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We introduce u201cThe 10 Best Manufacturing Companies in Electrical Industryu201d, in order to assist businesses to choose the right companies. Assessing the scenario in versatile perceptions, our magazine has brought light onto the companies, who are oufb00ering manufacturing services in the electric sector.
www.insightssuccess.in VOL 3 E 1 March-2019 ISSUE 8 T H BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY EXPERT’S GUIDE 7 Secrets to Be a Successful Entrepreneur FROM EDITOR’S DESK Infrared Thermography: Transforming Electrical Industry at its Best!
From the Editor S socio-economic development and human welfare of any nation. It has always been the key driver of human progress. At present, the electricity sector of India is going through a major transformation. To maintain the way of life and economic development of society, the nation requires continuous access to power at an affordable price. This undergoing significant change is redefining the industry’s outlook. Sustained economic growth is continually driving the power demand in India. The government’s ‘Power for all’ initiative has accelerated the power capacity of the country. As being an extremely regulated power sector, policies and regulations are playing a pivotal role in the development of this sector. Electrical Industry ince time immemorial, the human race has survived, grown, and flourished on the basis of the energy produced, established, and utilized. Power is an essential input for An Overview to the Indian According to independent reports, the electricity production in India has reached 1,050.3 Billion Units (BU) during FY19 (up to January 2019). Renewable energy is emerging as a leading alternative source of power in India. While the power sector has witnessed a few success stories, it still has a long way to go. The grid edge technologies are paving the way towards a new energy system. The speed of adoption and the success in shaping the transformation is unlocking the significant economic and societal benefits. Even, many of the emerging markets that may be less encumbered by existing infrastructure, investments, or system structure would gain the opportunity to surpass these challenges and head straight to mass adoption of new-age technologies. The industry overcomes all challenges and adapts numerous immediate changes like an implementation of GST. The adoption of new edge technologies in a positive way can offer a wide range of reach for the electricity markets worldwide. Now, the key expectation from the government is to create the stable and clear policy environment that can facilitate long-term business and investment planning.
Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Managing Editor Rahul Niraj Executive Editor Abhijeet Kakade Art & Design Head Amol Kamble Associate Designer Poonam Mahajan Art & Picture Editor Rahul Kavnekar Co-designer Savita Pandav Sales Executive Prathamesh Kate Business Development Lead Tejaswini Whaval Technical Specialist Amar, Pratiksha Digital Marketing Manager Prashant Chevale SME-SMO Executives Manoj Shelge Circulation Manager Tanaji sales@insightssuccess.com March, 2019 Corporate Ofces: Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Ofce No. 22 & 510, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017 Phone - India: +91 7410079881/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 85 Email: info@insightssuccess.in For Subscription: www.insightssuccess.in Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754 Email: info@insightssuccess.com For Subscription: www.insightssuccess.com Cover Price : RS. 150/- https://twitter.com/insightssuccess Follow us on : www.facebook.com/insightssuccess/ Copyright © 2019 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Printed and Published by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. RNI NUMBER: MAHENG/2018/75953
INTERVIEW WITH INSIGHTS SUCCESS 10 Advance Metering Technology Driving Innovation in Energy Sector 18 CXO Expert’s Guide 7 Secrets to Be a Successful Entrepreneur 32 From Editor’s Desk Infrared Thermography Transforming Electrical Industry at its Best! Article
Contents 14 30 24 Datsons Electronics KVTEK Delivering Quality Power Solutions A Journey towards Excellence 16 36 K-Lite Exploration of the Fascinating Use of Light Power Matrix Solutions Power Quality Solution Experts of the Indian Subcontinent Eon Electric Ltd Defying Darkness, Defines Brightness 28 38 22 KRYFS Power Components A Premier Transformer Lamination and Core Manufacturer Frontec Techno Electric & Engineering A Leading Provider of High-Quality EPC Services Let There be Lights!
THE 10 BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN Powering the Nation with Determinacy T In this edition, we introduce “The 10 Best Manufacturing Companies in Electrical Industry”, in order to assist businesses to choose the right companies. Assessing the scenario in versatile perceptions, our magazine has brought light onto the companies, who are offering manufacturing services in the electric sector. This list showcases the best manufacturing companies that are benchmarking their presence in the electric sectors. he Electric Industry in India is witnessing tremendous growth and what can be a better way than recognizing the industry stalwarts who are contributing distinctively in transforming the scenario in this industry? In this issue, we have featured Datsons Electronics Pvt. Ltd. It is an ISO 9001:2008 Company specialized in specialized in making power magnetics, dry type K rated isolation transformer, data center PDU’s, UPS power accessories. Eon Electric Ltd. is a well-established public limited company manufacturing variety of electrical control and lighting products. Frontier Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is the manufacturer of Heat Shrinkable Products and Components for its Cable Jointing Kits since 1987. An ISO 9001 certified company K-Lite is a leading manufacturer of indoor and outdoor Lighting Fixtures in India. KRYFS Power Components Ltd. is India’s leading Transformer Core manufacturing company with a capacity to convert 50,000 MT per annum of CRGO Electrical Steel into transformer laminations and cores. Kvtek Power Systems Pvt. Ltd. is a motivated team working to develop and produce innovative high-end electrical testing equipment that best serves the customers’ needs today and in the future. Power Matrix Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading Power Quality solution providers based out of the Indian subcontinent. Techno Electric & Engineering Co. Ltd. is a leading provider of high-quality engineering, procurement and construction services to India’s core sector industries; both in the public and private domain. We also have Advance Metering Technology Ltd. as an interview with insights success. It is an energy-centric organization involved in energy generation through a renewable source, energy measurement, and energy management. Our in-house editors have come up with adroitly written article such as Infrared Thermography: Transforming Electrical Industry at its Best. We have also included article like Top 7 Lessons to be a Successful Entrepreneur written by Vishal Anand who heads VSPL Energy Private Limited (An AAA rated company by SMERA - an RBI accredited Assessing & Rating Agency) as a Founder Promoter. It’s time to flip the pages and take a tour of manufacturing companies with reading pleasure!
