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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1 Professionalism and core professional values.............................................................................1 Contribution of learning to personal development, community development and economic growth..........................................................................................................................................2 Government policies and regulatory bodies that affect teaching practice...................................3 Quality assurance practices at work place...................................................................................4 Developing learners wider skills and explaining hidden curriculum..........................................5 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................5 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................6 TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES
INTRODUCTION Profession of teachers is always required to make learning engaging and valued. It is generally their responsibility to create and maintain a safe environment in order to implement fair and equitable behavior management plans. With the help of effective teaching strategies and by using them in order to implement well designed teaching programs and lessons, teachers perform their profession in a very well manner. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY QUALITY ASSIGNMENT FOR A+ GRADE PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com Through evaluation of all teaching practices, meeting the learning needs of students can be ensured (Professional practice, 2014). In the present report, as per the given scenario, there will be an explanation of term professionalism with reference to teaching along with relevant government policies and regulatory bodies that affects the teaching practice. Also, being the teacher there will be a huge focus on quality assurance policies at my work place. Professionalism and core professional values Professionalism is generally referred to the skills, good judgment and polite behavior that are expected from an individual who is working in an organization and got training as per his job so as to perform it in an effective manner. It can also be termed as the conduct, aims or qualities that are required in a specific job or profession. Being a teacher, in terms of professionalism, just having the teaching qualification is not enough (Teacher’s Standards, 2014). As per my TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES
profession, I need to fulfill many roles so as to accomplish all the needs of my clients. Apart from that, there are also core professional values of my job of teaching which refers to trust, commitment, honesty, respect, fairness, quality, integrity, tolerance and providing quality services. With the help of those core professional values, I am able to perform my profession in the most effective and ethical way (Koprowska, 2010). One of the most important role that I need to fulfill as per my profession is to promote the equality of opportunity to all students and to value the diversity in them. It is my responsibility to provide equal chances to all students to get developed and to improve their skills, abilities and knowledge so that all individuals can enhance their capabilities. Along with that, as it is not possible that every student will be same, diversity always exist in between them (Lopper, 2007). Being a teacher, it is my responsibility to respect and value their diversity and to make them comfortable with all others. Apart from that, to make others also respect people who are different from them is also one of my important roles that comes under my profession (Agha, 2001). For example, in my case, most of students are those which are average in their studies. However, some are there who are either very intelligent or extremely weak in studies. Many a times, some teachers make partiality with the students who are intelligent by providing them chances in participating in all activities. On the other hand, I always used to offer the opportunity to all students whether they are intelligent, average or weak to participate in activities and develop their personalities (Barlow, 2006). Apart from that, there are some students too who are extremely weak in their studies and cannot compete with other people. Sometimes, it happens that other students used to abuse and ignore them. At this time, being in a teaching profession, I give value and respect to those students and make others also do the same so that they can also get developed like average and brilliant students (Beausaert and et.al., 2013). Contribution of learning to personal development, community development and economic growth As I am a teacher, I always put my efforts to contribute in the direction of making students personally developed. That is the reason, with the help of contribution to learning needs TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES
ultimately leads to their development of them at personal level. Every developed student plays a significant role in making community development from which they belong to and in which they live. So, it can be said that, when community gets developed, it ultimately leads to make the whole economy grow as well as development is also done through it (Berghman and Vloeberghs, 2003). THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY QUALITY ASSIGNMENT FOR A+ GRADE PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com Being in the profession of teacher, I used to make highest efforts of mine so as to make students well educated so that they can be developed in terms of their personality, skills, learning, abilities and knowledge. There is no matter whether the student is average, poor in studies or intelligent, I made my efficient efforts to make him developed (Boaden, 2006). With the help of all educated students, community also get developed as they are the part of it and through their knowledge and education, the society in which they live also gains various benefits. Thus, the developed society ultimately results into growth and development in the economy. When society will get developed, rate of employment will increase that will decrease the number of employees who are sitting idle and having no work to do (Cunningham, 2006). When rate of employment will increase, the generation of revenues will automatically enhance to a high extent that will make the whole economy grow and developed. Apart from that, my own professional values are also having a great impact on my learning and teaching, that is, along with students, society and the whole economy, I also get a lot of help in enhancing my learning style and teaching practice (Nutley, 2008). TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES
It can be explained with an example, at the time when I teach a new topic to the students, when they get knowledge about it, I also learn various things, many a times it happens that I got to know about some facts with which I was not known and students make me aware with that. In this way, I also learn several new things and my teaching practice also gets developed as the time goes, my experience in this field increases that helps in becoming more proficient (Ottewill, 2002). So through this, it can be justified that, with the development of students at personal level along with community and whole economy, self development of mine also happens as per my own professional values. Government policies and regulatory bodies that affect teaching practice For all teaching institutions of UK, there various laws and policies that are imposed through government for the betterment of society by increasing the education level of people. One of the main bodies in UK that is having its impact on the teaching practice within the nation is General Teaching Council for England (GTCE). It is the professional body for teaching in England which was established in 1998 (Cooke, 2012). It has been set in the nation for two purposes, that is, to make high contribution to the level it is possible for improving the standards of teaching and quality of learning. Along with that, it also helps in enhancing as well as maintaining the standards of professional conduct among teachers. All this is done for the interests of public so that efforts will be taken for the good and welfare of them (Eisele and et.al., 2013). However, in 2012, the GTC was abolished with some more new functions because of which it was newly known by the name of new body and called as Teaching Agency which was an executive agency of the Department for Education. With the help of this law, it is being stated that education, knowledge and skills will be provided to people with the perspective to make them developed and to perform all efforts in an ethical manner. Through this law, it has become compulsory for the teachers and they became restricted to follow it as this is mandatory for them to perform their tasks ultimately for the good of society (Teare and et.al., 2011). TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES
On the other hand, there is one more standard that is formed for the teachers and came into existence on 1st September 2012. This standard has been made for the purpose of making teachers aware with the behavior that is expected from them in terms of their profession or it can be said that within the guidelines of teaching line of work. Then this standard was replaced with qualified teacher status (QTS) that was framed for the teachers who are well suitable in their profession as per their qualification and that can follow the standard that is to behave in a particular manner being in the job of teaching and is a registered teacher (Throop and Castellucci, 2010). As this policy imposed through government is mandatory from the side of General Teaching Council for England’s Code of Conduct, it plays a crucial role in my teaching practice as according to this, I need to change some aspects of my behavior so that it can become suitable with the demand of my profession. I need to deal with students as well as management in accordance with this standard only (Tomlinson, 2004). Quality assurance practices at work place At any workplace, it is necessary to take care of the quality that is to be provided to the place where an employee works. In the similar way, being in teaching profession, it is also necessary to offer superior quality services to the students so that they can be developed in terms of their personality, knowledge and other skills and abilities (Professional practice, 2014). In the drive for outstanding status and according to the college value of excellence in teaching and learning, to give due emphasis on quality of the teaching pedagogy plays a significant role. By offering high quality of knowledge to the students, along with their personal development, the whole community as well as economy can be developed. It is the requirement of every institution to teach and learn for the highest good of people (Teacher’s Standards, 2014). For this purpose, as I am a teacher, I used to provide quality services to the students in form of easy and meaningful knowledge that they can use in any areas of their future and which will help them in becoming a good personality. In order to have high level of quality in teaching pedagogy, I even make efforts to make observation arrangements at the place so that level of learning that students have grabbed can be checked (Koprowska, 2010). Along with that, TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES
continuous initiatives are being taken by me in the direction of driving and supporting improvement on a regular basis so that their excellence can be ensured. However, it just not proves to be beneficial for them only but improves my teaching and learning as well. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY QUALITY ASSIGNMENT FOR A+ GRADE PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com For the purpose of communicating assessment information to the people who are interested in knowing about learner’s achievement, I used to make an appraisal sheet in which the assessment of student is being done on the basis of his performance in studies and other extracurricular activities (Lopper, 2007). Apart from that, for evaluating this assessment, I also take feedbacks from them so as to know their views and then take initiatives to improve their performance along with providing them meaningful suggestions too. However, in order to weigh up the results of my learning program, I would analyze positive and negative aspects of the assessment and would make efforts for the areas in which students are lacking (Agha, 2001). Developing learners wider skills and explaining hidden curriculum Wider skills refers to those abilities and knowledge that are not necessarily related with the subject of study and even it is also not that important that teacher will explain it as per his intention of that is based on the subject. Along with that, hidden curriculum states for the areas of knowledge that student takes without any intention of giving it by the teacher. It means all those things which I need to make people learn along with their study at my workplace that is the place where of teachers do their duties without having any intention of taking that knowledge is known as hidden curriculum (Barlow, 2006). These skills are not given intentionally, however, it can be TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES
critically analyzed that with the help of these proficiencies, I can make individuals develop and get motivated to learn more things to a high extent. Apart from that, I can also help in increasing their confidence level which gets high in terms of competing with others and for taking new challenges (Beausaert and et.al., 2013). CONCLUSION From the above report, it can be concluded that teaching profession is not easy job and consist of various aspects that a teacher needs to take care of. To understand the professionalism and core professional values of teaching job is very necessary for an individual who is in this job. The report is showing that if teaching is done in a proper manner, it contributes to the development at personal, community as well as whole economy level. Apart from that, it is also being studied that various government policies and regulatory bodies are there that affects the teaching practices (Berghman and Vloeberghs, 2003). In addition to this, several quality assurance practices are also discussed in the report that is mandatory for teachers to follow to make the development of students along with providing some wider skills too. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY QUALITY ASSIGNMENT FOR A+ GRADE PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES
REFERENCES Books and Journals Agha, S. S., 2001. Professional development: specialization or hybridization. Library Review. 50(7/8). pp.400 – 402. Barlow, L., 2006. Talent development: the new imperative. Development and Learning in Organizations. 20(3). pp.6–9. Beausaert, S. and et.al., 2013. Effect of using a personal development plan on learning and development. Journal of Workplace Learning. 25(3). pp.145 – 158. Berghman, L. and Vloeberghs, D., 2003. Towards an effectiveness model of development centres. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 18(6). pp.511 – 540. Boaden, J. R., 2006. Leadership development: does it make a difference? Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 27(1). pp.5–27. Cooke, A. N., 2012. Professional development 2.0 for librarians: developing an online personal learning network (PLN). Library Hi Tech News. 29(3). pp. 1–9. Cunningham, I., 2006. Quantum theory and self-managed learning. Development and Learning in Organization. 20(1). pp.4 – 6. Eisele, L. and et.al., 2013. Employee motivation for personal development plan effectiveness. European Journal of Training and Development. 37(6). pp. 527–543. Koprowska, J., 2010. Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work. 3rd. ed. SAGE. Lopper, J., 2007. Personal Development: 40 Best Articles. Lopper. Nutley, T., 2008. The Little Book of Personal Development. 2nd ed. Tony Nutley. Ottewill, R., 2002. Student self-managed learning – cause for concern?. On the Horizon. 10(1). pp.12 – 16. Teare, R. and et.al., 2011. The role of action learning in personal, professional and business development. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 3(1). pp. 60–65. Throop, K. R. and Castellucci, M., 2010. Reaching Your Potential: Personal and Professional Development. Cengage Learning. Tomlinson, H., 2004. Educational Leadership: Personal Growth for Professional Development. SAGE. Online TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES
Professional practice. 2014. [Online]. Available through: <http://www.aitsl.edu.au/australian- professional-standards-for-teachers/standards/domain-of-teaching/professional-practice>. [Accessed on 1st December 2014]. Teacher’s <https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/teachers-standards>. [Accessed on 1st December 2014]. Standards. 2014. [Online]. Available through: TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: help@instantassignmenthelp.com WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING HELP SERVICES