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FUTURENET Marketing Plan Effective as of 15 June 2015
Marketing Plan Table of contents Start 8 possibilities to make money: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Social Media Bonus Best Sponsor Bonus Multimedia Bonus Sales Bonus Friends Bonus Matching Bonus Unilevel Bonus New Position Bonus
6 Positions in the Marketing Plan Product Member Business Member
Your start: A one-time investment
your Start Product Member Business Member • • • $50 $25 $10 $1.000 Gold: Basic: Member: Royal: Saphir: Exclusiv: $500 $100 • • • Attention: You may only generate income from marketing plans, where you have your upgrade in. If somebody in your team achieves a higher upgrade then your own, you will lose this partner. Consider carefully, how you want to start. Or decide ASAP to upgrade to the next stages.
Media Points If you purchase any Premium Package, you will get MEDIAPOINTS. You can use your Media Points für Multimedia offers and for all FutureNet products. 1 cent = 1 Media Point • Member: = 1,000 Media Points • Basic: = 2,500 Media Points • Gold: = 5,000 Media Points • Exclusive: = 10,000 Media Points • Sapphire: = 50,000 Media Points • Royal: = 100,000 Media Points
Your start & upgrade: Start from the PRODUCT MEMBER PosiHon = minimum USD 10: If you invest 10 USD once, you may purchase the Premium Membership in the Member Posi<on and then be upgraded to the Royal Posi<on. Example: You have purchased the Member Premium Package for USD 10. As soon as you make USD 25, you can upgrade to the Basic Posi<on. When your bonus is USD 50, you can upgrade to the GOLD Posi<on. ALer making USD 100, you can upgrade to the EXCLUSIVE Posi<on. From that moment on you become a Business Partner (BUSINESS MEMBER). You are allowed to make payments at any <me and in any manner. We recommend that you start from the Business secHon (EXLUSIVE or higher posiHon).
Start from the Business Position: Minimum one-‐Hme BUSINESS MEMBER investment = 185 USD: In order to derive benefits from the Business Posi<on, you must invest in the EXCLUSIVE package once the minimum of USD 185 (USD 10 + USD 25 + USD 50 + USD 100) The opHmal soluHon that will provide you with maximum benefits is business membership in the SAPPHIRE or ROYAL Package.
Social Media Bonus Your ac<vity on the FutureNet PlaXorm is rewarded. FutureNet adver<sing revenue is divided between ac<ve Users of the FutureNet Social PlaXorm. Social Media Bonus is a reward for ac<ve Users of the Social PlaXorm. It is calculated daily according to special script, taking into account specific parameters of ac<vity.
Best Sponsor Bonus Once a month, FutureNet rewards the 3 best sponsors. We grade any personal: active Free Members Product Members Business Members Attention: FREE MEMBERS are taken into account only if are regularly active on the board. We have introduced further internal checks to assess if a member is active. Creating fake positions therefore does not make sense. Such profiles are not expedient for getting a higher bonus.
Multimedia Bonus You may upload your mulHmedia files on our Pla`orm and resell them to other Users. Do you have your own mul<media files? You may resell them to other Users on the FutureNet PlaXorm. Load your files in the "Products" tab, specify the price you want to charge and make money every <me other Users download the files. You may use external links to share your products, and FutureNet servers – to store the files. For each sale you will keep 50% of the price, 40% goes to the MarkeHng Plan in the form of turnover, and 10% is the FutureNet commission.
Sales Bonus For each sale of the FutureNet products you will receive a 30% of direct commission. In addi<on, you are rewarded for each sale in your team up to 10 levels down: 1. Level 5% 2. Level 5% 3. Level 5% 4. Level 5% 5. Level 5% 6. Level 3% 7. Level 3% 8. Level 3% 9. Level 3% 10. Level 3% Sales bonus does not apply to purchase made in exchange for Media Points, only for USD: - Future-Landing-Page-System - Future-Video-Mail - Future-Blog - Future-Cloud - Website Templates If you have one of the Product Package (10, 25, 50), your may pay out the income from the Sales Bonus or dedicate it to upgrade your position.
Friends Bonus 3x3x3 Friends Tree The Partner in each Friends Tree may have three friends at the first level above; the fourth and each subsequent friend will be placed at higher levels of the Friends Tree.
