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Managing Financial Resources and Decisions TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1 TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Sources of finance.................................................................................................................1 1.2 Implication of various sources of finance.............................................................................2 1.3 Appropriate sources of finance for Sweet Menu restaurant..................................................4 TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4 2.1 Cost of various sources of finance........................................................................................4 2.2 Importance of financial planning .........................................................................................5 2.3 Information needed by decision maker.................................................................................5 2.4 Impact of sources of finance on Sweet Menu restaurant......................................................6 TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7 3.1 Analyse of cash budget and appropriate decision................................................................7 3.2 Calculation of Unit cost........................................................................................................7 3.3 Viability of proposal by using investment appraisal techniques...........................................9 TASK 4...........................................................................................................................................11 4.1 Main financial statements....................................................................................................11 4.2 Appropriate financial statements for different organisation................................................11 4.3 Interpretation of financial statements by calculating appropriate ratios.............................12 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................13 TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
INTRODUCTION Finance is the branch of economic that is highly concern with the allocation of resources in each and every department present within the organization. In simple words it can be said that finance is the management of all the activities related to cash (Dada, Azim and Ullah, 2014). In this report two restaurants has been taken, one is Sweet Menu restaurant and another is Blue Island restaurant. In this report various sources of finance that are suitable for the Sweet Menu restaurant are interpreted along with its implications. In addition to this cost that is incurred by the company at the time of using various sources of finance are also mentioned. In addition to this importance of financial planning to Sweet Menu restaurant is also interpreted. Along with this information required by various decision makers are also listed below. In this report cash budget of Blue Island restaurant is analysed in order to take appropriate decisions. In addition to this viability of a both the proposal are find out by using investment appraisal techniques. In addition to this different types of financial statements are also discussed. At last, various ratios are calculated in order to analyses which company financial position is good in terms of profitability, solvency and liquidity. TASK 1 1.1 Sources of finance There are different types of sources of finance available with the company through which they can raise their capital. Some of the sources are present in internal environment while some of them in external environment. Some of the sources are listed below:- Internal Sources of Finance Retained Earning:- Retained earnings is the part of fixed percentage of profit which is required to be kept with each and every organisation in order to meet up the contingencies that can occur in future (Kwak and et.al., 2015). This is one of the cost effective sources of finance that can be used by Sweet menu restaurant in order to meet up its requirement of capital. Sale of fixed assets:- this is the method through which Sweet Menu restaurant is raise its capital by selling out the old and obsolescent assets that are of no use to the company. This is one of the simplest methods of raising finance through internal sources. External Sources of Finance TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