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P.K. Ranade CEO Advance Metering Technology Ltd 10 March 2019|
Interview with Insights Success ADVANCE METERING TECHNOLOGY Driving Innovation in Energy Sector A dvance Metering Technology Ltd (AMTL) is an energy centric organization involved in energy generation through renewable source, energy measurement and energy management. AMTL is focused towards ensuring a greener & cleaner economy with three pronged approach viz Generation of power from renewable sources, manufacturing of world class energy monitoring devices and Energy Audit Service. with leaders in european companies the Company has been able to create strong business links with them. Mr. P.K. Ranade is also the Founder Chairman of Indo Kopp Pvt. Ltd., Joint Venture in technical and financial collaboration with M/s. Heinrich Kopp AG, Germany set up at Noida. He is also the Promoter Director of Indo Asian Marketing Ld. a pioneer in the field of marketing of Electrical Safety Devices and having an extensive sales network all over the country. In an interview with Insights Success, P.K. Ranade, CEO at Advance Metering Technology Ltd (AMTL) gave some insightful answers highlighting the influences made by him and the company to take this industry to next level. The company Advance Metering Technology Limited has been created as a part of M/s Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd. After the divestment of its protection and distribution business in the erstwhile Indo Asian Fusegear Limited and has already grown into a market leader in its carefully chosen field of operations and is known for clearly for quality and execution excellence. 1. Kindly brief us about the company. AMTL was formed as part of a strategic vision of creating an organization in line with modern vision of India. We actively contribute to the energy security of the country by developing and using state of the art technologies for the active management and measurement of energy and non-conventional fuels to generate energy with the help of renewable technologies. We provide the next generation of energy meters and energy management solutions to serve the metering needs of the next generation of national distribution and also aim to participate in global businesses where it is critical for smart meters to replace all existing conventional meters. 3. What kind of solutions/services/products does your company offer at par with the current industry standards? • AMTL is manufacturing and providing a complete range of smart metering solutions to all its esteemed customers and it highly regarded as a preferred vendor to the largest epc contractors in the country. • Having setup a world class manufacturing hub with integrated assembly lines, a large number of Plastic molding machines and multiple imported SMT assembly lines it also provides a complete array of turnkey manufacturing solutions to other companies who look to outsource their product manufacturing and assembly either as a complete OEM partner or component supply partner in the field of Plastics and Electronic assembly. • In addition to this AMTL provides consulting and EPC solutions in the energy efficiency domain as a BEE PAT certified Energy Audit company. • We have after tedious R&D developed an extensive range of highly evolved smart metering solutions for the export market and now look at partnering with the right overseas companies to expand operations in foreign markets. 2. Please tell us about your Founder/CEO and his/her contribution towards the company and the industry. Shri P.K. Ranade upon completing his technical education in Germany has been associated with INDO ASIAN GROUP at the top level management since inception and contributing mainly to the management and technical field of the company. He headed the Research and Development Team of the company and was responsible for development of new technologies and assimilation of the same in the production programmes of the company. Having extensive experience in Production and Planning, he streamlined the products and production capabilities of the company to grow into a reputed name in India and overseas. As a consequence of his long association 11 March 2019|
in the right timeframe if the right people work together. Another issue is the nonaligned view by various governing bodies in the country on the choice of technology going forward. It is felt that a strict adherence to quality standards is required to make sure that only the best quality products are produced in INDIA. • AMTL also provides complete civil and electrical EPC contractor services and has already completed 2 large scale projects in this field in a short span of 3 years. 4. What fascinates you most about the electrical industry? Having personally spent more than 40 years in this industry I have seen the industry growth from nothing to its current status. Energy is one of the biggest enablers for the growth of any economy and if I can contribute in my own humble way to make it grow further and faster it would make me extremely satisfied and happy. 7. Being one of the leaders in the electrical industry what are the effective measures the company is integrating in regards to technology and establishing a new venture. AMTL is and has always looked at working on future technologies as that is the only way to grow while safeguarding the future of the company. In line with this vision we have since inception believed in investing in an extensive in-house R&D team to continuously work on product refinement, upgradation and new product development as we believe that technology is the backbone of any company which is involved in products linked to energy and power solutions. 5. Kindly mention the awards and accolades received by the Founder/CEO and the company? • In 1991 Mr P K. Ranade was awarded the Vijaya Ratna Award by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Chandrashekhar for his contribution to the growth of technology in INDIA in addition to numerous awards and accolades by various chambers of commerce and industry. • Mr P K Ranade was nominated by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) in 2006 as a Delegate Member in the IEC panel to represent BIS in IEC Committees and Sub-Committees. • Mr P K Ranade has been actively associated with the Bureau of Indian Standards, Indo-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Federation of Indo-German Societies in India, PHDCCI, Indo-Canadian Business Chamber as a member since a long time. • Mr P K Ranade is a Director of the Legrand Group in India. 8. What are your views regarding the current scenario of the industry? The industry in its current growth stage requires a lot of direction and vision in terms of strategy, choice of technology adoption and pace of upgradation of infrastructure. In some areas we see huge potential but we need to take a hard look at the above points before we begin to deploy solutions. 9. Kindly share with your Vision and Mission of your organization. We want to be one of the top three companies in India in our chosen field of business and produce products which can be compared with the best of their class in the world. Advance Metering Technology Ltd. (formerly Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd) is : • The first Indian manufacturer of Electrical Circuit Protection Equipment to be awarded ISO 9001 certification. • The first Indian company to manufacture DIN HRC fuses. • The first Indian company to introduce Compact Fluorescent Lamps in a fully integrated CFL Plant. • The first Indian CFL manufacturing company to comply with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) requirements. • The first Indian company to produce environment friendly mercury-less CFLs. 10. What is your key mantra that has driven you over the years? Excellence in the field of manufacturing, product development and adopt the global best practices to ensure continuity in what we are doing. 11. What are your future perspectives? To ensure that all the employees of the company grow with the growth of the company in the same measure. 12. Please share a quote that best describes your company. Always on the move to improve and emerge as a successful company with the cohesive teamwork of all stakeholders in the company. 6. What are the major challenges the company has faced during its growth? In this field we have seen that finding the right people to employ and other companies to partner with has been our biggest challenge. Success is much more attainable 12 March 2019|
