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The responsibility of human resource manager is that they have to help in three areas which include staffing, employee compensation and benefits. Read this document to know more about human resource management.
Human Resource Management Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1 TASK 1....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Difference between personnel management and human resource management. ................. 1 1.2 Assess the function of human resource management in contributing to organisational ....... 2 1.3 Role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management ...................... 2 1.4 The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management .......... 3 TASK 2....................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Reasons for human resource planning in organisations ...................................................... 3 2.2 Stages involved in planning human resource requirements ................................................ 4 2.3 Comparison of recruitment and selection process to two difference organisations ............. 5 2.4 Evaluation of effectiveness of recruitment and selection process of Hunter Adam and Penta consulting ..................................................................................................................... 5 TASK 3....................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Link between motivational theory and reward ................................................................... 6 3.2 Process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay.............................................. 6 3.3 The effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts ................................................. 6 3.4 The methods organisations use to monitor employee performance .................................... 7 TASK 4....................................................................................................................................... 7 4.1 The reasons for cessation of employment with an organisation ......................................... 7 4.2 The employment exit procedures used by two organisations ............................................. 8 4.3 The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements8 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 9 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 9 Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
INTRODUCTION Human resource management is the term which helps in describing the formal system as they have to do proper management of person within the entity. The responsibility of human resource manager is that they have to help in three areas which include staffing, employee compensation and benefits along with this it helps in defining and designing work. The present scenario is based on the below carried out analysis on Austin Fraser Ltd. which is a consultancy firm and a well known brand name in its sector (Mondy and Martocchio, 2016). The company specializes in providing a potential and skilful human resource to the clients and they also strive to provide training and development sessions to the employees. This assignment focuses on the difference between the personnel and human resource management along with this discussion should be done on function of human resource management TASK 1 1.1 Difference between personnel management and human resource management. Personnel management Human resource management Personnel Human resource management helps in management refers to obtaining a satisfied workforce. development or implementation the strategies in the organisation along with this it helps in providing training to staff members so that they can achieve organisational goals and objectives. It is a traditional approach by which It helps in generating the proper culture company manager can manage the of organisation. employees in the company (Mathis and Human Resource management is the et.al., 2016). Personnel management focuses on modern approach of managing people personal supervision, employee in Austin Fraser Ltd. Human Resource management is a legislation and labour relation. Personnel management helps in beneficial source and it helps in providing benefits and incentives for achieving goals and objectives. Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
Human resource management focus on the employees. It helps in carrying out the proper the supervision function which helps in communication with all employees at achieving goals and objectives the top level management and higher (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Human resource management is a level management. Personnel management helps in routine strategic function within Austin Fraser function within the organisation. Ltd. 1.2 Assess the function of human resource management in contributing to organisational The main function of human resource management includes planning, staffing, employee development and employee maintenance and these functions helps in attaining goals and objectives of Austin Fraser Ltd. Planning – The human resource manager of Austin Fraser Ltd. have to do proper planning which is helpful for the entity. Along with this, they have to collect the information and do the proper analysis of information which helps in attaining the benefits (Storey, 2007). Job analysis –It helps in describing the nature of job and specifies the human requirements so that they can achieve the advantages. Staffing – It is the function of Human resource management and help in recruitment and selection . Along with this, they have to use the proper methods so that all the work should be done properly. Training and development – It help in improving the knowledge and skills of employees of Austin Fraser Ltd. which assist in attaining leading position in the market. Labour relations – It refers to interaction with the employees which is represented by the trade union. (Avey, Luthans and Jensen, 2009). 1.3 Role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management Line managers of the entity help in managing employees or teams so that they can do proper work and helps in achieving the goals and objectives. Roles and responsibilities of line managers is that they have to use best policies or strategies which helps in setting targets and assist in attainment of growth. Further, the managers of company have to make correct decisions so that they can attain the leading position in the market. The employees or manager of Austin Fraser Ltd. play an important role in human resource management which helps in meeting Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
