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2019u2019s Most Recommended EdTech Companies To Watch, have come across a few significant organizations that have leveraged every opportunity in this domain.
2019|Volume-9|Issue-4 www.insightssuccess.com EdTechCompanies
Editor’sDesk echnology and the discipline of education have been treading on parallel roads, ceaselessly progressing and transcendinginto notions that now hold the potential to change thevery definition of humanevolution. There have been numerous avenues in the field of education which have provided a path forinnovative organizations to tap into a superfluous proportion of resources, which in turn aided the conception of revolutionary platforms andtechnologies. A plethora of eLearning platforms have been on the rise, catering to newer generations of young learners and aspiring professionals. From cloud based learning systems to customized content approaches, eLearning platforms have striven to deliver top-notch quality offerings, in lieu of the traditional learningcultureand teachingmethods. Taking into consideration this transformation of the education sector, for the better, we at InsightsSuccess, in our journey to seek 2019’s Most Recommended EdTech Companies To Watch, have come across a few significant organizations that have leveraged every opportunity in thisdomain. The companies that have been featured in thisedition include: Anak2U, a simple school management system for childcare and early education centres to track achild’s T 2019|Volume-9|Issue-4 www.insightssuccess.com EdTechCompanies The Changing Roads ofEducation
learning in class and report it to parents. The company revolutionizes the way a report is generated, firstly by making it digital, and then enhancing it by providing recommendation activities to parents, that are auto-generated by the systemto ensure that children’s learning does not stop atschool. codeSpark, a venture backed edtech company behind codeSpark Academy, the world’s #1 coding platform for kids ages4- 10. Using a proprietary “no words” interface, codeSpark has introduced more than 30 million kids to coding in just four years. codeSpark was inspired by co-founder Grant Hosford’s young daughters, who wanted to know how computerswork. Kids use codeSpark Academy to design and code over 27,000 video games and interactive stories everyday. EtutorWorld which is a leading EdTech company delivering world-class online tutoring services for K-12 and Test Prep. The organization’s mission is to provide top-notch tutoring services combined with affordability and convenience, makingit the most sought-after e-learning platform across US and other countriesglobally. route2work is a social impact business and a full-service education, qualifications and careers provider. Its primary focus is to get talent into work and in accelerating the careers of those already in work by offering world-class digitized contentwith vendor-based qualifications, that is industry-standard, and leads to interviews & career progression with their employment partners. TeenEinstein is a technology company focused on enhancing Math education for kids in United States and worldwide. The company’s AI is being used as the tool in knowledge dissemination by the STEM leaders. Also working towards world’sfirst high caliber STEM University with access to one all, across the globe, TeenEinstein’s endeavor is to take the STEM education to one and all and make it interesting and that leads to lots of innovation and benefits to the commonman. TinyTap is an award-winning educational platform, that enables limitless learning for children by giving them access toover 150,000 interactive games created by top educators worldwide. The platform empowers teachers to easily create educational games or activities for their students and allows them to share these games for free or as premium content in the TinyTap marketplace app and webportal. A few other companies that are worth a mention pertaining to their work in the EdTech sphere are, Versado Training,Tyler Technologies, MaxBrain, andDavtonLearn. Also make sure to flip through articles from top industry experts and by our in-house editorial team to receive a brief tasteof the sector and be au fait with the knowhows. Bon appétit! AbhishajSajeev AbhishajSajeev
10 Anak2U Reforming Education One Child at aTime codeSpark TurningProgramming intoPlay! 12 eTutorWorld Changing the Face of Online EducationGlobally 20 route2work Creating Pathwaystowardsa World ofOpportunity 22
Contents TeenEinstein A Global Approach to Enhance STEMEducation 28 TinyTap Limitless Interactive Learningfor KidsWorldwide 30 CXOStandpoint Article 16 EDITOR’SPICK Changing Paradigms of the Traditional EducationSystem 24 LEADERSHIPTHOUGHT Leveraging the Potential of Gaming intoEducation
Pooja M.Bansal Anish Miller AbhishajSajeev Upama,Ryan Editor-in-Chief SeniorEditor ManagingEditor ContributingWriters David King Amol Kamble PriyankaRajage Paul Belin DeepanjaliJena Visualiser Art & DesignHeadArt & DesignAssistant Co-designer Art & PictureEditor Sherin Rodricks Jennifer Winget Sophie, Brad,Sapna Alice, Judy,Anna Business DevelopmentManager MarketingManager Business DevelopmentExecutives SalesExecutives DayEditorial 2019-10-2218:10:22 -------------------------------------------- remove Change to: MaryD'Souza DayEditorial 2019-10-2218:10:59 -------------------------------------------- Changeto: Misty, Kelly,Bhagyashri TechnicalHead Assistant TechnicalHead TechnicalConsultants Jacob Smile AmarSawant Pratiksha, Aditya,David Alina Sege Prashant Chevale Gemson, Uma,Manoj Digital Marketing Manager Assistant Digital MarketingManager SME-SMOExecutives Research Analyst CirculationManager EricSmith Tanaji sales@insightssuccess.com September, 2019 CorporateOfce Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone -(614)-602-1754 Email: info@insightssuccess.com For Subscription:www.insightssuccess.com Follow uson: www.facebook.com/insightssuccess/www.twitter.com/insightssuccess We are also available on: RNI No.:MAHENG/2018/75953 Copyright © 2019 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with InsightsSuccess.
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Reforming Education One Child at aTime Tthedomain of education has he inclusion ofvarious system to ensure that children’s learning does not stop at school. Anak2U’s initial early adopter provided a feedback that the primary problem which the school faces istime constraint. This has been evident because during school period, they need to give all the time to supervise each of the children. In this case, Anak2U, decreases the time to createa report from 30 minutes for one classto 5 minutes, allowing the teacher to focus on the children and activities in class. Another problem that Anak2U addresses, is the time consumedto create qualityresources based on learning and children’s milestones. However, this requirestime and analysis, asteachers need to spend time to appropriately craft quality resources, and supposedto have it personalizedto the class and children’slearning capability. The company has partnered up with resources provider, child carespecialist and universities to help andbuild digital and physical resources. It also aims to enhance different learning and development milestones. All these activities and resources are tagged on different skills, teachers can use the resources provided in class or parents can also use it as follow up activitiesat home. Anak2U is the only solution in the market that has a milestone tracker for Islamic curriculum, and linking it to the resources that the company builtin- house or has curated from partners. It uses analytics to retrieve data from the digital reporting and a child’s activities to perform data analysis and push the right follow up activities to theparents. This is important for the company as it is moving towards personalized learning in early education. Moving forward, Anak2U will be delivering tailor made resources based on children’scapability. The Team Anak2U’s onset towards a global ascendance is helmed by Wan Muzaffar Wan Hashim, the CEOand innovative technologieswithin given comprehensive developmenta brief push towards expanding its potential. Education and technology when conjoined, while the necessity for ever-long progress plays the catalyst, makes learning more powerful. On similar terms, Anak2U, an easyall- inclusive solution has been designed for teachers and parents when managing children’s day to day activities in Early Educationcenters. Founded in 2019, Anak2U, literally meaning Children to You, starts as a simple school management systemfor childcare and early education centres to track a child’s learning in class and reportedto parents. The company revolutionizes the way a report is generated, firstly by making it digital, and then enhancing it by providing recommendation activitiesto parents, that are auto-generated bythe 10 |September2019|
2019'S MOSTRECOMMENDED EdTech COMPANIES TOWATCH Co-founder of Anak2U. He holds a Diplome Ingenieur (Master) in Telecommunication from IMT Lille Douai France and Master’s in Global E-Business fromUniversity Lille1. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, he was a trainer, and has conducted digital training around the region including in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Maldives and Sri Lanka. He also regularly participates in delivering multiple digital project in Malaysia used in the region in multiple domains, from startup to corporate projects including OTT product, Astro Go, travel and loyalty industries such as AirAsiaBig and Firefly mobileapp. Together with two other co-founders, Aniq AimanImran and Mohamad Faizal Razak, each having strength in Operation and Technology, Anak2U was built to enhance the communication between school and parent, and revolutionize the current child report cardsystem. SustainingCompetency When asked on how the company aims to sustain its competition, considering the ever-competitive market, the CEO says, “The growth in technology gives a lot of opportunity in Ed Tech market, especially in Islamicmarket where a lot of domains are still open for grab, and can be tapped into. From speech recognition, text recognition, the market is wide open and we plan to explore the digital resources incorporating this technology inthem.” The team at Anak2U hopes to be able to build world-class solutions, with world class curriculum and able to reachits audience through them. “When we find the right formula, we could grow the solution beyond early education, to the primary and secondary school vertical as well,” headds. Overcoming Hurdles Some of the challenges Anak2U faces as a startup are, to break through the current compiling crowded space, evaluating the software products without testing themwith students, and the learning curve to use the software. The company provides onsite training to help and introducethe software to teachers and parents, and will be inventing an effective way to educate and adjust the application and systemeverywhere. Wan Muzaffar WanHashim Co-founder &CEO “ Anak2U was built to enhance the communication between school and parents, and revolutionizethecurrent child report cardsystem. “ Pricing is also an issue as the company constantlytackles the problem for the entire ecosystem and some early education centers in the region may also have a budget constraint, making Anak2U to come out with different solutions and packages to different targetmarket. Anak2U will continue to invest in strengthening its main milestone tracking app, as well as the digital resourcesso that it will be widely used in the market. The company’s aim is to make Anak2U the main reference for parentand teacher in Islamicworld. 11 |September2019|
