethesystemwork againifitmalfunctions. Assembling andtesting ofsuchsystems. GuidethePilotsofAircraftinAviationand Navigation. P R O G R A MMEH IG H L IG H T PracticeSessions MOOCs/IndustrialCertification DesignProjects&InvestigatoryProjects FieldProjects AnalyticalProjects IndustrialT raining ResearchPaperWriting&Publication B.T ech + M.T ech in Aerospace Engineering is a dual degree course in which the student will complete the engineering course in 5 years. During this course, Bachelor and Master degrees in technology will be completed in 5 years. This program provides you with a sound knowledge of Design, Manufacturing and Development in Aviation and Space Domains. It develops in you an abilitytoanalyzecomplex Engineering problems and solutions to them. The Research-oriented aspect of this integrated program enlightens the critical thinking and design orientation in students. The successful post graduates will be hired in various sectors including Flight Operation Analysis Engineer , Executive Research Associates, Research Scientists, Market Researchers, Aerospace Design Engineer , Academician andmanyothers. generate Research-Oriented W HA TY O UW IL LS T U D Y? MathematicalMethodsinAerospaceEngineering AirframeStructuresandStructuralDesign SpaceT echnology FlightDynamics&Performance AerospacePropulsion FlightVehicleDesign Aerodynamics FluidDynamics Communication&Instrumentation NavigationalandGuidanceControlSystems
Duration:4years B.T echAerospaceEngineering E LIG IB ILIT Y : Passed 10+2 examination withPhysics,Chemistry ,andMathematics/ Biology obtained at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects takentogether . OR Passed minimum Engineering with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) subject to vacancies at lateralentry . 3 years Diploma P R O G R A MMEH IG H L IG H T PracticeSessions MOOCs/IndustrialCertification DesignProjects&InvestigatoryProjects FieldProjects AnalyticalProjects IndustrialT raining Aerospace Engineering and Astronautical Engineering. It is the primary field of Engineering concerned with the Development of Aircraft and Spacecraft. In the Indian context previously only the Aeronautical Engineering disciplinewas availablehowever withincreaseddemand in the Aviation Sector and growing Research and Development need thedemandforAerospaceEngineershasincreasedacrosstheglobe. Aerospace Engineering science technological breakthrough. Aerospace Engineers have a lot of opportunities in the Commercialand Defense Sectors of the Aviation and Space Industries. They have several chances in both the Public andPrivatesectors,withexposuretobothDomesticandInternational organisations. Aerospace Engineers are drawn to Space Exploration Research. Drone Technology promises to be an exciting moment for Aerospace Engineers. Drone Technologies, Satellite Technologies, Autonomous Systems, Air Transport Systems, and Space-Based Internet Technologies promise to be exciting times for Aerospace Engineers. Engineering is a combination of Aeronautical ResearchPaperWriting&Publication S P E C IA L IZA T IO NSINA E R O S P A C E ENGINEERING has developed to include AerodynamicsandFluidMechanics Structural Dynamics and Aero Elasticity MaterialsScienceandCompositeMaterials Aircraft&SpacecraftPropulsionSystem Aircraft & Spacecraft Dynamics Control System
Duration:4years B.T echAeronauticalEngineering Eligibility: Passed 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology obtained at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects takentogether. OR Passed minimum Engineering with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) subject to vacancies at lateralentry. and Mathematics/ 3 years Diploma AeronauticalEngineeringisasubjectthatincludesthestudyofHugeAirCarriers,LightweightHelicopters,Vehicles suchasDrones,Missiles&Airplanes(CommercialandNon–Commercial),WeaponSystemsandseveralotherFlying Vehicles. The curriculum of B.T ech in Aeronautical Engineering covers various fields such as Planning, Designing, Structures, Aerodynamics, Impetus, Streamlined features and frameworks of Aircrafts. Aeronautical Engineering stays one of the most captivating courses in Applied Science and Design. Aeronautical Engineers create Air Innovation; different advancements are additionally refreshed relatively . Drone technology promises to be an excitingmomentforAeronauticalEngineers.DroneTechnologies,AutonomousSystems,andAirTransportSystems promisetobeexcitingtimesforAeronauticalEngineers. Specializations 1.Aerodynamicsand FluidMechanics 2.StructuralDynamicsand Aero elasticity 3.MaterialScienceand CompositeMaterial 4.AircraftPropulsion 5.AircraftDynamics ControlSystem Publication Whatyouwillstudy? 1. AircraftT ransportationSystems 2. AircraftPropulsion 3. Aerodynamics 4. FluidDynamics 5. Communication & Instrumentation 6. Navigationaland GuidanceControlSystems Programm eHighlight 1. PracticeSessions 2. MOOCs /IndustrialCertification 3. Design Projects&Investigatory Projects 4. FieldProjects 5. AnalyticalProjects 6. IndustrialT raining 7. ResearchPaperWriting& 7. AircraftMaterials C A R E E RINA E R O NA U T IC A LE N G INE E R ING • DefenseService • Govt.ResearchLabs Like-DefenceResearchand Development Organisation (DRDO), National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), Hindustan AeronauticsLimited (HAL),IndianSpace ResearchOrganisation (ISRO), GasTurbineResearch Establishment(GTRE),etc. • CommercialAirlines-AirIndia,SpiceJet,IndiGo,etc. • Aeronautical Development Agency(ADA), AeronauticalDevelopmentEstablishment(ADE) • Private Industries: General Electric, Boeing, Airbus Pratt&Whitney,TATAAerospace&Defence,Quest Global,MahindraAerospace,T anejaAerospace,etc. • DirectorateGeneralofCivilAviation(DGCA) • AirportDesign andAdministration • DroneDesign and itsManufacturing
Duration:4years B.T echAvionicsEngineering Eligibility: Passed 10+2 Examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology obtained at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidatesbelonging to reserved category) in the above subjects taken together. OR Passed minimum 3 years Diploma Engineering with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) subject to vacancies at lateralentry. Specializations 1. FlightControlSystem 2. DigitalElectronics,Communication& Computersystems 3. Human MachineInterfaces 4. NavigationSystems 5. VehicalHealthManagementSystems 6. NetworkingSystems B. T ech comprises Electronics,Electrical&Instrumentation Systems along with theAviation sector .ThewordAvionics is derived from the word Aviation and Electronics and it includes a number of core Electronic and Electrical subjects, for example,Digital Electronics, Communication, Computer Systems, and Control Systems, which helps to understand deeplyelectronicsusein theAviationIndustry .Thescopeof Avionics covers the Electronic Systems installed on all Aerospace Vehicles, be it Aircraft or Spacecraft &also ground-based surveillanceand supportsystems.The scope of Avionics not only encompasses the Electronic Systems installedon allAerospace Vehicles,be itAircraftor Spacecraft,butalso ground-based surveillanceand support systems.Avionics systemsincludeFly-By-WireFlightControl Systems,Human Machine Interfaces,Navigation Systems, Communication Systems, Vehicle Health Management Systems, Sensors, Networking, Flight, andAir T raffic Management Systems. With Avionics Systems constituting almost forty percentof theoverallAircraftcost,Avionicsisa multi-billion-dollar industry flourishing. The essence of Avionics is to design for Space Weight and Power constrained environments where safety criticality is the overriding factor .Resultantly ,Avionics Engineering is applicable not only to Airborne and Space borneplatformsbutall AutonomousSystemswheresafetyis paramount,self-drivingcarsbeing aprime example. FuturisticTransportationSystemslikeUrbanAirMobilityand Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) will further enhance the scopeofAvionicsEngineering. Avionics Engineering is a specialization that ProgrammeHighlight PracticeSessions MOOCs /IndustrialCertification Design Projects &Investigatory Projects FieldProjects AnalyticalProjects IndustrialT raining word wide and rapidly Research PaperWriting& Publication Whatyouwillstudy? AircraftControland Guidance SpacecraftEngineering Avionics System NavigationEngineering
Duration:2years M.T echAerospaceEngineering Eligibility: Engineering/AeronauticalEngineering/Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics/orEquivalentwitha minimumof50% (45% incaseofcandidatebelonging to thereservedcategoryorpersonwithdisability)in the qualifying examinations from a recognized University/Institution. Completed B.E./B.T ech in Aerospace CareerinM.T ech Aerospace Engineering The department gives its full support to the studentsso thattheyturnoutto bethebest Engineers with flying colors in their career .The department provides the perfect ground and widerhorizon to pursue theircareerin coreand other IT related streams through various Skill Development Activities. The placement record of thedepartmenthas alwaysbeen impressive. Studentsofthedepartmentareofferedremarkable placements through on /off campus selection. Many students are getting opportunities in the PSUs, National / International Institutes and LaboratoriesforResearchandHigherStudies. Master of Technology in Aerospace Engineering is a T wo- Year Post-Graduate Aerospace Aerospace Engineering is the primary branch of Engineering concerned with the Design, Construction, and Science of Aircraft and Spacecraft. The course offers core subjects like Engineering Analysis of Flight Vehicles, Mathematical Modelling, Flight Vehicle Structures, Air Transportation &Space Transportation Systems and Computational Approaches Aerodynamics. A dedicated project work is taken up by every student for two semesters during second year. The project work is aimed at high quality standards used in current industry practices. Some Project works are also supported by leading MNCs and Defence Laboratories involved in state of art Research and Development. The Master of Technology course in Aerospace Engineering focuses on the Designing, Construction, Development, Testing,Operation,and Maintenance of both Commercial and Military Aircraft, Spacecraft,and their componentsas wellasSatellitesandMissiles. Engineering course. Ideal Skills&Qualities forthisProgram StrongAnalyticalandProblem-SolvingSkills Creativeandableto seealternativewaysofthings CommunicationSkills SpeedandAccuracy Good withMathematicsandPhysics T echnicalAcumen InterestedinAviationandSpaceScience SenseofResponsibility FocusandPassionate Specializations for Structures & 1.Aerodynamics 2.Propulsion 3.FlightDynamicsandControls 4.Structure Whatyouwillstudy? AircraftandAerospaceStructures EngineeringAerodynamics&FlightMechanics Introductionto SpaceT echnology AerodynamicDesign StructuralDesign ElementsofGasDynamics&Propulsion
Lateral EntryFor B.Tech Courses Duration:3 years Eligibility:Passed minimum3 yearsDiploma inEngineeringwithatleast45% marks(40% marksincaseof candidatesbelogining toreservedcategory)subjecttovacanciesatentry. Lateral Entry AerospaceEngineering Avionics Engineering Aeronautical Engineering AEROCLUB • AeromodellingClub • InnovationClub • RocketClub • SpaceClub • PhotographyClub • T elescopeClub VALUEADDEDCOURSES • AdvancedCFD • 3D Modeling • PythonforAerospace • MathlabforAerospace • Foreign Languages
W orkshop&Industrial Visit Mr. Bhargava Ramana Rayaprolu, Chief Executive Officer, Maruthsakha Aerospace & Aviation Pvt Ltd, Bangalore gave an Expert Lecture on “Aviation Industry Challenges” to Space Engineering student’s Guest Lecture on Career Path and Roles & Responsibilities of Aerospace/Aeronautical/Avionics Engineers for the Current World “Kirloskar Pneumatic CompanyLimited, Pune” “Airforce Station, Pune” “Ordinary to Extraordinary” Workshop "BangaloreHALMuseum, 2023"
W orkshop&Industrial Visit Aero India 2023, Bangalore ”Python for Aero Engineers” Workshop Students have participated in the “Robotic & VR Workshop-2023” “Rubber Powered Airplane Modeling Workshop”
SportsParticipation&E vents Students have received the Second Prize in the “Go-Kart Chamionship-2023” Students have received Second Prize in the “Tug of War-2022” Students have received First Prize in the “The Pitch-2023” Students have participated in the “Women’s Kabaddi-2023” Students have participated in the “Table Tennis-2023” Received Second Prize in the “Women’s Tug of War-2023”
Fly the new feeling Charholi Rd Solar Parking DYPatil International School,Pune Aerospace Aeronautical workshop PrideWorld CityRd ADYPU Circle Adypu Technical Campus DY Patil Dental School Ajeenkya DY Patil University Pride world cityRd D Y patil University Rd Lohegaon Rd Ajeenkya DY Patil University DY Patil Knowledge City Road Via kohgaon, Airport Rd,Charholi Budruk,Pune,Maharashtra 412105, Directions Porwal Rd, Lohgaon Location Map To Lohegaon Dhanori-Lohegaon Rd