Datsons Electronics A Journey towards Excellence I capacity utilization, industrialization, urbanization, and population. The government initiatives like Power for all , ‘ ’ Foreign Direct Investment have accelerated the power capacity of the country. Both power as well as distribution network is getting strengthened across the country. ndia is becoming one of the most lucrative options for the manufacturing industry to prosper. There has been a surge in demand for power in India due to increase in ‘ ’ Milind Wani Director Arun Deshpande Founder Datsons along with his late father Mr. Dattatreya S Deshpande. Over four decades, he has enabled Datsons to be a leading power conditioning equipment brand with clients including UPS OEM’s and DATA CENTREs all over India. He has built the entire manufacturing facility from grass root level and has spent years in customizing the designs, international standard electrical products and critical uptime power solutions. On account ofthe quality of the product, offering good services, and ensuring timely delivery, in a short time of span Datsons has become one of the Preferable Brand in the Electrical Market. Inventions in the field of electronics and electrical are rapidly simplifying the human life! There are many organizations in the electrical sector catering the need of the nation but few understand the importance of innovation and quality products. That s where, ’ Ltd, a 35-year-old establishment in the Indian and the global market stands to be as indigenous and most reliable brand. Datsons Electronics Pvt. Headquartered in Pune, Datsons is a ISO 9001:2008 company specialized in making power magnetics, dry type K rated isolation transformer, data center PDU s, UPS power accessories etc. Each Datsons product embodies its core values of business integrity, innovation, uncompromising quality, and customer satisfaction. The company has a team of around a hundred dedicated people including engineers, supervisors, and skilled operators. ’ Later in July 2018, he wanted the young Blood to take over the reign of the company. With a vision to enhance the further growth of the company, he accommodated four Directors to his Fleet. As a result, Vikarsh Group, Pioneer in Nano steel (National Award winning Company ) and one of a major supplier in Electrical steel in India took 80% of the shares in Datsons along with Mr. Rajaram Shinde-one of the pioneers in Dry type Transformer in India to lead the Company from the front. ’ A Successful Journey of Datsons After earning his degree in Electric Engineering as gold medalist (state topper), Mr. Arun Deshpande founded 14 March 2019|
THE 10 BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN “ “ 10-12 winding lines for all product range along with well- trained operators to cater to the need of delivery requirement. Each of our products embodies our core values of business integrity, innovation, uncompromising quality, and customer satisfaction “ “ Starting from Bare isolation transformer testing to BMS reading simulation with the worlds renowned software, Datsons has one of the best set up for testing wherein everything is ensured. Testing includes all tests - visual, functional and heat Run (Full Load). Testing is conducted as per “IS Standard”guidelines. Each unit is getting tested thoroughly to ensure aesthetic as well as functional quality. Datsons has fully automatic bus bar processing machinery with high accuracy and less turnover cycle of processing. All the process like Harnessing and wiring are carried in- house to facilitate quality, quantity minimum lead time and timely delivery of the Product. As a Director, Milind Wani started looking in the day to day affairs of the company. His first target was to enhance the infrastructure of the company thereby the manufacturing area was increased from 1000sq meters to 2400 sq meters. Under the leadership of Milind, in the last six months, the company has been instrumental in expanding its portfolio and concentrating on the Export market. The company has a uniquely designed Transformer with different constructions and guaranteed efficiency of up to 99%. The company designs unique and customized PDU as per customer requirement. The company is dedicated to providing excellent support to the client. Delivering Quality Products Datsons is involved in design, manufacture, and service of the equipment in critical infrastructure segments like Banking, Finance, IT, Data Centers, Communication, Indian research centers, Medical applications etc. The company believes in the continual improvement towards Quality and Performance by following the QMS. Garnering Trust Datsons has provided best-in-class services to some of the prestigious clients include Vertiv Energy, Schneider/APC, Delta Power, L&T, IBM, Labotek, Adlec, BHEL, NTPC and many more. Apart from OEM buyer the company also associated with some of the major turnkey contractor and clients/buyer. Few of the company’s executed prestigious projects are: • Delhi Metro Rail Corporation ( DMRC), • Karnataka Metro Rail Corporation (KMRC), • Noida Metro rail Corporation (NMRC) • UIDAI Central Government Dream Project • Ctrls Data Centres across INDIA. • Reliance communications etc. Below are products offered by the company:- • Isolation & K-rated Transformers (10 to 1200 kva) Configuration Delta-Star, Delta-Zigzag Star, Delta- Delta, Start-Star etc. • Transformer Cubicles, Servo Stabilizers, Phase Sequence Correctors, Auto Change over Panels, Distribution Boards, and Soft Starters. • PDUs with Branch Power Current measurement (BCPM) in single and three phase configurations. 600 kva. PDU (highest rating PDU mfg by us for Nxtra DC Pune). • SCVS range 5 to 130kVA for 3 in 1 Out & up to 500kVA for 3 In 3 out configuration with and without isolation Transformer with various input ranges. Talking about the quality standard at Datsons Milind says, “Appreciation of quality is the Best award received by the CEO from customers” Future Roadmap Progressing forward with a positive approach, the company is planning to double its growth by ensuring the horizontal growth of the organization. The company is planning to add more products including some special products like IGBT and Products made from superior cores mainly HPDR and Amorphous cores thereby cutting on size. Moreover, having more efficient products and up to the mark automatic facility with comparatively fewer overheads, Datsons is dedicated to providing best-in-class products to customers. What’s so unique? Datsons has an in-house expertise in designing all equipment in terms of operational costs and reliability. Manufacturing is done in-house along with all its critical processes of assembly, brazing till final testing. The company has a manufacturing capacity of minimum 200- 225 panels (Cubicle+PDUs put together) per month. It has 15 March 2019|
Eon Electric Ltd Defying Darkness, Denes Brightness V.P . Mahendru Chairman & MD T marching towards a pathway, where it would be soon called a ‘Developed Country’. European technical collaborations, the company had created a niche in its sector by enhancing its knacks of producing millions of MCBs and RCDs for the Indian market and then exports to Middle East and African countries. he fast paced technology advancements and innovations are driving India to a level of excellence never seen before. The country is EON continued on its consistent growth plan by adding CFLs and thereafter variety of LED Lights. Success takes more than standing for a quality product – finding new innovative ways to increase efficiency and profitability. That’s where Eon Electric Ltd. (earlier known as Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd.) comes in, a well-established public limited company manufacturing variety of electrical Switchgear and Lighting products. Established in 1958, the company specializes in manufacture of diversified range of LED Lighting products in its state-of-the-art plants across Northern India. All these products are manufactured, tested, and approved complying to the latest Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Having started as a manufacturer of MCBs and RCDs for the first time in India with German and Over the years, Eon Electric has grown into a multi- product, multi-location company specializing in manufacturing and marketing a wide range of high-tech electrical products used for distribution, protection, control and conservation of electrical energy. The superior quality of these products has earned them respect in Indian and overseas markets. With its sheer determination and unified efforts, the company has established itself amongst the leading companies in manufacturing and exporting a variety of Electrical Switchgear and Lighting products to Dubai, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan etc. 16 March 2019|
THE 10 BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN More about Eon “ “ “ “ Despite facing challenges in embracing new technologies to develop innovative products and services, Eon has always put its best foot forward not only for its own consistent expansion but also for the development of the Indian Electrical Industry.The company manufactures LED lights, Fans, Water Heaters, Wires & Cables and Li-ion Batteries which are energy efficient and long lasting. It has supplied, installed and is maintaining over 500,000 LED Street Lights apart from Solar Street Lights in hundreds of villages, rural household, and roads under Atal Jyoti Yojna. Consistent focused attention for the satisfaction and joy of end users Meet the Flamboyant Persona V.P. Mahendru is the Chairman and Managing Director of Eon Electric Ltd. Since inception, he has been successfully steering operations of manufacturing and marketing Electrical Distribution and Safety Equipment. Under his aegis, the group has been growing exponentially with its various manufacturing plants in Jalandhar (Punjab), Sonepat (Haryana), Noida (Uttar Pradesh), Parwanoo (Himachal Pradesh), and Haridwar in Uttarakhand manufacturing a wide variety of Low Voltage Electrical Switchgear, Fusegear, Protection and Lighting Equipment. He has been instrumental in marketing these products through a wide network of dealers and distributors spread all over the country under the care and guidance of its marketing offices established in the major states of India. EON had picked up many new products for the first time in India such as MCBs, ELCBs, CFLs etc, LEDs are health- friendly sources of light for humans. Nowadays, these are even used for sending signal communications apart from illuminating dark areas with decorative / brilliant lighting. Acknowledging the growing demand of innovative products with wider market spread within India and Middle East countries, Eon’s vision is to continue growing steadily, especially in modern and innovative designs of variety of electrical products. Significant Steps for Future Eon has always believed in technology for tomorrow and its products stand testimony to this. Dynamic and Energetic is what best describes Mahendru. Well-known for his business acumen, he also played a vital role in business circles as being the Chairman of CFL Manufacturers’ Committee of ELCOMA, the President of Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers Association (IEEMA), President of Federation of Industries of India (FII), and President of Northern India Switchgear Manufacturers Association (NISMA). As LED Solar Panels are most economic source of lighting power, long life, convenient and easy to install and maintain, they became very popular all over India installed on rooftops of old/new, residential and commercial buildings as they are convenient to control and use in all weather conditions. Keeping this in mind, Eon Electric is all set to scale new heights of growth, excellence and worldwide acceptance. He led the delegation of FICCI to Frankfurt, Germany along with the great Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh for promoting the fast growing strength of Indian Electrical Industries and organised participation of Indian Industries in the Hannover Fair in the year 2006. Having seen ready acceptability of EON’s electrical products and wide range of benefits offered to consumers all over the country, the company hastened the process of development of more innovative and efficient LED Lighting products including LED Streetlights, LED Solar Streetlights, LED Flood Lights, High Mast Lights and LED Decorative lights. These products are completely weather proof with automated controls for dimming or brightening at specific hours of the day, as required, through embedded controls or control through varying intensity of music. For his outstanding contribution to the industry, Mahendru has been awarded the “Outstanding SME of the Year Award” by the Prime Minister of India in the year 2007. He was also awarded as the “Life Time Achievement Award” by Electronics Maker Best of Industry Award in 2017. 17 March 2019|
SECRETS TO BE A E VSPL Energy, Founder- Saints N Sinners & Partner- Farzi Café, Aerocity, New Delhi. ntrepreneurship is for the strong hearted. And life only rewards those who work hard towards their goal consistently”. Meet Vishal Anand, CEO- Take efforts to build the right culture in all matters, small or big, for your organisation. In terms of systems, procedures, commitments, ethics, trainings & so on. From top to bottom, culturally, the entire team should sail in the same direction. This would be a clear differentiator towards building an ORGANISATION viz a vis a mere company. In a candid conversation with Insight Success, Vishal shares some very simple & basic thoughts & personal experiences that would help every budding and new age entrepreneur. He says, even if he is able to impact one person, it would be an immense personal achievement. “ 4. The Power of Information & Keeping Abreast With the Latest Technologies. The business world demands constant change of approach. With the CEO as the prime torch bearer of the Company’s growth, his hold on information, with the use of latest technology, is critical. Optimal use of technology can help your business grow leaps and bounds and make expansion much simpler. But don’t forget, technology changes much faster than us & hence, regular - on-going - self driven, research & training, is imperative. Excerpts from his learning, the top seven lessons to be a successful entrepreneur are- 1. The Power of “The First Step” The human mind is unique in more ways than what we can ever imagine. It is the birth place for such path- breaking ideas that have the potential to surpass all boundaries of success. What holds us back is “taking the first step” in the direction. With the first step, you win half the battle. Fear of social mockery, failure, the cumbersomeness of the initiative, holds us back. Take control of this. Don’t underestimate the power of this step. Take it unabashedly. And the next ones would flow. Also, it is your “Will” that would convert your thoughts into actions, so nurture and strengthen it. 5. Invest in People & Keep Them Motivated Your people make your team. Pick them carefully, train them diligently and keep envisioning them with your farsightedness. In your core team, ensure that you are fostering future leaders and not aiming at a one man army. 6. Cultivate Positivity & A Solution Driven Approach. Keep your business energised through the power of positive thinking. Negativity would lurk at every step. But it is what you choose to acknowledge first, that would make the difference. Highlight, share and appreciate positive thoughts and actions with everybody as much as possible. 2. Don’t Think Too Much Many a times, it is over analysis, nonstop mind chatter, talking to too many people, taking too many view points, that fizzles out the initiative. Think only that much that would help you take a decision, to plan and to execute flawlessly. Talk to handpicked people. Beyond this, everything will be a dampner. 7. Failures Are Not The End Of The World. Condition your mind to be a fighter and not get bogged down by interim failures. It is the lessons learnt and the overall graph that matters. 3. Articulate A Strong Vision & Build The Right Culture. The CEO has to be a visionary. The team would only work upon his vision as the guiding light. 18 March 2019|
Expert’s Guide Vishal Anand CEO Vishal Anand heads VSPL Energy Private Limited (a AAA rated company by SMERA - an RBI accredited Assessing & Rating Agency) as a Founder Promoter. The company is actively engaged In Power Infrastructure Development in the remotest parts of India. His work sees him collaborating with various State Governments including but not limited to Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar & Jharkhand & also with the Power Grid Corporation of India to set up power transmission lines & substations across the country. Vishal upholds “Entrepreneurship” in very high regard. “It is actually service to the nation” creates job opportunities and supports many businesses parallel”, says Vishal. Having been born into a family of Doctors, Bankers, Lawyers & Civil Servants being in “business” was not the obvious choice for him. Says, life was rewarding, not only in terms of success to him, but also in terms of many lessons learnt. Excerpts from his learning. Vishal, a go getter at heart & a true karm Yogi, has keen interest in Music, Fitness, and Adventure & Wildlife. A firm believer that life rewards those who work hard at it and stay strong despite ups and downs. He is based in Gurgaon, where he lives with his wife and Children. 19 March 2019|
FRONTEC FRONTEC Let There be Lights! E even in remote locations. We depend of it for everything from charging our devices, to basic heating cooling and environmental controls, to operating day to day kitchen and bath appliances, and even for running our vehicles. Though remarkable work has been done over the years to ensure electricity reaches even the remotest areas, reliable and dependable distribution networks are still a distant dream. Both government and non-government electrical engineering firms are working tirelessly to strengthen the electrical distribution networks in India to keep pace with the need and demand to efficiently and reliably transport electricity from the generation points to end consumers . lectricity - a truly wonderful engineering marvel that has woven itself into our day to day lives. We are now dependent on Electricity being available, Ashok Saigal Managing Director several mid-East countries in the 1970’s. He is currently serving as Chairman Emeritus of Frontec. Ashok, who is currently the Managing Director, Frontec has been instrumental in establishing Heat Shrink technology into India since the 1980’s. He spearheaded the introduction of this new technology through a leading multinational where he worked for ten years before moving on to establish Frontec. Contributing to this dream is Frontier Technologies Pvt Ltd (Frontec), a company which specializes in Cable Joints and End Terminations of the Heat Shrink Type. Frontec has been in the business of manufacturing Heat Shrinkable Products since 1987. The company manufactures Heat Shrink cable jointing kits, which are used in Medium Voltage electrical distribution networks across India. Creating Reliable Connections - electrical and personal The company manufactures a wide range of heat shrinkable products includinginsulators cable breakouts, rain skirts, and caps and heat shrink tubing. Beginnings The company was Co-founded by Om Khosla and Ashok Saigal in 1987 as an indigenous manufacturer of Heat Shrink and has since grown to become one of the pioneers for Cable Jointing Kits in India. Prior to setting up Frontec, Mr. Khosla had been a leading Transmission Line expert who led his then company, EMC, into path breaking contracts for 400 kV lines in India and These components go into Cable Jointing Kits for both Underground (U/G) as well as Aerial Bunched (A/B) Cables covering Low and Medium Voltages (upto 33KV), Cable Terminations, Straight Through Joints, andFully insulated Tap-Off connectors for Medium Voltage A/B Cables, which are sold under the Frontec brand name. All 22 March 2019|
THE 10 BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN “ “ “ “ management has been recognized at various platforms. It has regularly supported CPRI in training Workshops on Cable Installation and Jointing by providing its key personnel as faculty. Frontec also contributes technical articles on cables and accessories to leading Electrical Journals in India. Following this, Ashok was invited by the Kenya Power and Lighting Company to conduct a 3 day training program on Installation and Jointing of MV Aerial Bunched cables. Good people to do business with these products are tested to National Standards and meet or exceed International industry standards and application requirements ensuring that each Frontec joint is a connection you can depend on. Frontec has serviced several prestigious customers (both SEB’s as well as large Private Contractors) in India. Many Indian Discoms and reputed EPC Contractors have acknowledged Frontec’s support in designing and executing their electrification projects. Frontec’s inputs for introduction of LT AB cable installation methods in India were much appreciated by Rural Electrification Corporation and the company was asked to give a major presentation on this subject at the 2008 Elecrama as a key part of the “Power for All” initiative of the Govt of India. Frontec focuses on connecting with the customer to identify the most suitable product for their requirements before supplying. It takes pride in its ability to respond to develop new products to meet changing market demands. The company puts strong focus on Quality Control and Forensic Investigation to analyze the cause of failures. It provides free no-fault Guarantee period replacement kits and field visits to its long-term customers who return samples of field failures for analysis even after several years. Dealing with Challenges For a Bright Future Frontec’s thirty years of existence have presented some challenges too. Cable joints, being required only at the end of an electrification process, do not received proper attention. They form a fairly small portion of the overall cost of the project so more often than not, proper specifications, quality checks and vendor reliability are not discussed in detail. The price to value proposition arrived at by evaluating the technical performance of the product and mapping it to the price point is rarely considered and discussed. Frontec sees the Electrical Industry in India at the cusp of a major transformation as the Power Sector transitions from a shortage situation to one of surplus power availability both at Generation and Grid levels. Interruptions in power supply are now being seen as a hurdle in overall growth and development of the country and will no longer be tolerated. An increased demand for higher reliability products will benefit higher quality producers. Frontec has developed several unique products as per customer requirements and within the agreed on time limits. Many of these products have become de-facto industry standards. The recent addition of Mr Aditya Saigal as the head of Sales and marketing has added fresh impetus to this important function. The company looks forward to leverage its reputation for reliability of product quality and business commitments for further brand extension both nationally and internationally, and to a wider range of products. Establishing Brand Image has been another major issue. Liberalization of imports has opened the market to competition from lower cost imports. As such, it is difficult for a company without an International collaboration to establish its credentials as a quality supplier worth a premium price over the lowest bidder. Good product performance backed by quick response to customer needs for quick deliveries and technical and service support have helped Frontec to establish long term supplier relationships with reputed customers. India has been making rapid strides in the electrical field. The country has come a long way from being dependent on International Powers to being self-sufficient. With committed indigenous players like Frontec, India is sure to shine bright! Appreciations Frontec’s commitment to quality and professional 23 March 2019|
K-Lite Exploration of the Fascinating Use of Light Sharmila Kumbhat Director & Partner O technology. Often we only pay attention to light in extreme cases—it’s too dark or too bright. But the middle part of that continuum is where it gets interesting. The quality, color, and amount of light shape our understanding and the aesthetic purposes in visual media and in living spaces. In fact, in some ways it makes more sense to think of light as energy rather than as a flow of particles, though truthfully it is – a little confusingly – both. f all the fields of industrial design, lighting seems to evolve the quickest as designers harness innovations in materials, manufacturing, and metro rail will speak for themselves the standing of the company. Quality assurance with a fully equipped illumination laboratory and a committed group of employees are the mainstay for the success of the company. The right light lifts the mood, inspires productivity and motivates us Light has a communicative and social value in its ability to optimize urban spaces, giving the possibility of reclaiming the culture of a place, encourage aggregation, stimulating business and tourism, making events and architecture spectacular and increasing the feeling of safety. In 1977, K- Lite began a long journey of innovation in lighting products by its FounderMr. Dilip Kumbhat the visionary. Though born in a family of established electrical traders, he opted to be a mechanical engineering graduate. K-LITE has stood for innovation and sustainable development in the Indian lighting industry, supported by its manufacturing hub in CHENNAI, INDIA. An ISO 9001 certified company K-Lite is a leading manufacturer of indoor and outdoor Lighting Fixtures in India. Incorporated in the year 1977, it has crossed the silver jubilee milestone. The quality conscious K-Lite clientele which includes prestigious software companies, Delhi Airport and the True to what he learnt, he established a manufacturing unit under the brand name K-Lite in 1977 with a single power 24 March 2019|
THE 10 BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN “ “ K-LITE Industries, Chennai, has been conferred World’s Greatest Brands & Leaders 2017-18 Award. The 4th edition of the award event was part of the Indo-UAE Business & Social Forum 2018 organised by URS-AsiaOne Magazine and URS Media Consulting P.L and was presented in Dubai. This award is in recognition to K-Lite’s contribution towards lighting industry in India and across the globe. India Design Mark Award in 2015 and 2016 for some of K-lite’s prestigious bollard / post top luminaires such as Juno, Ajna and Vera. Factors Contributing to the Growth of Lighting Market Free and cheap imports, particularly from China are really killing the development of domestic manufacturing of lighting components. Such imports have brought down the quality to very low levels. The market has become trader's market. Even the locally available components for the luminaires are imported as a cheap item. Government should impose restrictions so that except the LED chips from reputed manufacturers, other imports are curtailed. Dilip says, “Unless we increase the domestic manufacturing contribution more, we cannot scale up the local production.” Creating more public awareness programs to choose the energy efficient lighting and making the usage of LED lamps/ fixtures in all Government departments/ projects mandatory. We believe that the technology updation, committed labour force, quality enforcement and a positive thinking management are the keys for reaching the market with the best and the cheapest product “ “ press and committed helpers to assist him. Today the name K-Lite is known at the national level with dealer outlets in all big cities in India. Internationally, the company has outlets in USA and UK. Directly and indirectly he has been nurturing more than 1000 families through employment and this is in itself a great service to society. Having crossed the silver jubilee stage, the company is on a very strong footing with ISO certification, CE marking of a variety of outdoor luminaires, UL marking of certain export luminaires and a fully equipped optometric and testing laboratory to international standards. Providing Apt Facilities for Future K-Lite has established its footprint as the trend setters in outdoor luminaires with quality and range as their hallmark. K-Lite’s range of Green Lights for a Greener World with a strong focus on LED goes to prove its respect for environment and energy saving. Exclusivity of the K- Lite luminaires for specialized applications can be seen in the saloon lights of the modern metro coaches and ICF coaches. Integration of decorative poles with application oriented outdoor luminaires is an added strength of K-Lite. Awards and Accolades Establishing Government testing laboratories and provide the testing facilities at competitive rates as against the existing limited facilities with very high rates coupled with the typical delays to provide the services in time. A uniform standard for the LED chips in line with the emerging technologies. Government should plan to provide special assistance for the manufacturers through concessional land/ building allocation, updating technology through regular workshops/ seminars through Deity or the relevant lighting associations like the Indian Society of Lighting Engineers who are conducting such programs all over India, easy loan facilities with low interest rates etc., Director and Partner Mrs Sharmila Kumbhat is conferred with the Best Woman Entrepreneur even when she was 18 years old by the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Madam Jayalalithaa. 25 March 2019|