Turning Programming intoPlay! Idevelopingincreasingly user n today’s technology drivenera, Give a brief overview ofyour company. codeSpark is the venture backed edtech company behind codeSpark Academy, the world’s #1 coding platform for kids ages 4-10. Using a proprietary “no words” interface, codeSpark has introduced more than 30 million kids ages 4 to 10 to coding in just four years. codeSpark was inspired by co-founder Grant Hosford’s young daughters, who wanted to know how computers work. Kids use codeSpark Academy to design and code over 35,000video games and interactive stories every day! Tell us about yourcompany’s products and services. codeSpark Academy is the #1 kids coding platform in the world and the top grossing coding platform of any kind on iOS. Kids ages 4-10 use codeSpark academy to learn fundamental computer science concepts. They put those conceptsto work designing and programming their own video games and interactive stories. codeSpark isused at home and in schools. Over 60,000 K-5 teachers usecodeSpark Academy in their classroom to teach computer science. The platform is free for public schools and libraries while home users can purchase full access via a subscription. Our product team adds new content and features to codeSpark Academy every 3-4 weeks. Our app has been downloaded over 12 million times and has been used by 30 millionkids around the world. We are very proud that 53% of codeSpark’s users are girls, the highest percentage on any coding platform we knowof. How services offered by your company are designed to give access to right technology atright time? Teachers, parents and kids canaccess codeSpark Academy at any time on iOS, Android, Amazon Devices and the Web. The product has beentested with thousands of kids in the 4-10 age group and has 4.6 stars out of 5 oniOS. What are the innovative approaches are adapted by the company to improve the qualityof solutions? Our proprietary “no words”interface makes our app highly accessiblefor education companiesare friendly tools for creating a positive impact in classroom. These digital initiatives deliver a significantimpact on kids by offering them highly accessible learning platforms. As more educational programs turn digital, teachers are finding that blending technology into thelearning experience provides a unique and innovative classroomexperience. One of the companies leading this new movement is codeSpark, the creator of educational softwareand games for children ages4-12. In an interview with Insights Success, Grant Hosford, CEOand Co-founder of codeSpark, sheds light on the company’scutting-edge solutions which are enriching the education sector. Considering these innovative and inspiring aspects, Insights Success recognizes codeSpark as one of the 10 Most Innovative EdTech Solution Providers2019. Below are highlights from the interview conducted betweenGrant and InsightsSuccess: 12 |September2019|
2019'S MOSTRECOMMENDED EdTech COMPANIES TOWATCH many different types of learners. In addition our focuson creativity has allowed a generation to understand the power of computer science for problem solving. Kids learn from and, are inspired by, other kidcreators. Where does company name see itself in the longrun and/or what are its futuregoals? codeSpark wants to introduce every child in the worldto the power of digital creation. We intend to be the digital version of LEGO for thisgeneration. About the Leader Grant Hosford is the Co-founder and had the original idea for codeSpark. He is an experienced entrepreneur who has spent the last 20 years building successful digital businesses in Seattle and Los Angeles. Grant has deep expertise in new product launches, has lived on 4 continents and comes from a family of educators. He’s a husband, father of three kids, coaches girls soccer and rides bikes often. He thought computer science shouldbe taught throughout a child’s K-12 career, just like English and Math. He and Co-founder Joe Shochet have also focused on letting kids be creative with code. They believe deeply that computer science is a tool for problem solving and creative expression and wanted to allow young kids to experience the thrill of creating something from your imagination. Grant speaks regularly about closing access gaps in STEM education forgirls. Testimonials from codeSparkClients “I love CodeSpark! I’ve used it for two years now, andit has definitely helped my students think about problems chronologically, and has helped them visualize much more than before. They understand trial and error and can plan ahead. Thank you, CodeSpark!.” - BeckyM., K-5 STEM Teacher,Illinois “My students absolutely love Codespark. This yearafter using Codespark I could see a huge improvement in my students’ understanding of basic programmingskills, GrantHosford Co-founder &CEO “ We teach youngkidsabout computer science and give them the power to create remarkable video games and interactivestories. “ problem solving skills and their use of computerscience vocabulary.”- Amanda Cox, First Grade Teacher,KY “I’m 8 years old and I’ve been using this app for8 months. This is the best game ever!! I like to make games!! I think you will too!!” - Dana H,kid “My 6 year old absolutely LOVES The Foos and as a programmer, I am impressed with how well it’sshowing her the rudiments of procedural problem solving in the most fun possible way!.” - Justin,parent 13 |September2019|
16 |September2019|
EDITOR’SPICK What drives the EdTechSector? When the need for something becomes essential, youare forced to find ways of getting or achieving it, whichis absolutely true in the context of EdTechfield. Most of the EdTech companies are the brainchild of innovative minds and incredible ideas of the talented folks. They have had the sole intent to make a constructive change in the traditional education system with advanced and hi-tech solutions, theydeveloped. Many a time, students, as well as teachers, find the traditional education system monotonous and disinteresting, which affects the overall development and productivity of pupils, who are in fact much more capable of grasping and learning, if engaged appropriately. If the learning is a stressful process, it hampers motivation and quality of education. It is said that a person can easily grasp and recall visual things than justtheory. The various subjects like mathematics, biology, chemistry, art, etc. have become fun to learn and easy to comprehend with the advanced interactiveand thought-provoking learning solutions provided by the EdTech companies, which makes it more effective for pupils in long run. According to a recent study, a drastic difference was observed in the students from elementary to high-school in terms of productivity, who went through the digital and interactive learningprocess. Another important factor is “student to teacher ratio.” Most of the developed and less populated countries have an adequate student to teacher ratio in schools and colleges. However, it’s a completely different picture in developing, underdeveloped and densely populated countries, where the education sector is in grim condition due to the lack of teachers andinadequate learning facilities. The quality of education is also compromised due to government inactions andapathy. EdTech companies are playing an extremely crucial role in these countries by imparting education and providing much-needed learning infrastructure tothe masses in a very minimal budget andtime. Learn on the Go For almost past 100 years or so, we have been following a learning model (especially elementary to high school level) where, a teacher or professor stands at the front of the classroom explaining ideas, writing on the board, while students sit and listen with the learning materials being mostlyphysical textbooks. 17 |September2019|
Now, however, in the digital realm, EdTech has transformed the conventional notion of a classroom. The availability of low-cost and high-speed internet has made it possible for EdTech to reach a wider and vast section of the population. Students are using laptops and tablets to learn various aspects of the curriculum through digital media, and teachers find it more appealing to elucidate different facets of their subjects. Many schools and colleges have in fact implemented BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies for students’convenience. This digital learning content is more up-to-date and comprehensive in nature, which allows the pupils toexplore and learn at their own pace. It can be altered and customized as per the learners’ need at any point intime. Hence it gives liberty to schools and colleges to easilyadapt and embrace this digital technology. Distance education is just a click away today; one can pursue the interesting courses from miles away sitting in another city or country altogether, thanks to e-learning programs offered by several institutions across the globe. It saves huge time and money for the individual, which couldn’t be possible within the traditional educationsystem. EdTech tools offer a very high level of user engagementand learning. Teachers and Educational institutions leverage the EdTech tools to practically and smartly access a student’s progress. Instead of waiting for exam results to disclose a student’s development in a particular subject, one can use EdTech tools to monitor their performanceon day-to-day basis. It offers you ways to track a student’s performance by going through his scores, classroom attendance, and participation and then come up with aplan to work on the weakareas. Every society is divided into different strata. Some belong to the privileged class and some to moderate and some to underprivileged class. According to UNESCO report, approx. thirty-five percent of world’s illiterate population lives in India, which is quite alarming. Due to the advent of EdTech companies, the situation is changing gradually, as an underprivileged class has now access to digitaleducation with the help NGOs and civil societies. Thecountry’s progress and development rely on its younger generation,& hence it has to be well-educated andliterate. EdTech, the Future ofEducation Edtech is poised to be the biggest and possibly the most profitable digitalized sector in the future. This sector possesses huge potential and offers you a plethora oftools and options to learn, unlike the partial knowledge offered by cumbersome and relatively expensive textbooks.Since all students don’t have the same learning proficiency, one can personalize these EdTech tools according to one’s needs. The steep rise in the cost of a high-school & college education coupled with the competitive job market has allowed EdTech companies to increasingly grow its reachto themasses. From companies providing education via video conferencing and to using neuroscience forpersonalizing learning experience, Edtech sector is growing rapidly in size and revenue. EdTech is assumed to be the next FinTech. 18 |September2019|
Changing the Face of Online EducationGlobally T he ascension of adigital- various dimensions in the last few years and will continue to do so. What started as an experiment in education delivery is now being transformed bya new breed of technology entrepreneurs. Every field ofeducation is being disrupted through technology. Some of those are schools, colleges, private tutoring, content, trainingsetc. Just as technology, and particularly the digital era, has disrupted andimproved most major segments of world economy, education in the same wayis undergoing a techrevolution. It is about applying digitaltechnology to deliver a new form of learning architecture. An architecture that harnesses the social reach of the internet, which delivers personalized learning and training that can automatically adjust to anindividual’s learning competence and which uses big data analysis to understand the most effective ways for learners to progress. In changing the traditional architecture of education, EdTech has the power to create efficiencies, cut costs andenable new levels of standardization and democratizedaccess. It is set to transform the future ofhow education is resourced, taught, consumed and, ultimately, the results that it can then yield – both for the individual and for society as we continue to build the knowledge economy. What are the benefits gained byyour users from your online tutoring services? eTutorWorld is a leading EdTech • company providing world-classonline tutoring services for K-12 and Test Prep. Personalized LIVE online1-to-1 tutoring is provided in English, Math and Science for grades 3 to12. • Tutoring services and worksheetsare also provided for various test preps such as SCAT, SAT, PSAT, ACTetc. • Our users who take our tutoring services or purchase our content,gain thefollowing: • Personalized 1-to-1 LIVEonline tutoring • Expert qualified andcertified teachers • Learning by Design teaching pedagogy. The teaching plan is customized for each student as per student’s needs and learningabilities • Holistic learning of conceptsand scoring bettergrades/marks • Practice worksheets afterevery session • Considering the necessity of adapting to the volatile technological disruptions and/or development of cutting-edge solutions, how does your company sustain its competency in the EdTech market? Sustaining the competency of eTutorWorld in this competitivemarket is not easy. We follow a very methodical 3-step process to adapt to technologicaldisruptions: • Understand: As a first step, ourteam always keeps abreast with the latest tech disruptions. It is important to understand them indetail. • Evaluate: This is a critical step, as not all technological disruptions would be applicable for our industry and specifically out company. So,we learning era hasemancipated us from theshortcomings within traditional education, andhas also established an ease inaccessing content that we prefermost. Education, over the years, has given heed to the necessity of evolving with this paradigm shift in user preference. The advent and gradual upheaval ofthe discipline of education has evidently conceived a few innovative organizations which have takenthe e-learning market bystorm. One prominent name amongthese organizations iseTutorWorld. Founded in 2008, eTutorWorld is leading EdTech company delivering world-class online tutoring servicesfor K-12 and Test Prep. Theorganization’s mission is to provide top-notch tutoring services combined with affordability and convenience, making it the most sought after e-learning platform across US and othercountries globally. In an interview with Insights Success, Mukul Agrawal, the Co-Founderand CEO of eTutorWorld, shares his views regarding the organization, itsofferings and his foresight regarding the company. Below are the details of interview between Insights Success andMukul. With regards to your organization’s profound industry experience, how do you think the EdTech market has evolved and what can be expectedin the forthcomingyears? The EdTech market has evolvedfrom 20 |September2019|
2019'S MOSTRECOMMENDED EdTech COMPANIES TOWATCH • only pick the ones that arerelevant. • Implement: Based on the relevant technologies,we implement them in a phasedmanner. • What obstacles and/or limitation do you facewhile growing, sustaining or retaining yourclientele? • Any company that says it does not face any obstacles in acquiring customers has either saturated their market oris not telling the truth. We at eTutorWorld also face many obstacles in acquiring and retaining ourcustomers. • Some of them are sharedhere: • Supply vs Demand: There is always a question on the right balance between supply and demand. Whendemand exceeds supply, you can lose customers and when it is other way round, it leads to underutilization of supply. In our case also, we do face the samechallenge. • Pricing: The pricing of our services is one of the most affordable in the industry. But the critical aspect is to maintain high quality of tutoring services ataffordable rates. We have been able to solve this challengewell. • Marketing Spend: We are always presented with the challenge of right marketing spend. For marketing, no budget is enough as there is always scope to increasethe budget to acquire/retaincustomers. • One of the challenges that hinders a company’s growth isto acquire the right talent. In a growing company like ours, there is always a need for hiring top-class talent but at a reasonable budget. With a sector like EdTech that has several companies with different kind of services, it is a challenge to hire employees, especially tutors, who have great knowledge and are good with online medium of teaching. • What does the future hold for your organizationin terms of internal as well as holisticdevelopment? • The future of eTutorWorld looks very bright with the tutoring services growing across the globe. We are looking to come up with multiple ideas on expansion. There willbe new offerings and services around our tutoring and content sale that would be launched in this and next financial year. This would be combined with geographic expansion to multiple countries across theglobe. • We are also looking to expand our team by hiring more tutors for K12 and Test prep across subjects. This is required as the new academic session 2019-20 isstarting and we are expecting a surge indemand. • You will also see some technological changes from ourend in terms of ourplatform. MukulAgrawal Co-Founder andCEO So overall, it is a very exciting time ahead foreTutorWorld and we look forward to following our mantra of affordable quality tutoring for everyone. No student should be left behind. About the Leader Mukul Agrawal is the Co-Founder and CEO of Etutorworld. Mukul graduated in MechanicalEngineering from MS University Baroda and MBA from IIMCalcutta. He has 30+ years of experience in global technology companies. He has worked, lived and traveledextensively in Asia, Europe andUSA. Prior to Etutorworld, Mukul was Unisys India’s Country Manager and Managing Director. Besides eTutorWorld, Mukul is interested in fostering entrepreneurship andalso mentors several educationstartups. At eTutorWorld, Mukul has been instrumental in conceptualizing and developing an innovative online tutoring platform which serves as the technology backbone for company’s tutoring operations. Mukul is also responsible for setting up the company’s digital, searchand social media marketing initiatives and they have become the primary marketing channels for the company. The google search campaigns were fine-tuned by him to successfully attract relevant website customers andconvert them to sales, at an acceptablecost. Visit www.etutorworld.comfor moreinformation. 21 |September2019|