Issue of Shares:-This is one of the easiest method through which Sweet Menu restaurant can raise its finance. In this method company issues equity shares to the general public or potential investors (Lee and et.al, 2015). Thus, by using this source Sweet Menu restaurant will be able to open up new branches without facing any financial crisis. Hire Purchase and Leasing: - It is another suitable external sources of finance through which Sweet Menu restaurant can be able to use the asset and property for some time period without purchasing it. This source acts as a safeguard for the Sweet Menu restaurant in case of obsoletation of the technology. Bank Loans: - It is another source of finance through which Sweet Menu restaurant can be able to meet up its financial requirement of the cash by approaching top bank. Through this method company can borrows funds from the bank by paying the high rate of interest. In addition to this company will also be able to avail various tax benefits if they prefer this source. 1.2 Implication of various sources of finance Sources Legal aspects Cost Suitability Retained earning As per the legal If Sweet Menu This is suitable method aspects of law every restaurant prefer to for the company when organisation is move on with the they want to reduce required to keep with retained earning than the interference of the them a fixed in that case they will shareholders in percentage of profit not be in a position to decision making earned by them during face any uncertainty process of the a financial year that can arise in the organisation. (Murphy and Yetmar, future. 2010). This in turn will assist the company to easily meet up the contingencies that can arise in future. Sale of fixed assets Sweet Menu restaurant If Sweet Menu This method is suitable TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
is required to follow a restaurant choose this when large amount of legal procedure at the source of finance to old and obsolescent time of selling the raise its capital than in assets is available with assets. that case assets and the the company will is of company will reduce. no use longer. In addition to this Sweet Menu restaurant is also required to follow a particular limit that is set up by board of director. Issue of shares Sweet Menu restaurant Sweet Menu restaurant This is one of the is required to follow a is required to pay suitable method legal procedure at the dividend to the through which Sweet time of issuing shares shareholders out of the Menu restaurant can because they are profit earned by the be able to meet its long required to provide company (Orens and term requirement of voting rights and et. al., 2009). This in capital like expanding dividend to the turn reduces the profit its business and so on. shareholder. margin of the company. Leasing As per legal aspects of Sweet Menu restaurant This source protects law Sweet Menu is required to pay rent the company from restaurant is required to the actual owner of absolution which can to return back the asset the assets on a regular occur due to frequent used by them to its basis. Generally lessor change in the business real owner after the charges high financial environment. completion of its cost from the company specific time period. against the asset TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
provided by them. Bank loan Bank has the right to Bank charges high rate Tax benefits are one of cease the assets of the of interest from the main characteristics company, if they are company which in turn that attract the not at all able to make increases the financial company to meet its payment of the loan cost of the company. financial requirement taken by them along through bank loan with interest. (Overton, 2007). 1.3 Appropriate sources of finance for Sweet Menu restaurant In accordance to implication of different sources of finance listed above, bank loan is the most appropriate sources of finance that can be used by Sweet Menu restaurant in order to expand its business. Bank are always are ready to provide loan to the companies on the basis of collateral security. In addition to this bank also provide facility to company to repay their amount loan in descriptor of monthly or annually instalments (Rasid, 2014). Payment of loan through instalment will reduce the financial burden of the Sweet Menu restaurant. Along with this bank loan also cater various tax benefits to an organisation. In addition to this, rate of interest charged by the bank is comparatively less as compared to other financial institution and private money lenders. Therefore, it is suggested that bank loan is one of the best source of finance that can be used by Sweet Menu restaurant in order to expand its business by opening two new business units. TASK 2 2.1 Cost of various sources of finance Sweet Menu restaurant uses bank loan and retained profit in order to fulfil their requirement of cash in order to expand its business by opening two new business units. Therefore, different sources of finance used by the company impose financial and opportunity cost on Sweet Menu restaurant. Both these cost have great impact on the growth and profitability characteristics of the company. Financial cost: - Different type of financial institution and bank imposes high financial cost in frontal of the Sweet menu restaurant. Bank and various financial institution TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
charges high rate of interest against the loan provided by them. This in turn increases the financial cost of the company (Robinson and et. al., 2015). Along with this company is also required to repay the amount of loan in terms of instalments. In lieu of which profitability and liquidity aspects of the company get affected. Opportunity cost: - Opportunity cost is the loss that is suffered by the company at the selecting any other alternative. If Sweet menu restaurant uses the retained profit than in that case they will not be able to pay dividend to the shareholder or will not be able to grab various opportunities that can occur in future. This in turn will create an unhealthy image in the mind of the shareholders. Along with this, company will not be able to cope up with the sudden contingencies that can occur in future. Therefore, it can be said that financial and opportunity cost has broad level of influence on the working and growth of the organisation. 2.2 Importance of financial planning Financial planning can be outline as a process that helps an organisation to make various sensible and profitable decisions. By planning all its financial activities Sweet Menu restaurant will be able to effectively distribute finance in each and every department. This in turn will lead the company towards the growth and development. Some of the importance of financial planning to Sweet Menu restaurant is as follows:- Financial planning plays an important role in coordinating all the activities that take place within an organisation. In addition to this Sweet Menu restaurant will also be able to get the deeper knowledge about the finance that is available with the company in order to meet up its daily requirement (Schroeder, Clark and Cathey, 2011). Financial planning also assists the company to utilize the available resources to the full extent. In lieu of which Sweet Menu restaurant will be able to reduce the wastage of the resources. Financial planning also provides assistance to the Sweet Menu restaurant in context to the fund that can be raised by the company against sources of finance. TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
Planning of all the financial activities in advance also assist the Sweet Menu restaurant to easily meet up with the future needs. In addition to this company will also be able overcome the various contingencies that can arise at the time of anticipating sales. 2.3 Information needed by decision maker Different types of information are required by different decision maker/ stakeholders in order to take various necessary decisions. Therefore, some of the information needed by different stakeholder is as follows:- Manager: - Manger prefers to look out at the income statements and cash flow statements of the company in order to find out the liquidity position of the company. In addition to this manager also prefer the balance sheet in order to get the broader insights about the financial performance of the company during a financial year (Sun and et. al, 2009). Investors:- Investors mainly prefers income statements and balance sheet of the company in order to decide whether company is in a position to pay them high rate of return or not. In addition to this they also prefer these statements in order to analyse the financial position of the company with an aim to decide whether they should invest in the company or not. Employees: - Employees are the one who work for the betterment of the company. They want that company should provide them fair salary along with bonus and incentives. In lieu of which employees want to see the income statements of the company. These employees also prefer these statements in order to find out the profitability aspects of the company. Suppliers: - They are the one who supply raw material to the company in order to manufacture finished goods. These decision maker are interest in the income statements and cash flow statements in order to decide whether company is in a position to pay them on time for the goods supplied by them or not. Government: - Government works fir the welfare of the society. They want that every organisation should grow and at the same time generate more and more employment opportunities (Thomas, 2008). Along with this they also want that company should pay TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
taxes on time. Therefore, in lieu of which government prefers the income statements and balance sheet of the restaurant. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT GET COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT FROM OUR EXPERTS CONTACT NOW TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
2.4 Impact of sources of finance on Sweet Menu restaurant Different sources of finance have different impact on financial statements of the company. Each and every source used by the company affects the financial statements of the company. Hence, in lieu of which company is required to select the source of finance keeping in mind the impact of these sources on financial statements. Sweet Menu restaurant prefer the retained profit and bank loan in order to raise their capital. For instance: - Sweet Menu restaurant has assumed to take bank loan of 400000 @ 10% p.a. In this case bank loan have impact on both the income statements and balance sheet. PROFIT AND LOSS A/C Particulars Amount (In £) Particulars Amount (In £) To Interest a/c This shows that Sweet Menu restaurant is required to pay £40000 as an interest to the 40000 bank against the loan taken by them. This in turn affects the profitability aspects of the company. BALANCE SHEET Liabilities Amount (In £) Assets Amount (In £) Bank loan 400000 Bank 400000 This shows that liabilities of the company will increase by £400000 because bank loan is the debt for the company. In addition to this assets of Sweet Menu restaurant will also increase by £400000 TASK 3 3.1 Analyse of cash budget and appropriate decision On the basis of the above cash budget it is seen that sales revenue of Blue Island Restaurant keeps on changing. This can be one of the reasons for deficit that arouse in cash balance. However, in the month of December sales revenue of the company is better as compared to any other month. Along with these expenses of the company is also increasing.