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Download CBSE Class 12 Biology syllabus of sessions 2023-24 in PDF format. Check syllabus to know the course structure and section-wise marks distribution.<br><br>https://www.educart.co/cbse/cbse-syllabus-class-12-biology
CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus for 2023-24 Syllabus for the 2023-24 academic year has been released for all Class 12 subjects. In an interesting turn of events, CBSE Sample Papers have also been released along with the syllabus, which calls for a paper pattern analysis. We were prompt about prediction of the changes and have provided you with a detailed analysis of Class 12 Mathematics Syllabus below. In this page, you will find: PDF download -> 2023-24 (expected) and past year syllabus Competency Focus -> what is new Detailed analysis -> deleted and added topics/ chapters CHAPTER-WISE SYLLABUS ANALYSIS (2022-23) Topics Added (✔️ ✔️) | Topics Deleted (❌ ❌) CHAPTER-WISE SYLLABUS ANALYSIS (2022-23) Topics Added (✔️) | Topics Deleted (❌) ❌ ❌ Chapter 1 - Reproduction in Organisms Chapter 2 - Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants https://www.educart.co/cbse/cbse-syllabus-class-12-biology
CHAPTER-WISE SYLLABUS ANALYSIS (2022-23) NIL Chapter 3 - Human Reproduction NIL Chapter 4 - Reproductive Health NIL Chapter 5 - Principles of Inheritance and Variation ❌ Sex determination - in human being, birds, grasshopper and honey bee ❌ Mutation ❌ Pedigree analysis ❌ Sickle cell anaemia ❌ Phenylketonuria Chapter 6 - Molecular Basis of Inheritance NIL Chapter 7 - Evolution ✔️ Origin of life ✔️ Biological evolution and evidence for biological evolution (palaeontology, comparative anatomy, embryology and molecular evidence); ❌Lamarck’s theory of use and disuse of organs ✔️ Darwin's theory of evolution ✔️ Mechanism of evolution - variation (mutation and recombination) and natural selection with examples https://www.educart.co/cbse/cbse-syllabus-class-12-biology
CHAPTER-WISE SYLLABUS ANALYSIS (2022-23) ✔️ Types of natural selection ✔️ Gene flow and genetic drift ✔️ Hardy - Weinberg's principle ❌ Brief account of evolution ✔️ Adaptive radiation ✔️ Human evolution. Chapter 8 - Human Health and Diseases NIL ❌ ❌ Chapter 9 - Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production Chapter 10 - Microbes in Human Welfare NIL Chapter 11 - Biotechnology - Principles and Processes NIL Chapter 12 - Biotechnology and its Applications NIL Chapter 13 - Organisms and Populations NIL https://www.educart.co/cbse/cbse-syllabus-class-12-biology
CHAPTER-WISE SYLLABUS ANALYSIS (2022-23) Chapter 14 - Ecosystem ✔️ Ecosystem: structure and function ✔️ Productivity and decomposition ✔️ Energy flow ✔️ Pyramids of number, biomass, energy ❌ Nutrient cycles (carbon and phosphorous) ❌ Ecological succession ✔️ Ecological services - carbon fixation, pollination, seed dispersal, oxygen release (in brief) Chapter 15 - Biodiversity and Conservation NIL ❌Chapter 16 - Environmental Issues https://www.educart.co/cbse/cbse-syllabus-class-12-biology