Creating Pathways towards a World ofOpportunity Trevolution:theemergence of he EdTech marketis technology is rapidly changing so it’s vital the education system keeps pace with this developing landscape. Thisis where EdTech comes intofocus. EdTech has been embraced by myriad of industry leaders, who themselvesare investing in creating needs-suited equipment and contemporary classrooms to provide a forward- thinking and development-focussed environment foreducation. Allowing flexible options through online learning is just one ofEdTech’s many benefits. Few companies can boast the availability of a high-quality e-learning environment that equips its students with career-focussed skills. route2work stands out here: they provide a world-class training environment that allows aspirational students to pursue their dreamcareer. An Insight into route2work route2work is a social impact business and a full-service education, qualifications and careers provider. Its primary focus is to get talent into work and in accelerating the careers of those already in work by offeringworld-class digitized content with vendor-based qualifications, that isindustry-standard, and leads to interviews & career progression with their employment partners. With 60% of its student-base coming from inner-city, disadvantaged backgrounds, they continuouslystrive to empower talented students, regardless of their socio-economic background. route2work works with brands suchas full service career provider, The Training Room (www.thetrainingroom.com), and Digital talent acquisition and talent management business, Infinity Global.IO(www.infinityglobal.io). Driving the Revolution Disrupting the educational environment and makingother people’s career aspirations a reality isa challenge, one that, to reach its potential, needs to have an immense amount of focus and ambition behind it. Setting sail to revolutionise the EdTech market is Andrew Powell, Group CEO ofroute2work. Andrew can relate to the majority of route2work’s student-base: growingup on a run-down council estate in South Wales afforded few career opportunities. At just 16 years old, he joined the military where he servedfor eleven years, including 5 years with the British Special Forces in conflict zones that included the Gulf War I, the former Yugoslavia and Northern Ireland. experiencing adigital millennial and Gen Z talent intothe careers market has disrupted the reliance on traditional forms of education. Young people no longerlive and learn in the same way, and as a result, education and professional development must adopt a digital edge to surpass the shortcomings of archaic forms oflearning. The UK market is stunted by traditional routes to work: college, university, apprenticeships, T-Levels. As a result, they’re falling short when it comes to satisfying the appetite of young learners who want to make the most of on-demand learning which allows them the ability to study on their own terms and achieve a career upon completion. With seminars and lectures largely being classroombased, on a set schedule, this is something structured learning environments simply aren’taccommodating. What’s the solution? Embracing digital education, thatleads to real jobs for talent across the UK, is a key step. Education, when combined with technology, provides avenues for students to learn and improve, whilst allowing educators to deliver content effectively. The way we interactwith 22 |September2019|
2019'S MOSTRECOMMENDED EdTech COMPANIES TOWATCH Before growing route2work into the forward-thinking EdTech provision it is today, Andrew served as GroupChief Operating Officer at FTSE 250 business Colt Technology Services. His passion for supporting disadvantaged talent into work and his leadership as a service ‘mantra’ continues to enable thousands of talented people to fulfill their career aspirations. Ensuring students are committed to their career development is crucial; in Andrew’s ownwords: “I have a mantra that is: I don’t care what education,skills or experience you have. I can give you those. What Ican’t give you is the right attitude and a work ethic. You haveto bringthose.” World-Class TechnologySolutions Partnering with Tata iON (the educational arm of the TATA group) on a digital technology level, means thatroute2work can support career development via a dynamic, digital and technologically drivenplatform. The alliance has been crucial in providing technology at scale across the talent acquisition, talent management, education, qualification and employment space. route2work’s significant Global counterparts are making huge efforts to ensure that its technology offeringremains cutting edge and meets the needs of talent in a way thatis engaging and universallyaccessible. Development in Foresight route2work is disrupting the traditional UK educational, talent acquisition and talent management space byoffering digitized education and real jobs for eligible candidates across the UK market. It is enabling disadvantaged talent to access careers they never dreamed they could access, with sights set on bringing the positive social impact from accessible professional development to a global stage. Usingworld- class technology and solutions, it aims to get millions of talented people, globally, into the careers of theirdreams. The initial phase of extending outside of the UK market will see route2work launch into the Indian market in September2019. AndrewPowell GroupCEO “ route2workisdisrupting the traditional UK educational, talent acquisition and talent management space by offering digitized education and real jobs for eligible candidates across the UKmarket. “ 23 |September2019|
Leveraging thePotential of Gaming intoEducation G “ to build a game that measured up to the experiences I was used to. You don’t play Starcraft, Half-Life, and Diablo without learning a thing or two about fun engagement.And so, Mathbreakers.com, and later SuperMathWorld.comwas born. The idea behind these games is simple: Starting from solid, fun mechanics, build a game on top of a solid foundation of math, so that the emergent gameplay is naturally mathematical in nature, while retaining a playfulness that allows you to jump right in withoutfeeling like you’re beingtested. In this, we were extremely successful. We actually have many of our customers (parents and teachers) telling us their kids play the game for fun; one parent even commented that their kids would rush through morning chores in order to get more time on the game. Now that’s product success! If you have a kid aged 8 - 12, Iencourage you to check out Mathbreakers.com and SuperMathWorld.com -- there are free trials and you may see their attitude change from “math sucks/is boring” to “this is amazing and fun” in a matter of minutes (it’s happened many timesbefore). o outside!” “Read a book!” “Go to bed!”These were some of the common phrases frommy childhood, because I had discovered videogames, a portal into an amazing dimension where I couldexplore and use magical powers! As an adult game designer, I thought to myself -- how can I leverage this natural tendency for play to actually teach somethinguseful? We started with mathematics, because it felt easy to turn elementary math concepts like addition and fractionsinto game mechanics. Many kids will tell you that theyHATE math, but, when looked at from the right angle, mathematics is downright beautiful and fun tolearn. Edward Frenkel, a famous mathematician from UC Berkeley, is known for saying that if art was taught like math, we’d be told to paint a fence red 1000 times untilwe got it right. Would it be any surprise if people thoughtthey hated art because it was taught thisway? But, this is exactly how math is taught! It doesn’t have tobe this way. Leveraging my many years of gaming--ahem, market research--as a child, I worked with myco-founders 24 |September2019|
LEADERSHIPTHOUGHT However, that’s not the end of the story. It turns out that making a successful business is morethan just making an awesome product that your end users love. The remainderof this article will focus on the extreme challenges facing the ed-tech market today. 1. Schools are slow. You won’t see hockey-stick style growth with a productin schools, because the sales cycle can be up to a year. Furthermore, they’re slow to adopt -- in the curve of user adoption, schools tend to lump towards the “late adopters” side. Not good forstartup sales. Schools are SLOW. Even after multiple playtests on site that had kids literally screaming about how awesome the experience was, and even after clearly learning fractions from our game, it wasn’t enough. At one playtest an8-year old boy was using a sword to chop numbers.Half, Fourth -- easy! Just chop the numbers up until you get the right amount. Until he got to 7/8ths -- that was a trickyone. He thinks aloud to himself -- what’s 7/8? It’s.....3 and ahalf 4ths! Yes, Billy, it is, and congratulations, you’ve achieved a solid understanding of fraction composition. Jo Boaler would beproud. It didn’t matter. Communicating these kinds of results to schools is like trying to talk to a whale about global warming. It’s critical information, but whales are hugeand don’t speak yourlanguage. Parents are difficult to reach. Every other math app out there -- and there are *thousands* -- claims to be as funand engaging as ours. I’ve seen enough side-by-side playteststo tell you they’re flat out wrong, and can’t hold a candle to our game. I don’t mind saying it, because it’s really true. But it doesn’t matter. To a parent looking at marketing material, it all seems the same. Standing out is anexpensive proposition, one that requires investor backing (or possibly some luck and skill that we missed). But even if you get that part right, there’s even more badnews. CharlieVanNorman Co-founder Mathbreakers 4. The market is tiny. Math apps in the US are valued at about $1.2 billion for parents and teachers. If you don’t know anything about market sizes, I’ll give you two comparisons. Painting residential interiors is upwardsof $50 billion. A single metal-scrapping company can be worth $1.2 billion alone -- the industry is worth $500 billion globally. In other words, a $1.2 billion marketsize simply isn’t big enough for most investors tocare. So what’s the future of games ineducation? There will continue to be innovative and powerful solutions in ed-tech, but they will be small and you’ll have to huntfor them. The market will continue to be saturated by giants fueled by government grants and philanthropy, which makes the gems that startups create harder to find. So the future of games in education is fuzzy, but if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to find the pearls that will make a world of difference to the young learners that findthem. |September2019| 25
A Global Approach to Enhance STEMEducation W ith the successive waveof gurus that will enhance their effectiveness in STEMknowledge dissemination. TeenEinstein provides AI powered quality STEM education and ably supported by fusion of arts &sciences – the handy tool to help STEM gurus in their knowledge dissemination to American students. Making American students STEM savvy and help facilitate to compete in the global AI economy is the primary mission of the company. Currently its TeenEinstein Apps downloads both in Apple and Google Store are more than 200,000 and the team is working hard towards 1000 downloads per day. All the TeenEinstein Apps are high caliberand distributed freely to enable grade 6 to grade 12 Students to master thesubject with ease and simplicity. There are no pop-up advertisements, it’s free of cost and they are providing pristine scholasticmaterial. The Passionate Leader Prabu Govindaraj, the CEOof TeenEinstein is a serial entrepreneur and hands on AI technologist from IIM, Bangalore. He is passionateabout the Edtech space. He built a few companies in the initial stage of his career which achieved the heights of success within a short span oftime. With his dynamic attitude, Prabu continued to work on AI Analytics making AI faster, cheaper, friendlier and accessible to everyone as the tool in STEM knowledge disseminationand believes in Arts and STEM fusion to succeed in Edtech space. Creating AI driven companies for the benefit of humankind has been his life-long ambition. Overcoming Obstaclesthroughout theJourney The team at Teen Einstein understands that the global Edtech market is highly fragmented and therefore, the main focus point is primarily the USmarket. Being local players, the expert team knows the US market to a large extent. Continuous AI innovation andtapping technological advancements,EdTech Market is making rapid strides in AI based technology innovation and adaptation. Founded in 2012 in Santa Clara, CA, TeenEinstein foresees fusion of arts and technology. It is a technology company focused on enhancing STEM education for kidsin United States andworldwide. TeenEinstein’s AI is being used as the tool in knowledge disseminationbythe STEM leaders. Also working towards world’s first high caliber STEM University with access to one all, across the globe, TeenEinstein’s endeavor is to take the STEM education to one and all and make it interesting and that leads to lots of innovation and benefits to the common man. Extraordinary ClienteleBenefits TeenEinstein’s Teacher.AITM is the great tool in the hands of theSTEM 28 |September2019|
