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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3 2.3 Explain how differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working. . .3 3.1 Evaluate possible outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organizations. .............................................................................................................................4 3.2 Analyze potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services. .........6 3.3 Devise strategies to improve outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services.........................................................................................................................................6 CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................7 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9 BIBLIOGRAPHY..........................................................................................................................10 THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT CONTACT US: TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
INTRODUCTION Working in partnership is associated with building professional terms which are mutually advantageous that helps in improving the quality and skills in health care sector. Failure to work in partnership is a well-known problem for the health and social care services around the world. The main problem of the improper partnership is lack of information. The increase in aging and fragile population in many countries, including UK, is an obvious reason for such partnerships to be created. Creating such a partnership to organize proper services for service users and their families turns out to be a complicated task in both political and managerial terms (Mello, 2014). With the partnership between professionals of health and social care, the quality and efficiency of services can be enhanced. In this report, the results and impact of partnership between health and social care organizations on the users, professionals and other organization will be provided. Further, various barriers that can impact partnership between health and care sector will be detailed out. 2.3 Explain how differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working. Mergers have always been a hardship for health and care sector due to their large number of size. There is a large number of reasons why they will need to go through a great amount of problems before the system will start working. Even more time and effort will need to be put into this reorganization in order for it to start working properly (Bryson, 2011). Due to difference in policies and working style, the merger between two segments become more difficult. Each one of them has a special working practice which they must have to follow in order to maintain organizational objectives. For instance, focus of health care providers is on improving the health of individual by minimizing their expenditure, in the contrast to partnership working, organization must have effective coordination with police, law authorities as it help in carrying out risk assessment procedures which could affect working together (Welch, 2015). At the same time the social care workers have a different practice. They are more focused physical and mental health of the service user. They deal with the emotional attachment of the users that may affect working with health care professionals as well. Due to this, when the two companies are merged, there is bound to be a goal conflict. The health care service provider will continue TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
getting the quickest results, while the social care provider will be holding the user more in care center to examine its emotional wellbeing. National and local policy documents make it possible for organizations to understand ones position and policies and facilitates in working collaboratively effectively (Cheung-Judge and Holbeche, 2011). Even though both of them have similar functions, their relations to the service users vary greatly. Accordingly, the changes in policies will effect not just the collaborative working of the organizations, but will also affect the way the users get their services, which is not necessary for the change for the better (Samuel, 2011). The smooth operation of the two organizations will be hindered by the forced changes in working practices and policies. NHS, Government and other agencies have been working hard and issued policy documents to make it easier to work together, effective and collaborative strategies have been designed for organizations to follow which could improve partnership working within the organizations. However, once the practice is tuned out properly, the result will be satisfactory for all the parties, since the working practices and policies will be unified. Further, by working in partnership the overall cost can be minimized for both the organization as they will share the resources. Also, it will help in enhancing the mutual cooperation and coordination that will help in attaining the common goal. (Mello, 2014). 3.1 Evaluate possible outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organizations. Service users Since a service user is often in need of both social and health care services, he or she will benefit from the improved type of services furnished by the health care provider. The service users will feel empowered to solve their own problems with the help of a qualified professional (Bryson, 2011). The partnership will facilitate transparency among users to enhance the quality of services therefore, service users can participate in important decisions regarding development of regulations and benchmarks (Pynes, 2013). However, when two organizations will start working together there will be a part of service users completely neglected due to chaos created by reorganization. There will probably be cases of abuse and harm since many new workers will TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
need to be hired to keep the partnership working and not all of them will be properly trained in time. Miscommunication, confusion and frustration will be following the service users at least in the beginning of the reorganization. Duplication of service provision will probably provide a feeling of dis empowerment for the service users as well (Spiegelman and Barrett, 2013). Professionals Due to partnership the professionals will get coordinated service provision and professional approach of the supervisors. However, initially the partnership may result into confusion of roles and responsibility. With effective partnership strategies, clear roles and responsibilities, organized communications and efficient use of resources can be ensured (Welch, 2015). Since they will receive enough information there will not be any duplication of services, unnecessary work and they will have more chances to prevent mistakes. This will save the time and efforts of both the parties. All this is possible if, the work of two organizations is arranged properly (Scott et al, 2000). At the same time the professionals will be faced with professional rivalry. Since they will need to be working close together with professionals from the other organizations, there is bound to be some miscommunications due to the absence of smooth running system. Some work time will be wasted while waiting for the other professionals to get their job done. Mismanagement of funding is inevitable which will cause confusion with salaries and bonuses (Bryson, 2011). Organizations: Organizations which were forced to work together without a clear plan will now benefit from a coherent approach and shared principles. The service will now be provided comprehensively, which will help in saving some funding. Also the two organizations can combine working practices in order to reduce unnecessary time-wasting. Integrated service will also bring some alleviation to the joint work as a team (Robinson and Robinson, 2005). At the same time, in the beginning of the partnership, there is bound to be a communication breakdown between the two organizations and also professionals, which will lead to misunderstandings and improper service provision. There will definitely be increased costs since such reorganization is always a costly matter and there will be many mistakes made which will need to be rectified. TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