KRYFS Power Components A Premier Transformer Lamination and Core Manufacturer Saif Qureishi Co-founder & CEO E most trusted Indian brands in the lamination category. The company is the first ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2004 and OSHAS 18001:2007 accredited transformer lamination and core facility in the country. By crafting out transformers upto 10 MVA, 33 KV class, KRYFS has become the largest manufacturer of transformer tanks and is engaged in Power distribution projects – Engineering, Procurement and Construction in four states across India. The company also provides green solar power to several industries with Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s)of about 3 MW on rooftops. stablished in 1992, KRYFS Power Components Ltd. is a Transformer Lamination and Core manufacturer, which is recognized as one of the commitment to provide sustainable power solutions is exploring and transforming the power industry to the grassroot level! Giving utmost significance to its team and customers since inception, today, the company is catering prominent solutions to more than thirty countries across the globe. With sheer determination and concrete endeavors, KRYFS reported a consolidated annual turnover of Rs. 700 Crs. from product range which enhanced the entire value chain of power transmission and distribution. It is the only companyin its sector to be privileged with a strategic investment from Toyota Tsusho Corporation, Japan. With more than 750 employees engaged in its 8 state-of-the-art manufacturing units operational, KRYFS delivers end-to-end power solutions from generation to distribution to help India achieve its goal of being completely electrified by 2025. Its domain expertise, innovative technology, a legacy of excellence and The Professional Journey Saif Qureishi, an IIM-B graduate and his father F.B.Qureishi (fondly known as FBQ) are the Co-founders, who framed KRYFS Power Components Ltd. with alittle capital.Before setting the cornerstones of the company, 28 March 2019|
THE 10 BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN Engineering Export Promotion Council for six consecutive years, the Asscocham Innovation Award, and the India’s Small Giant Award to name a few. “ “ “ “ Always putting values above business For any growing organization, the biggest challenge is to build a robust, competent and committed team of people - ultimately people are the primary pillars of an organization. KRYFS is a value-driven company, which has always embraced values above business. Since inception, the company proudly cherishes its 7 H values of – Honesty | Humility | Helpful nature | Humanitarian Approach | Hardwork | Happy Outlook | Hamesha Kaizen (always improving) FBQ holded the reins of a small manufacturing unit in Mumbai, which was unable to create its niche in the complex market. Acknowledging Saif's passion for entrepreneurship, FBQ decided to shut down his business and support Saif in setting up his business ventureKRYFS. While FBQ handled the finance, Saif started focusing on expanding the business. Later, Saif ’s hunger to be an entrepreneur led him to be the CEO of the company. The Current Scenario Currently, with the various government schemes like DDUGVY, IPDS, Saubhagya, etc. the demand for electrical equipment is increasing to its best. The end customer as well as the state utilities are not in good financial health, thereby impacting the food chain. Further, intense competition from Chinese players has a severe pressure on margins. Also, the tightening of fund availability by the banking industry has created a cash crunch in the electrical industry. Over the years, Saif had successfully gained associations with various industry organizations like IEEMA, ITMA, CII and IIMBAA. Under his aegis, KRYFS has transformed the lamination industry from Secondary CRGO (raw material) to Prime CRGO. “Thus, I would say the current scenario in the electrical equipment industry is satisfactory from a demand perspective but gloomy from a cash flow perspective,” says Saif. KRYFS – A One-of-its-kind Company CRGO electrical steel is a material manufactured by only a handful of countries around the world. As such, it is imperative to have a good relationship and a constant supply of raw material to generate profitable outcomes and march beyond the success horizons. Working with the same vision is KRYFS, which is not only the preferred supplier to most of the large and prestigious transformer manufacturers in India and abroad, but also a preferred customer for most of the CRGO mills around the world. Future Endeavors Consistently focusing on growth and prosperity of all its stakeholders, KRYFS aims to be a globally recognized player in which ever product or service it offers. By providing optimal quality, great value and delightful service to its customers, the company is on a mission to achieve scale and excellence to its core. The company also intends to pay a greater attention to solar rooftop business along with energy storage (batteries) along with exploring the applications of IIoT, AI and ML in the electrical equipments industry, to make the equipment more predictable and the supply more robust! The company is amongst the first to introduce ‘step lap lamination’ in India, which actually reduced the no-load- loss of transformers by six to eight percent, without additional charges. It is the only company to offer both tanks and transformer laminations upto 765 KV class, which are the highest rating of commercially produced transformers in the country. The company has received several awards from 29 March 2019|
KVTEK Delivering Quality Power Solutions T services and products in the Indian sub-continent, companies are progressing towards the international market and identifying new geographies to expand their market share. he Indian manufacturing industry is undoubtedly one of the biggest contributors to the Indian economy. Alongside delivering a plethora of Anil Uppal CEO right location for the test labs in their manufacturing plants, offers complete design of site preparation including earthing design and RF shielding designs. The manufacturing plant is located in IMT Manesar, Gurgaon and is approx. 50 Kms from New Delhi International Airport. Earlier, because of the restrictions imposed on the thermal power generation in India along with the countless issues with the solar and wind power generations, the market had been going through a lean phase. However, by the virtue of new entrants in the private sector to the reforms and initiatives introduced by the Government, this sector has set the right trajectory of growth. KVTEK Power Systems Pvt. Ltd. is one such leading premium manufacturer of Electrical Testing and Measuring Equipment with primary focus on High Voltage Testing. An Invigorating Frontrunner As the CEO of KVTEK, Anil Uppal is a seasoned professional in this domain and has played a substantial role in putting KVTEK on the global map. Anil carries over three decades of experience that has fuelled his motivation in accomplishing numerous milestones over the years. With a mearge investment of 35K in 1990, Anil has successfully managed to cement KVTEK as one of the major players in the industry. One key attribute that has attracted and fascinated Anil is the fact that there are no competitive players within the Indian market as KVTEK stands for Kilovolt Technologies. As an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified Company, KVTEK has evolved as a complete testing solution provider rather than just supplying the test equipment to the clients. Along with the test equipment’s, it also assists the customers in selecting the 30 March 2019|
THE 10 BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN “ “ “ “ -Impulse Test Labs -Transformer Loss Measuring Test Labs -Ratio & Phase Angle error and Capacitance & Tangent Delta Test Labs Dening quality is our forte These labs can be created in the factory for pre-dispatch testing, third-party test labs and can also be a mobile test facility to conduct on-site testing. KVTEK is the only manufacturer. The competition is from the Chinese players who score the brownie points on pricing; however, they fall much shorter when it comes to delivering premium quality products along with seamless after-sales service. Industry Challenges Talking about the challenges and hardships, Anil asserts that “Major challenge for growth is the complete lack of basic infrastructure required for this industry. For every small thing we need to rely on foreign countries. Not enough labs to provide basic calibration of these equipment’s. Most components, raw material needs to be imported. No Trained man power readily available in this field as a result of which we have to hire fresher’s, train them for few years before they become useful to the company”. Weaving the Success Web The initial business model was based on importing high voltage test equipment from the US and Europe and market them in India, along with providing installation, commissioning and after-sale service for the imported products. However by the year 2000, the Chinese industry started to explore the market, this model became unsustainable to continue. By 2005, the company shifted its gear and instead of trading products, started to manufacture them in India only and since then it has progressed steadily. Today along with manufacturing, KVTEK undertakes complete turnkey responsibility of setting up the test labs that has ultimately resulted in solidifying its customer-base. Some of the major products offered by the company are listed below: Future Augmentations The ultimate objective of KVTEK is to evolve as the market leader at the global platform. Over the last few years, the company has explored new territories that include Vietnam and in the US. In its endeavor to maximize its footprints, it continues to establish channel partners across the globe to market its products at the global market. The company holds a very optimistic view of the future. As the majority of the buyers who had gone for Chinese products have faced multiple issues related to the product and after-sales services, these companies are now tuning up with KVTEK for better products and services. Additionally, as the US and European products are expensive and also have minimal advantages, these markets are also losing the dominance which is actually assisting KVTEK to tap new opportunities. Combining these favorable market scenarios, the future perspective looks bright as the company looks forward to creating new markets along with increasing its prominence in the existing markets. -HV AC Series Resonant Test System -HV Partial Discharge Detection System -Capacitance and Tangent Delta Test Set -Impulse Voltage Test System -Transformer Loss Measuring System -Static Frequency Converter -Capacitor Banks required for transformer testing -HV AC Dielectric Test Sets -AC/DC Kilovoltmeters -Ratio and Phase Angle Error Equipment for CTs/PTs/CVTs Alongside, the associated accessories also help KVTEK to offer complete turnkey test lab solutions to the manufacturers of various components that include: -HV PD Test Labs 31 March 2019|
INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Transforming Electrical Industry at its Best! I like never before the Electrical Industry is witnessing a revolution and setting a perfect example of innovation and alacrity. Let’s read about a discovery which is empowering mankind with prominent capabilities and creating a one-of-its-kind history – Infrared Thermography (IRT). n this digital-age, where technology is evolving to its fullest, Electricity is of utmost significance. With advancements We all know that electrical and mechanical systems can run into problems without giving any set of warnings. These failures are frequently preceded by a considerable period of increased heat in the various components of the system. This is where Infrared Thermography comes into the picture as a savior. Just think, if the increasing heat gets detected in good time, it would be surely essential in analyzing the condition and correcting it before the equipment fails. Infrared Thermography – a powerful maintenance tool which helps identifying areas that are abnormally hot or cool – does the same. It is a tool which comes up with a curated checklist of benefits useful in investigating the electrical problems. Regular visual inspections may successfully unveil electrical issues, but it would be too late as the issues would have already caused damage and also burned a hole in one’s pocket. However, explorations through IRT can find the problems and fix them avoiding costly down time, equipment damage and potential safety issues. 32 March 2019|
From Editor’s Desk IRT can detect several conditions that may undermine the operational efficiency of electrical systems. Some of the conditions include overloads, loose connections, inductive heating, open circuits, harmonics, unbalanced loads and defective equipment. in turn would generate profitable outcomes. Its low maintenance aspect makes it unique. In-house and on- site equipment such as panels, switches, relays, transformers, cables, power grids etc. can be examined at ease. ‘Safe’ is the New Smart Enhanced Quality The world is flooded with complex evolving sectors, where the industrial processes are running faster than before. As such, this high speed may cause sudden failure creating hazardous conditions. For example, it can include flying debris that would be harmful for the in-house employees. IRT enables real-time detection of electrical problems and avoid fires caused by overloaded circuits or faulty wiring. It showcases a perfect blend of smart and safe work. IRT tool perfectly defines the true essence of ‘quality’ – a result of processes that run reliably and consistently. As dealing with electrical problems becomes easy, systems will operate optimally. This will help in rolling out quality products, a factor that will not only earn the trust of the customers but also boost the business in the longer run. Currently, IR thermography is becoming the most reliable diagnostic tool for the existing and emerging electrical companies. Future Highlights Unseen temperature variations can be detected instantly before any major harm including: • Immediate Stoppage of production in case of any disturbance • Empowering employees by avoiding serious in-house accidents • Early detection of short circuits and fires IRT is on its way to become a significant component of diversified industrial processes by driving the mankind towards a viable and safe world. Soon, there would be no substitute to its accuracy, safety or reliability. Presently, this technique is helping the plant engineers to predict any potential failure, thereby planning well before these failures become hazardous. Future would witness a scenario where electrical industry would offer better safety and set a perfect example of ‘Safe and Secure Sector.’ In case of loose connections, IRT would successfully avoid the risks of electrocution by detecting the amount of connections in a particular plant. Competitiveness at Ease The future trends of IRT are linked to various complex parameters like the emerging technologies of sensor fabrication. This is for the mass production especially for electronic applications, with a strong two-way synergy between electrical and mechanical applications. As said earlier, inspections using IRT would help detecting problems and assist repairs. This will successfully lead to fewer downtimes and result in fewer interruptions. IRT hits the equipment in good time and increases operational productivity with significant financial savings. New markets like automotive, intelligent building, environmental control and consolidated markets like biomedical and medical, energy control, surveillance and warning would get strong benefits from the IRT tool. Especially in automotive applications, this tool will create a real possibility of high level products at contained cost feeding – a double-wave of technology transfer between the emerging applications. IRT is the source of developing a better Electrical World with its flair of creativity and prominence. With IRT, the businesses can experience fewer interruptions. It would also reduce losses and improve the cash flow. In case of commercial insurance that protects against interruptions, IRT tool would help in paying lower premiums for the coverage. Compared to manual inspections, IRT does not require any manual interruption during the inspection. The tool will inspect electrical problems while systems are running, even in complex operations it would perform meticulously. This 33 March 2019|
Power Matrix Solutions Power Quality Solution Experts of the Indian Subcontinent Sony Jacob Co-founder I increasing competitive market. One such sector which is witnessing robust growth pattern,by the virtue of increasing manpower, market demand, and change in reforms, is the Indian Electrical sector. The ever growing customer base and increasing penetration have provided enough air for the sector to prosper and flourish. devices, harmonic filters, and power quality studies, PMX works to increase the efficiency of the systems, and also plays a pivotal role in saving power by improving the Power Quality. As a seasoned player, PMX is walking the extra mile to keep the planet in an utmost manner. ndian business sector is scaling new heights as majority of the sectors are transforming themselves to cope up with the ever-evolving scenario and ever- Along with embracing innovation and best practices, the company emphasizes continuous learning through focused Research & Development. This ‘structured’ approach has enabled PMX to fortify its knowledge base and acquire stupendous engineering expertise to deliver best-in-the- industry solutions. This has also empowered the team to manage the clients with ease by crafting customized power quality solutions that serve the specific needs of the clients. As PMX celebrate nearly two decades of inception in the coming years, the company has built itself into a position of repute in the industry that it aims to consolidate and transform itself into a complete powerhouse of all Power Quality Solutions under one roof. In its continued endeavor to deliver premium services, it offers a plethora customized solutions ranging from power consumption/compensation to offset the harmful effects of new-age electrical polluting devices. Acknowledging the contribution of one such prominent player, this edition unveils the journey of Power Matrix Solutions Pvt Ltd. (PMX). Standing tall as one of the leading power quality solution providers in the Indian sub- continent, PMX was established in the year 2000. Since then, PMX is committed to evolve as a complete solution- provider and eventually be one of the major contributors towards the betterment of the Indian electrical sector. The Success Story Specializing in three core areas – power quality improving 36 March 2019|
THE 10 BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN “ “ “ · maxPowerPS – Passive Harmonic Filters · maxPowerAS – Active Harmonic Filters · maxPowerHS – Hybrid Harmonic Filters “ “ Technically Competent | Quality unmatched | Socially Responsible These solutions are designed to be deployed for network voltages of 200V, 400V, 480V, 1000V, and up to 33000V. Mission Statement The Leader To achieve domestic market leadership by March 31st 2022, in the domain of Power factor correction and Harmonic filter solutions for Low voltage and medium voltage up to 33 kV. 100% indigenously manufactured solutions and components built under the PMX PQ simplified 4D methodology ensuring zero product failure Sony Jacob is the Co-founder of PMX and has been the torch bearer of innovation and excellence in the organization. As the founding member, he has worked in various capacities with the company and had embraced several opportunities to develop and implement effective and cost optimized solutions in the field of harmonic filtering. Under his affluent leadership, PMX has evolved into a reliable provider of harmonic filtering solutions in India and overseas and has grown from having no installation initially to over 6000 successful installations till date After attaining his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Sony worked as a ‘Research Assistant’ at the University of Missouri, Columbia for a short span before aligning with PMX. Currently, he is focusing to increase the global footprint for PMX products and solutions,. On the product front, Team PMX constantly endeavors to increase the quality of its Product Offerings and solutions. Governed by its ‘First Time Right Manufacturing Methodology’ & ‘Fit & Forget Theme Policy’, PMX ensures 100% customer delight in all its clients Converting Challenges into Opportunities Business is a continual game of uneven challenges and hence, growth is not easy for anyone. Every organization goes through different aspects of challenges during their growth cycle and every phase ends with a unique learning curve. PMX has gone through its share of challenges - getting its first customer, selecting the right technology, marketing communication, client relations, people to work for PMX, retaining talent, content for talent, financial stability, expansion, innovation, and the list continues! The best part of this entire process is that at the end of every successful cycle, it creates ‘success story’ that is to be shared with the team and industry at a later point of time. Pillars of PMX Founded in 2000, PMX boasts of a sound backing from a reputed American company and of having technically sound personnel in its ranks. Motivation has been a strong factor that has contributed to the success of the company, as it gets motivated to identify ideas for improvement and implementing the same in a methodical manner. The most significant asset of PMX is its competent and robust team who with their technical expertise and dedicated team work always endeavor to lead PMX to its desired and deserved goal. Flagship Products & Services One unique quality that differentiates this sector from others is that electricity does not distinguish between any genres of customers. There are only large, small, industrial, and residential consumers. What works for one definitely works for the other, but the sizes are different, and hence if the solution is working on the right path, scaling up becomes easier. PMX focuses to deliver world-class solutions for reactive power compensations from the Indian shores. The company markets various models of harmonic filtering solutions under the brand of ‘maxPower’ they are: , 37 March 2019|
Techno Electric & Engineering A Leading Provider of High-Quality EPC Services Padam Prakash Gupta MD E is headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal (India) with marketing offices in Kolkata & Delhi. Techno is engaged in three business types – EPC, Asset Ownership, and Operation & Maintenance. The company basically provides services to three industry segments – generation, transmission, and distribution. providing financial assistance for education, scholarship, medical treatment etc. through its charitable arm. stablished in the year 1963, Techno Electric & Engineering is one of the leading players in the country’s power-infrastructure space. The company Quality Solutions It is one of the leaders in the field of EHV Substations. It is a part of the power utilities (Central/States) in India & execute projects in various capacities. Over the years in operation, TEECL has executed multiple projects across various geographies -from terrains ranging from hill areas and river beds to deep interiors – nationwide. The company not only deploys its resources on time and executes the project on schedule, but also builds strong relationships with the local people by including them in the projects and by creating a favorable work environment. TEECL was established with a mission to provide comprehensive EPC services to the core sectors in India. The company is well equipped with state-of-the-art management, competent human resources, and resourceful financing. technology manufacturers and high standards of quality With the advent of evolving technologies and regularity bottlenecks, TEECL as an EPC organization, without any equipment manufacturing facility had sustained its position amongst multinational OEMS. The Perfect Example of Leadership Padam Prakash Gupta, MD, is honors graduate in Industrial Engineeringwith a Management in Business Administration (PGDBA) from Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad. Fascinating Industry “The Electrical Industry has gone through a lot of change. Since then, generation, transmission, and distribution has been unbundled; and, power trading has become possible. Electricity is a basic human right that has a bearing on education, health & family economy, and making impactful contribution in this space gives immensful satisfaction. Under the leadership of P. P. Gupta, with over three decades of experience in the power sector, TEECL has emerged as one of the foremost Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies in all the segments of the power sector. Since 2009, he has focused on becoming a utility in the power sector from the service provider. Besides leading the business, P. P. Gupta is also engaged in 38 March 2019|
THE 10 BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN “ “ “ “ “ development while improving the quality of life of the local community and society at large. Progress is Performance TEECL directly and indirectly through its charitable arm, The Oriental Charitable Trust undertake various social activities in the field of education and healthcare. A world ranked institute, IIM-Ahmedabad has restored, conserved, and upgraded their dorm rooms, auditorium, and other related activities with TEECL’s support. Students are now able to access state of the art technology with best of the education available in this country. TEECL Vivekananda Vidyavikash Parishad is a prestigious NGO committed to the cause of spreading education based on our age-old Indian principles and philosophy to the poorest of the poor across small towns, villages,, and tribal belts. TEECL has funded the construction of 4 schools at Mayureshwar, Dujipur, Pirorgarimore, and Raghunathgunj in West Bengal. Electricity is a basic human right and making impactful contribution in this space gives immense satisfaction. 8kwp solar installation at a Government school namely Braja Ballapur Shikya Nekitan School in South 24 paraganas was undertaken by TEECL. 50 energy efficient fans, 120 energy efficient LED lights, and generation of more than 13 MWh of electricity annually have benefited over 1500 students. In the field of healthcare, TEECL has contributed towards establishing an Eye Hospital in Howrah through Lions Club of Howrah Trust. Regular camps for eye check-up and free medical services are organized for the deprived people. In addition, the organization is associated with Smile Foundation, an NGO based in New Delhi having presence in 25 states, providing education and healthcare to underprivileged children. The company has also made significant contributions towards HDFC Cancer care for the treatment of cancer patients. Friend of tribal society, Akshay Patra Foundation, Moran Blind School, Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation, Umrao Institute of Medical Science & Research Trust, ISKON are few other organisations through which Techno Electric & Eng. Co. Ltd. is involved in education, medical, religious, and livelihood projects. AWARDS / RECOGINITION RECEIVED BY TECHNO FOR TECHNOLOGICAL PERFORMANCES / EXCELLENCE 1. National Awards for Outstanding Performance in Power Sector during the Year 2011-12 from Ministry of Power, Govt.of India. 2. PGCIL – Utkrisht Award in EPC Construction of Sustations – 2013 3. Best Vendor Award – Electrical from BHEL. 4. Certificate for Exemplary Growth – 2013 by Inc.India 5. Best Vendor Award – Electrical from BHEL 6. Certificate for Outstanding performance and Dedication from North Bihar Power Distribution Co.Ltd (NBPDCL), Bihar. 7. Appreciation Letter from MITSUBISHI for EPC Construction of their process plant At Haldia, West Bengal. 8. Runner Up Award from PGCIL for substation Performance (400KV) 9. Certificate of Appreciation from Bihar State Power Company Ltd. 10. IEI Industry Excellence Award – 2016 for demonstrating highest order of Business Excellence from IEI. 11. Interview of MD in Outlook Magazine with Photograph 12. Excellence Award for Industrial Development from IERDA (Indian Economic Development & Research Association) Futuristic Outlook The organization is redefining itself to address the evolving new technologies ie. HVDC System, Smart Metering, Statcoms, etc. Also, the company expects to evolve from an EPC solutions provider to an across-the-table network solutions provider. 13. Certificate from the Financial Times and Statista recognizing TECHNO as one of FT 1000 High Growth Companies Asia Pacific 2018. Corporate Social Responsibilities At TEECL, we are committed towards economic 39 March 2019|