\ Therefore, in the September and December outflow of the fund was more than its inflow. Likewise in the month of October and November inflow was more than outflow which is the positive sign for the company. Thus in order to overcome this problem Blue Island Restaurant is required to frame various strategies and policies in order to achieve what they want. TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
3.2 Calculation of Unit cost Unit cost is the cost that is incurred by the company at the time of producing and manufacturing the products and services (Tracy, 2012). Calculation of unit cost is as follows:- Unit cost = Direct cost per unit +Indirect cost per unit Direct costs or variable cost Streak = 3 Vegetables (v) = 1.5 Labour (l) = 3.5 (S+V+L = 8) Indirect cost or fix cost=2 (overhead) Mark-up =40% Cost = 100% Mark up = 40% Selling price = 140% Name of Items Costs (In £) Steak(direct) 3 Vegetables and other ingredients(direct) 1.5 labour(direct) 3.5 Overheads (indirect) 2 Total Costs 10 Mark Up (40%) 4 VAT (20%) 2.8 Price to charge customer 16.8 Currently changing VAT 16 Price exclusive VAT (Net) = 100% VAT = 20% Selling price inclusive (gross) =120% Food cost percentage= Total costs of ingredients/sales price TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
Food cost percentage = Total costs of ingredients/Sale prices Food cost percentage = 10£/16.8 £*100 Food cost percentage = 59.52% Loss percentage on sales = Loss/sales prices*100 Loss percentage on sales = 6.8£/16.8£*100 Loss percentage on sales =40.47% As per the above calculation it can be concluded that total cost of the product consider VAT and Mark up value is £16.8 while Blue Island restaurant charges only £16. This in turn indicates that Blue Island restaurant is facing loss of £0.8 per customer. The loss percentage is 40.47% whereas percentage of cost on sales is 59.52%. 3.3 Viability of proposal by using investment appraisal techniques Investment appraisal technique is the tool that is used by the organisation in order to assess the viability and reliability of the proposal and projects (Tulsian, 2002). Some of the techniques that are used by the Blue Island restaurant are payback period method and Net present value method. Calculation of Net Present Value: Proposal 1: Year Cash Inflow PV Factor @10% Discounted cash flow 1 £800 0.909 £727 2 £600 0.826 £496 3 £400 0.751 £300 4 £200 0.683 £137 5 £50 0.62 £31 Residual value £0.00 0.62 £0.00 Total Discounted cash flow £1,691.00 Less: Initial investment £1,200 Net present value Proposal 2: £491.00 TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
Year Inflow PV Factor @10% Discounted cash flow 1 £300 0.909 £273 2 £400 0.826 £330 3 £500 0.751 £376 4 £600 0.683 £410 5 £500 0.62 £310 Residual value £50 0.62 £31 Total inflow £1,729.00 Less: Initial investment £1,200 Net present value On the basis of above calculation it is interpreted that Blue Island restaurant should £529.00 choose proposal 2 against proposal 1. Because proposal 2 proves to be more beneficial in terms of investment. If Blue Island restaurant select proposal 2 than in that case they will be able to earn better rate of return in terms of £529.00 as compared to proposal 1 which is £491 at the end of five years. Payback Period: Proposal 1: Year Inflow Cumulative inflow 0 -£1,200 -£1,200 1 £800 -£400 2 £600 £200 3 £400 £600 4 £200 £800 5 £50 £850 Residual Value £0 £850 Payback Period Proposal 2: 1.5 Years Year Inflow Cumulative inflow 0 -£1,200 -£1,200 1 £300 -£900 TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
2 £400 -£500 3 £500 £0 4 £600 £600 5 £500 £1,100 Residual Value £50 £1,150 Payback Period On the basis of above calculation it can be concluded that Blue Island restaurant is able to 3 Years recover the amount invested by him within 1year and 5 months if they select proposal 1 against proposal 2. On the other hand if Blue Island restaurant select proposal 2 than in that case company will be able to recover its money invested in 3 years. Thus, it is recommended that Blue Island restaurant should go on with proposal 1 rather than proposal 2 in order to recover the amount invested by them within a short period of time. Thus, according to the above calculation it can be concluded that Blue Island restaurant should choose proposal 1 on the basis of net present value in order to recover its money within a short period of time. Because net present value is more practical method and proceeds with discounting factors. TASK 4 4.1 Main financial statements Financial statements are prepared by the company in order to keep the record of all the financial activities that are performed by the organisation during a financial year. Main financial statements prepared by the company are as follows:- Income statements: - these statements are prepared by the organisation in order to find out the income generated and expenses made by them during a financial year. Income statement has two sides, one show all the expenses made by the company like salaries, electricity expenses and so on. Whereas another side shows income generated by the company like interest received etc (Valle and Gomes, 2014). Cash flow statements: - these statements are prepared by the company to find the inflow and outflow of the cash. This statement is divided into three sub sections (i.e. operating, investing and financial activities). TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
Balance sheet: - This statement is prepared by the company in order to assess the financial performance and growth (Wahlen, Baginski and Bradshaw, 2014). These statement is divided in two parts; one is assets side which include furniture, cash, debtors etc. and other side is liabilities side which include share capital, reserves creditors etc. 4.2 Appropriate financial statements for different organisation Sole proprietorship firm: - Sole traders are those who run their business individually. These traders simply aim at generating more profitability (Vitez, 2014). Therefore, these organisations are required to prepare income statements in order to analyse the income and expenses made by them. Partnership firm: - These organisations prepare all types of financial statements in order to assess their financial performance and growth. In addition to this they are also required to prepare the capital account which provides information about the activities of the partner. Limited organisation: - Public and private limited company are also required to prepare all the financial statements in order to evaluate the financial performance and status of the company (Managing financial resources and decision, 2015). Along with this public limited company are also required to issue these statements to the stakeholders. 4.3 Interpretation of financial statements by calculating appropriate ratios Ratio analysis is done by the company in order to assess its financial position in terms of liquidity and solvency. In addition to this it also said the organisation in evaluating the effectiveness of the strategies that are prepared by the company. Sweet Menu Blue Island Ratios Formula Restaurant Restaurant PROFITABILITY RATIO Net Profit margin Net profit/sales 0.01 0.13 Gross Profit margin Gross profit/sales 0.63 0.66 LIQUIDITY RATIO Current assets/ Current Ratio current liabilities 1.78 0.63 TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
Current assets – Inventory/ current Quick Ratio liabilities 0.63 0.15 EFFICIENCY RATIO Asset Turnover Net sales / net assets 1.79 2.4 SOLVENCY RATIO Debt/equity ratio Debt/Equity 0.41 0.58 Profitability ratio: - According to the above calculation in can be concluded that gross profit and net profit ratio of Blue Island restaurant is much more favourable as compared to Sweet Menu restaurant. Gross profit ratio of Blue Island restaurant is higher i.e. 0.66% as compared to Sweet Menu restaurant which is only 0.63%. Similarly, net profit ratio of Blue Island restaurant is more I.e. 0.13% as compared to Sweet Menu restaurant which is only 0.01%. Liquidity ratio:- As per the above calculation in can be concluded that current and quick ratio of Blue Island restaurant is much more indulgent as compared to Sweet Menu restaurant. Current ratio of Blue Island restaurant is less i.e. 0.63% as compared to Sweet Menu restaurant which is 1.78%. Likewise, quick ratio of Blue Island restaurant is less i.e. 0.15% as compared to Sweet Menu restaurant which is 0.63%. Because lower liquidity position indicates that large amount of liquid cash is available with the company which is a good sign. Solvency ratio: - On the basis of above calculation in can be concluded that Solvency ratio of Blue Island restaurant is much more pleasing as compared to Sweet Menu restaurant. Solvency ratio of Blue Island restaurant is higher i.e. 0.58% as compared to Sweet Menu restaurant which is only 0.41%. TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
CONCLUSION From the following report it can be concluded that Sweet Menu restaurant should move on with bank loan and retained profit in order to expand its business. In addition to this it can be inferred that planning of all the financial activities assist the company in achieving the success in the competitive world. Furthermore it is suggested that Blue Island restaurant should move on with proposal 2 in order to earn higher return. It is also seen that Blue Island restaurant is more profitable and solvent as compared to Sweet Menu restaurant. TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE
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