2019'S MOSTRECOMMENDED EdTech COMPANIES TOWATCH PrabuGovindaraj CEO “ At TeenEinstein, webelieve thefuture is great, as ourAI tool will be in the hands of STEM gurusacrossAmerica andworldwide. into unknown areas of AI and beyond AI are the keys to growing, sustaining and retaining clientele. “We believethe company that’s able to continuously innovate on AI and it’s not afraid to go beyond AI to contribute to the STEM dissemination will play a great role in Edtech space”, asserts Prabu, theCEO. The FutureAhead “At TeenEinstein, we believe TeenEinstein’s future is great, as our AI tool will be the tool in the hands of STEM gurus across America and worldwide. Our goal is no child left behind in STEM education and we will take STEM education to one and all at the lowest possible cost and make it easy to master any STEM subject,” concludes the CEO in an ambitiousnote. “ 29 |September2019|
Limitless Interactive Learning for KidsWorldwide Thard for companies todeploy Yogev founded 27dv.com, an Interactive Studio that worked with startups such as JVP, PLYMedia, and Eye-Click. He later joinedRounds.com (acquired by KiK) as the 4th member and worked as a Client Developer and UX Director. in over 24 languages. The platform empowers teachers to easily create educational games or activities for their students and allows them to share these games for free or as premium content in the TinyTap marketplaceapp and webportal. he complexity,fragmentation and long sale cycles, madeit and sell to the educationalsystems. Hence, a new era of ed-techcompanies dawned, which focused on perfecting the learning experience at home and getting the traditional educational system out of the equation. The recent developments in ed-tech have brought massive changes in the stagnant field of the traditional educationsystem. Parents can subscribe and get unlimited educational games in alarge variety of topics like math, ABCs, social skills, nature, to even recycling, and get the best learning experience and education for theirkids. In 2012 he founded TinyTap with a passion, as he was looking for an interactive experience for his father who was diagnosed with dementia.The company later changed course by building interactive learning activities for teachers in elementary schools around the world. In 2017 thecompany pivoted again to its current offering, which gives kids across the world access to an interactive learning experience. Enter TinyTap, an award-winning educational platform, that enables limitless learning for children by giving them access toover150,000 interactive games created by top educatorsworldwide. By using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms they can offer kids a unique, optimized learning experience with personalized recommendations based on their level, needs, and interests. In addition, the team, alongside top educators, crafted a unique personalized learning planfor each age group, that gives parents peace of mind that their children will learn what they need to be in the topof theirclass. The EruditeLeader Yogev Shelly, the Founder, and CEO of TinyTap is a passionate designerand developer with vast experience in application design. He received his B. Des. from Bezalel Academy of Arts andDesign. The ExclusiveOfferingsfor Customers TinyTap enables limitless learning for kids by offering over 150,000 interactive games tailored by teachers worldwide in a myriad of subjectsand 30 |September2019|
2019'S MOSTRECOMMENDED EdTech COMPANIES TOWATCH Unlike other solutions, TinyTap is the only interactive cross-language, multiple topics – single subscription app. The app is built for young kids, giving them a safead-free environment with curated content and a unique child- friendly navigation, which allows them to play more independently. The app also allows parents to download activities to play offline, the option to assign activities to their child, and a “parents dashboard” where they can track their progressand get personalized reports andrecommendations. Strategies for Standingout At TinyTap, they are using technology to continuously move with the changing needs and requirements of the parents and their kids. The latest change in the company’s product-focus and business-model was made in 2017, which dedicates their efforts to fit young children and implement personalized content suggestions as a corepart of the TinyTapexperience. The company conducts a lot of qualitative andquantitative research to better understand its customers and meet the ever-changing needs in the market. They use their user research to try different experiments to find the best solutions that will meet their customer’sexpectations. Surpassing the Odds TinyTap’s users are primarily young children between the ages of 2-8, most of them don’t have a personal device. Thus the company’s biggest challenge is getting theparents encouraged to give their kids’ the device to play and learn. The company sees that its unique interactive learning experience touches a real pain point in the passive screen world and offers a great solution to the increasing amount of parents that are concerned with their kids’ screentime. The FutureAhead In the next few months, TinyTap will continue to perfectits experience in the product with more AI capabilities sothat YogevShelly Founder &CEO “ TinyTap enables limitless learning for kidsbyoffering over 150,000 interactive games handmade by teachers worldwide in a variety of subjects and in over 24languages. “ children will have the optimal, more personalizedcontent available tothem. The company also plans to expand itself to additional ecosystems and more languages while sustaining its vibrant community of teachers and educators that create newgames and activities for the kids everyday. www.tinytap.it 31 |September2019|