the goals whether it is related to operational, marketing and finance (Kang, Morris and Snell, 2007). Responsibilities of line manager are that they have to do the proper supervision so that they do activities which are related to employee engagement. It helps in focusing on negative aspects of the employee performance. The employees or managers of Austin Fraser Ltd. assist in analysing the factors which helps in improving performance of the employees. Along with this they have to recognize the strength and weakness of employees. Further, the line managers have to provide the proper feedback to the employees and managers of company so that they can resolve the issues (Liao and et.al., 2009). 1.4 The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management In the HRM, Austin Fraser Ltd. helps in developing the legal and regulatory framework which helps in protecting employees from the unfair discrimination in the work place. It aid the manager of the company in meeting the objectives with the employee legislation. They have to take care of the rights and duties of the employees and employer within Austin Fraser Ltd. There are so many areas which affect the human resource management and it includes health and safety, equal employment opportunities, employee protection and compensation. Austin Fraser Ltd. has to adopt the legal and regulatory framework which helps in acheiving the benefits in the entity (Black, Clemmensen and Skov, 2010). TASK 2 2.1 Reasons for human resource planning in organisations Company have to make proper department of human resource which will assist the entity in attaining the goals and objectives (Guest, 2011). Along with this, they help in achieving the sustainable growth. The manager of human resource helps in proper planning so that the staff members of Austin Fraser Ltd. do not face any problem in doing the work and by that they can improve the productivity in the competitive market. Reasons for the proper planning of human resource management are: It helps in improving the internal strength of the entity and by that they can improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of employees in doing the work in the proper manner which helps in attaining the aims and targets and leading position in the market. Human resource management have to manage all the things and have to do proper planning which helps in Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
attaining the advantages. The employees and manager of the company have to do the proper contribution in making the proper decisions along with this it helps in providing the satisfaction level to the employees. Further, Human resource manager have to provide the training and then staff members have to produce the best quality services to the consumers which will helps in fulfilling the demand of the consumers. Manager of the company do planning which will help in maintaining proper coordination with the demand and supply. Along with this, Austin Fraser Ltd. hires the best employees which have proper knowledge and skills by using the proper process of planning of recruitment and selection w so that they can attain the maximum benefits. 2.2 Stages involved in planning human resource requirements Human resource planning includes six steps which are :- Analysing organisational objectives –The employees and manager of Austin Fraser Ltd. have to analyze objectives which can help in improving the sales of the entity Forecasting of demand and supply of human resource – In this company members have to forecast the demand and supply of the products and services which will assist in achieving high revenue (Lengnick-Hall and et.al., 2009). Estimating manpower gaps –In this, the company members have to compare human resource demand and supply and by that they can find the surplus or deficit of human resource. Formulating the action plan – In this step, Austin Fraser Ltd. have to formulate the action plan which can help in identifying the recruitment need and by that they can evaluate the surplus and deficit of the entity in the market. Monitoring, controlling and feedback – It is the last and final steps which help in monitoring and controlling in the activities which helps in achieving the goals and objectives. Along with this, company members have to take the feedbacks so that they can find out where improvements are required and by that they can attain the targets. So, these are the steps which help Austin Fraser Ltd. in attaining targets. By this, they can carry out the necessary improvements so that the employees do not face any problem and by that the company can improve the productivity (Kang and Snell, 2009). 2.3 Comparison of recruitment and selection process to two difference organisations Recruitment and selection process is the process which helps in identifying the suitable candidate so that they have can perform roles and duties which can aid in fulfilling goals and Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
objectives of the enterprise. Comparison of recruitment and selection process in both the countries is as follows:- Austin Fraser Ltd. use HRM approach which aids in recruitment and selection process whereas Penta is using traditional method in hiring employees which helps in fulfilling the demands of the consumer (Chen and Huang, 2009). Austin Fraser Ltd. conducts the telephonic interview so that the manager and applicant can personnel interact. On the other hand, Penta is conducting face to face interview so that they can judge the skills and knowledge of the applicant. To judge the aptitude skills, Austin Fraser Ltd take the aptitude test which helps in checking the quality. On the other hand, Penta is not using this element as they are using traditional approach of recruitment and selection process. 2.4 Evaluation of effectiveness of recruitment and selection process of Hunter Adam and Penta consulting The company members have to do use proper recruitment process so that they can recruit the best employees. Along with this, it helps in achieving the sustainable growth and by that both the companies can improve productivity and for this role of recruitment and selection process is crucial. Recruitment and selection process helps in measuring and attaining the competitive advantage and by that they can control cost which also helps in hiring employees. In the present scenario, Austin Fraser Ltd adopted new method of recruitment and selection process and this process is very complex but Penta is using traditional method of recruitment and selection process which helps in reducing the cost (Collings and Mellahi, 2009). The company members have to do the proper work with effectiveness . Penta is adopting the internal source which help in selecting the right source for candidate whereas Austin Fraser Ltd. use external elements in the recruitment and selection process of workers by which they can post the advertisement for the vacancy. It aid Austin Fraser Ltd. in improving the productivity. TASK 3 3.1 Link between motivational theory and reward Motivation refers to the way which helps in encouraging employees that they can do qualitative work so that they can improve the performance. Reward management is directly affect the motivation of workers. It play a important or crucial role in improving the growth and productivity. This method helps in making the proper coordination among the employees which Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
assist in completing the best and qualitative work. Along with this it helps to top management so that they can understand the intrinsic and extrinsic factors which affect the moral and productivity of the employees (Halpern and et.al., 2008). Various level need theory or Maslow theory which helps in motivating the employees so that they can deliver the various information at the various stages of life. Along with this it helps in motivating the employees so that they do the proper work with the proper efforts. 3.2 Process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay Austin Fraser Ltd. is using the following approach for determining the pay which is as follows as:- Method of ordering– In this approach, they have to evaluate ranking of the job of employees. This approach is useful in fulfilling the roles and responsibilities which help the employees in providing monetary rewards. It helps in improving employee’s skills, knowledge and qualification by which entity attain the competitive advantage. (Bakker and Demerouti, 2007). Ranking method– This approach help in improving skills and position of the employees on the basis of quantity. It helps in making correct decisions so that they can sustain the growth in the competitive market and by that they can increase the competitiveness of operations in the entity. 3.3 The effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts The role of reward helps the entity as well as employees in expanding the growth so that they can sustain in the market. . There are two types of rewards system which helps in achieving the targets:- Financial reward –Organization is providing financial rewards to their employees to encourage and motivate them Employees of Austin Fraser Ltd. have to fulfil the responsibilities which helps in attaining the benefits in competitive market. Non Financial reward – Non financial incentives helps in engaging the employees in the different ways. This incentive is the type of rewards that they are not a part of the employees pay. Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
3.4 The methods organisations use to monitor employee performance There are different methods by which entity can monitor performance of the employees which are as follows: Observation – The employees of Austin Fraser Ltd. have to review employee performance. Along with this line manager do proper monitoring which helps in completing the work in the proper time. 360 degree feedback – This method is also aids in monitoring the performance by which they can monitor the task by getting feedback about the contribution from co-worker and supervisor. Along with this, it helps in assessing the strength and weakness of the employees (Ulrich and et.al., 2007). Benchmark – It is the process in which they are comparing the process of the business and it helps in improving the performance the employees as well as entity. Along with this it helps in measuring the quality, cost and time. Austin Fraser Ltd. is using 360 degree feedback method and benchmark method which improve the performance of the employees and this increasing the productivity. (Hitt and et.al., 2007). TASK 4 4.1 The reasons for cessation of employment with an organisation There are so many reasons by which they can describe for the cessation of the employees which includes:- The employees of Austin Fraser Ltd. is not doing proper work and by that the employees decreasing their performance and it is the major reason for the company that they can terminate employees and this affect the entity as they are not attaining the achievements and it alos affect the image of the entity in the competitive market. . Behaviour of the employee is also the reason which affect the image of the entity and by that they cannot achieve the maximum profit and there is a decrement in the growth (Vörösmarty and et.al., 2010). Discriminative behaviour of the person impacts the functions of the company and for that they can terminate the employees. Other factors includes that the employees share the confidential information to their competitors of Austin Fraser Ltd. Due to this reason, the organization cessation of employment is carried out in the company. Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
4.2 The employment exit procedures used by two organisations Termination of the employee is the crucial task in the entity and they have to follow rules and regulations . Austin Fraser Ltd. use the pre-planned systematic process in which in the employees have to provide guidelines along with this employees have to send the written document with the resignation letter and by that they can take the correct action (Ng, Schweitzer and Lyons, 2010). Human resource manager conducts interview which helps in retaining skilled workers in the entity. On the other hand, Penta is using very complex process for terminating employees that affect the moral of existing workers and also create the adverse perception to the applicant along with this they are not taking the interview before termination. The company members have to use correct process for giving the termination and before termination of the employees they have to take the interview of the other applicants so that they can not face any problem and by that work of the company can not affect.. 4.3 The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements Legal and regulatory framework is important for all business organisations and company member have to use the proper guidelines which helps in maintaining the brand image of the company (Baum, 2007). The company have to make proper department of human resource which helps in completing the work in the given time with perfection and by that they can control the cost of the product and by that they can attain the success. . The following rules which can be adopted by Austin Fraser Ltd. are:- The company have to maintain the brand image in the market and for that they have to provide equal opportunities to every employee so that discrimination does not occur among them and by that they do best quality work which will help the entity in attaining benefits (Bubolz and Sontag, 2009). The higher authorities of the entity have to provide best working environment which helps the employees in improving productivity. CONCLUSION From the above carried out analysis it has been inferred that the human resource manager of Austin Fraser Ltd. have to provide the rewards to the employees so that they can encourage and provide the best and qualitative products to the consumers. It assist in providing the satisfaction to the consumers and by that entity earn the maximum profit. Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.
REFERENCES Books and journals Armstrong, M and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Avey, J.B., Luthans, F and Jensen, S.M., 2009. Psychological capital: A positive resource for combating employee stress and turnover. Human resource management.48(5). pp.677- 693. Bakker, A.B and Demerouti, E., 2007. The job demands-resources model: State of the art. Journal of managerial psychology.22(3). pp.309-328. Baum, T., 2007. Human resources in tourism: Still waiting for change.Tourism Management. 28(6). pp.1383-1399. Black, D., Clemmensen, N.J and Skov, M.B., 2010. Pervasive Computing in the Supermarket: Designing a Context-Aware Shopping Trolley. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI).2(3). pp.31-43. Bubolz, M.M and Sontag, M.S., 2009. Human ecology theory. In Sourcebook of family theories and methods (pp. 419-450). Springer US. A Sample Report on Human Resource Management To Buy Complete Assignment: Contact us: Phone No.:+44 203 8681 671 Mail us:help@instantassignmenthelp.com Website: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com Get online management dissertation help from writers of Instant Assignment Help at affordable price.