There will also be some loss of shared purpose since it is impossible to make two companies work together as one for at least some time (Samuel, 2011). THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT CONTACT US: TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com 3.2 Analyze potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services. Such large reorganization of the work of two formidable entities is always very complicated. The organizations will be faced with several barriers which will need to be overcome in the smoothest possible way. The major issue will be regarding the lack of understanding the roles and responsibilities. It is difficult for two such different organizations function together as basically one (Health and social care working in partnership, 2007). The other issue that can be faced will be regarding resistance to change among employees. Lack of clarity in the role and work duties that can affect the working practices of individual in a health care sector (Bryson, 2011). TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
Lack of communication between the two organizations is probably the most problematic barrier. Since both health and social care organization are used to work independently, this partnership will be hard to process. However, to prevent the issue of miscommunication, a clear plan can be adopted (Cheung-Judge and Holbeche, 2011). Further, the differences in goals and priorities can also be a major barrier on the way to the partnership, since both organizations will need to yield something in order for it to work. Thereafter, both organizations have the same goal, but may use different approaches (Pynes, 2013). Each organization has a working plan, which they have been using to reach their goals for a very long time. Due to change resistance, there will be a problem in making modifications in approaches which will further impact the working pattern. The difference in values will impact the partnership. Since a lot of long- standing approaches will need to be ruined and restructured. (Mello, 2014). 3.3 Devise strategies to improve outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services To ensure smooth partnership between health and care sector, first and foremost the communication issue must be resolved (Scott and et.al., 2000). In this aspect, a team of specialists can be formed who will deal solely merger. They further help in designing an effective plan that will define roles and responsibilities of each individual. Further, both new partners must hold regular meetings where they can discuss the different alternatives that can make merger easy going process. The heads of all departments must report to the members of this group about the merger progress (Spiegelman and Barrett, 2013). This way the problems with communication will be resolved to a large extent. The mode of sharing information by both the organization must be revealed so ensure transparency. This is another very important issue without which the merger is bound to fail. All the changes in policies, working practices, new staff hiring and etc. must be discussed as part of the merger in order to make the system work properly. All negotiations about the changes in the way so that the two organizations work collaboratively and must be as transparent as possible. With this aspect, misunderstandings with the professionals will be avoided. The two groups must participate in all the negotiations in order TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
to be properly informed about all the changes and agreements made regarding the merger (Robinson and Robinson, 2005). In order to make the system work properly the two organizations must work on models of empowerment so the transition can be made smoothly. A collective effort will be extremely useful in the merger. With the adequate knowledge regarding the collective multi-agency working details officials, professionals and services the merger can be processed without major barriers. Further, special attention must be paid to the conflicts which are bound to arise during the transition period. A special group must be created to deal with the conflicting situation (Spiegelman and Barrett, 2013). The group must consist of professionals which have been studying the similar mergers and the possible conflicts, which may arise, along with the ways to deal with them. All conflicts must be addressed as quickly as possible in order to avoid them turning into a more serious problem. A stakeholder analysis is an absolute must for any proper merger, especially for the one this big. Special analysts must be hired to make a proper analysis of the parties' needs and requirements and a report must be made to get a full picture of what the two organizations need in order to work toward achieving the mutual goal (Bryson, 2011). TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
CONCLUSION From the above report, it can be concluded that, the partnership between health and social care providers should lead to more practical services, person-centered health and social care together should focus on problem, prevention and rehabilitation. Such partnership is supposed to lead to a more effective care, better access to the services and less improper service use. However, in practice the combination of health and social care approaches is somewhat of a great challenge, which needs a lot of time and work to be integrated. It is important to evaluate the possible outcomes of such partnership for different groups involved in these changes. In order to make the transition to a new way of work as smooth as possible, it is compulsory to hire specialists who have had previous knowledge and experience in such mergers. Since this merger will also be a financially complicated process, these specialists must work together with financial departments in order to make all parts of the new system work properly. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT CONTACT US: TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
REFERENCES Books and Journals Bryson, J., 2011. Strategic planning for public and non-profit organizations. Jossey- Bass. Cheung-Judge, M. and Holbeche, L., 2011. Organizational development: A practitioner’s guide to OD and HR. Kogan Page. Mello, J., 2014. Strategic Human Resource Management. Cengage Learning. Pynes, J., 2013. Human resources management. Jossey-Bass. Robinson, D. and Robinson, J., 2005. Strategic business partner: Aligning people strategies with business goals. Berrett Koehler publishers. Scott W. R. and et.al., 2000. Institutional Change and Healthcare Organizations: From Professional Dominance to Managed Care. University of Chicago Press, Chicago Spiegelman, P. and Barrett, B., 2013. Patients come second: Leading change by changing the way you lead. An Inc. original. Welch, G., 2015. Less medicine, more health. Beacon Press. Online Health and social care working in partnership. 2007. [pdf] Available through: <http://cfps.org.uk/domains/cfps.org.uk/local/media/library/2516.pdf> [Accessed on 1st January, 2016]. Samuel, M., 2011. Expert guide to health and social care joint working. [Online]. Available through: <http://www.communitycare.co.uk/2011/08/17/expert-guide-to-health-and-social- care-joint-working/#.U6AwInKSwik>. [Accessed on 1st January, 2016]. TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE