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If you want to amp up your online marketing efforts and touch the highest plateau of success, you need to follow certain standard practices.<br>Create fresh and original content
7 Wa y s t o A mp U p y o u r O n l i n e Ma r k e t i n g E f f o r t s If you want to amp up your online marketing efforts and touch the highest plateau of success, you need to follow certain standard practices. Create fresh and original content Content creation and publishing is no longer a boring chore. Here are a few tips to create fresh content for users:
•Determine keywords that are most relevant to your business/industry. •Always target long-tail keywords and address the needs of your audiences. •Explore what hash-tagged keywords are trending. •Update or edit old articles. •Proofread for spelling mistakes. •Create a check-list to improve readability. Know more about Mobilegeddon On April 21, 2015, Google released a significant new mobile- friendly ranking algorithm that’s designed to give a boost to mobile-friendly pages in Google’s mobile search results. – Searchengineland. Means, if your website is not mobile- friendly, it may suffer serious setbacks. Ways to create a mobile-friendly website: •Never create a separate website for mobile.
•Use responsive design to make your site device friendly. •Include a viewport meta tag (https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_rwd_viewport.asp) •Study – https://blog.hootsuite.com/9-tips-to-creating-a- mobile-friendly-website/ Focus on Common Technical SEO Issues You should take technical SEO as the most critical part of your website’s success. (The cornerstone of a successful organic search campaign has always been technical SEO. – Searchenginewatch) Tips – •Resolve links & redirects issues that often go unnoticed. •Fix format errors in sitemap.xml files. •Resolve duplicate content issues. •Pay attention to text-to-HTML ratio.
Use creative link building tactics If you want to gain success in link building, you need to devise right content strategies. Tips – •Leverage video marketing to make your brand stand out. •Allow bloggers to write reviews on your site’s products. (According to BrightLocal, 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.) •Build an internal linking structure. Use Social Profiles If you are struggling to gain online visibility, you should use untapped opportunities. One of the most underutilised assets is the use of social media profiles. Here are a few ways to use it properly: •Give a website link in social media profiles.
•Create a professional profile on LinkedIn, Reddit and Facebook. •Share your content with right people. Shun Black Hat Techniques Rule is simple – if you aren’t following Google’s best practices, you are committing a mistake. Tips •Stay away from penguin penalty. •Avoid looking for reciprocal links to get link juice. •Never overuse anchor text and keep an eye on malicious backlinks. Wisely use LinkedIn to grow your network in a professional way It is no secret that professionals love LinkedIn. LinkedIn holds great power in today’s business environment. Hence, as a marketer, you must use LinkedIn.
•Always write professional and compelling headlines. (use keywords if possible.) •Use professional photos and write good summary. Remember, online marketing techniques are sensitive, so, set goals to track your progress and use the above mentioned tactics as per your business objectives. To find out more, visit https://www.indazo.com/blog/7-ways-to-amp-up-your- online-marketing-efforts/