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Get the best deals on micro bikini competition suits, posing suits and save up to 15% off at Competitionsuitshop now! Whatever you are shopping for, we have got it.<br><br>Contact Details :<br><br> 1-646-755-9535<br><br>52 Fox Hedge Road, Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 USA<br><br>Email : info@competitionsuitshop.com<br>https://www.competitionsuitshop.com/bikini-competition-suits.html
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PinkPurpleCandyliciousBikini… $329 LimeOnLimeBikiniCompetitio… $329 BlueRedVirtusBikiniCompetiti… $329 BuyProduct BuyProduct BuyProduct VIEWMOREPRODUCTS! CompetitionSuitShopExclusive 100%OFF ClaimYourFreeShippingToday Whatisexactlyis aBikiniCompetitionSuitand MicroBikiniCompetitionSuit? ikini Competitions. Simply put, Bikini Competitions (and Figure Competition hesecompetitionsfocusmoreonmuscledefinitionandnotjustsize.Bikinic To understandthis,wemustfirstknowaboutB forwomen.Althoughsimilartobodybuilding,t s) arephysique-exhibition fitnesscompetitions ompetitionswereintroducedasasportwhen thepopularityofbodybuildingforwomenstartedtodecline. Fitness and Bodybuilding Competitions held today are extremely competitive with athletes ranging from professionals to beginner levels. The key divisions for CompetitionsareFigureCompetition,BikiniCompetition,PhysiqueCompetition,andFitnessCompetition. The first of these physique-exhibition, fitness transformation competition, Figure Competition, was launched as a Women’s bodybuilding sport in the late 1980s as a supplementarycategorytothedominantmalebodybuildingplatform.Inpreviousyearsitwasuncommonfor womentocompeteinmusclebuildingcompetitionsand beautypageantswerethemainstageforwomentocompetein. Bikini Competitions started as a segment to encourage more women (who were not willing to be as muscular as bodybuilders in Figure Competition segments) to participate in fitness and figure transformation sports. It retained traditional aspects of a pageantry competition mixed with professional women’s bodybuilding. It focused less on muscle definition and more on proportion, symmetry, balance, shape and presentation. Bikini Competitions allowed women who didn’t want to be muscular as bodybuilderstohavetheirownplatformtoshine.ThefirstBikiniOlympiawasintroducedin2010,since thenithasgrowntobecomethelargestandmostpopular division onthefitnessstage. There are many acclaimed federations that athletes can choose to participate in now. The three most popular federations are The International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness IFBB, The National Physique Alliance NPC, and The Women Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness WFBB, in addition to the more famous Mr. Olympia and Arnoldevents.Theseeventsareheldworldwideandthroughoutthecalendaryear. In order to compete in these events, athletes must wear a Bikini Suit. These competition bikinis are two-piece bathing suits (akin to swimsuits) that are tailor-made exclusively for a competitor taking part in Bikini Competitions. You can find beautiful examples of these handcrafted Bikini Suit, and Bikini Posing Suits at www.competitionsuitshop.com. In addition to Competition Bikini, bikini posing suits and bikini suit, our leading online store also offers figure competition suits, practice suits, robesandaccessoriestomakeyourperfect,unique,limited-editionoutfitforstage! The competitions (in all segments) features two rounds of pageantry. The first round focuses on presentation of each individual athletes. The judges view and compare competitors from different sides for symmetry and aesthetic qualities such as skin tone, hair, make-up, and stylishness of clothing. This is where the importance of your suitstyleanddesigncomesintoplay. The ultimate goal of a Bikini Competition Suit is to highlight the athletes hard work put into their fitness, nutrition, stage routines and performance and Competition Suit Shop has first-hand knowledge of this, having competed ourselves! Our website offers millions of design combination to create unique non-repeating and limited-edition suits for each competitor. Competition Suit Shop offers a complete customization selection as well as 24/7 customer service with dedicated experts who have competed in IFBB, NPC, and WFBB events. With dedicated expert customer service, competitors can rest assured knowing they have one less thing to worry about and just focus on winningwiththeirperfectsuit! Thesecondroundofcompetitionfocusesontheathleticqualitiesof thecompetitors.Judgeswilltakeintoaccountthefollowingcriteria-conditioning,leanness,
muscularitywhilstretaining a“feminine”(notbrawny)physique. Whatshouldyoushouldlookfor inaBikiniCompetitionSuit? Itisabsolutelyvitaltogettheperfectcompetitionbikiniandfinding acompanythatcandeliverthebest suitintermsofquality,size, style,designcanbesuchanoverwhelmingtaskinadditiontofocusingongettinginshape CompetitionSuitShopisthepremier choicewhenitcomestochoosingtherightsuittocompetein.Our suitsareidealfor all level ofathletes,fromfirst-timerstoprolevel athletes, and designed to enhance your chance of winning your competition. For Pro-Level athletes we offer Micro Bikini Competition Suit. Micro Bikini Competition Suit are specifically patterned and designed to highlight the muscle definition of competing athletes. The suits are 100% handcrafted with state of art quality and crystals. And we alsoofferbikiniposingsuits as optionsforcompetitorstopre-ordertotesttheirstagesizes. Because we are the direct source of production, our products are offered at the best all-inclusive prices, with no middleman or third-party vendor mark ups! Weareatyourservice 24/7,pleasedonothesitatetoContactUsor ScheduleaFREEConsultationtobestdetermineyourrequirements. HelpfulLinks: WhyChooseCompetitionsuitshop.com? WhentoOrder? FAQs Didn'tfindwhatyou'relookingfor?Createyourownuniquedesignswithus.Weprovidefreedesignmockupstobringyourvisiontolife! CompetitionSuitShopExclusive 100%OFF ClaimYourFreeShippingToday DON’TMI SSOUT! Get exclusive offers,latesttrends&ournewarrivalsdeliveredstraighttoyourinbox! JoinourCSSWearWeeklynewsletterToday EnterYourEmailAddress Subscribe Company Resources Home BikiniTopStyle info@competitionsuitshop.com AboutUs BikiniBottomStyle MyAccount MeasurementGuide +1-646-755-9535 BikiniBottomStyle FiguresuitTopStyle CustomCompetitionSuit PaymentPlan OurSocialmedia BestTimetoOrder FiguresuitBottomStyle Whychooseus GiftCards HelpCenter ContactUs ScheduleaConsult CancellationPolicy PrivacyPolicy CoronavirusUpdate FAQs ReturnsandRemake RefundPolicy Payment&Delivery Terms& Conditions
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