Friends Bonus 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% Friends Bonus is paid up to 5 levels.
EXAMPLE: Friends Bonus for the EXCLUSIVE position = USD 185 USD 6,743.25* USD 1,498.50* USD 499.50* USD 83.25* USD 27.75* Your income* 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% You 5th Level 4th Level 3rd Level 2nd Level 1st Level You 243 Partners* 81 Partners* 27 Partners* 9 Partners* 3 Partners* You *(all posi<ons are taken)
New positions in global Friends Tree A small part of your income from turnover in levels: 3rd, 4th and 5th will be automa<cally allocated to purchase new posi<on in global Friends Tree. Therefore, you receive addi<onal posi<on (matrix) in the Friends Tree in the most favourable possible place in global Friends Tree. This rule applies to all Premium Partners: without the necessity to spend money you generate turnover from which you receive bonuses according to the Marke<ng Plan.
Matching Bonus The MATCHING BONUS is strong mo<va<on to recruit new partners and support the ones you have already recruited. The Matching Bonus gives you percentage profit on earnings derived from the Friends Bonus by partners you have recruited. From each personally recruited partner who will receive the Friends Tree bonus, you will be awarded bonuses from 20% to 100% of such partner’s income!
Matching Bonus The Matching Bonus is calculated based on income from FRIENDS TREE BONUS 1 Personal Partner 10/25/50/100/500/1,000: 20% of Matching Bonus 3 Personal Partners 10/25/50/100/500/1,000: 40% of Matching Bonus 5 Personal Partners 10/25/50/100/500/1,000: 60% of Matching Bonus 6 Personal Partners 10/25/50/100/500/1,000: 80% of Matching Bonus 8 Personal Partners 10/25/50/100/500/1,000: 100% of Matching Bonus
1 Personal Partner: 20% of Matching Bonus 1 Personal Partner = 20% of Matching Bonus
3 Personal Partners: 40% of Matching Bonus 3 Personal Partners = 40% of Matching Bonus
5 Personal Partners: 60% of Matching Bonus 5 Personal Partners = 60% of Matching Bonus
6 Personal Partners: 80% of Matching Bonus 6 Personal Partners = 80% of Matching Bonus
8 Personal Partners:100% of Matching Bonus 8 Personal Partners = 100% of Matching Bonus
Unilevel Bonus Unilevel provides profits of between 6th and 10th Level of your structure. In Unilevel Bonus, all your Personal Partners are placed in your first line. Their Personal Partners are placed in your second line, and so on. Irrespec<ve of the level your Personal Partners are placed in your Friends Tree, the system places them in your first line in order to calculate the Unilevel Bonus. It is up to the number of your Personal Partners how many levels deep down into your structure you will be rewarded in the Unilevel Bonus.
Unilevel Bonus/Qualifications 10 Personal Partners = 6% up to 10 Levels 9 Personal Partners = 5% up to 9 Levels 8 Personal partners = 4% up to 8 Levels 7 Personal partners = 3% up to 7 Levels 6 Personal Partners = 2% up to 6 Levels
New Position Bonus Each User receives new Posi<ons: 1. New PosiHon: when you recruit 50 partners at the 4th level above you New PosiHon: when you recruit 75 partners at the 5th level above you New PosiHon: when you recruit 75 Partners more (150 in total) at the 5th level above you
New position in global Friends Tree: Each new posi<on (matrix) is placed in the most favourable place in global Friends Tree. Each subsequent Partner is placed aLer you (above you in the Friends Tree); this way, your Friends Tree is filled in with Partners from the rest of the world.
FutureNet company trips FutureNet trip 2016 Requirements 90 days from the start: • achieving total turnover from the sale of Royal and Sapphire Business Packages worth USD 13,480 minimum, • 8 Personal Royal Partners, or • 20 Sapphire Personal Partners, or • a combina<on of Royal & Sapphire Personal Partners
FutureNet company trips FutureNet trip 2016 USD 400 deductible 90 days from start: • achieving total turnover from the sale of Royal and Sapphire Business Packages worth USD 10,110 minimum, • 6 Personal Royal Partners, or • 15 Sapphire Personal Partners, or • a combina<on of Royal & Sapphire Personal Partners
FutureNet company trips FutureNet trip 2016 USD 600 deductible 90 days from start: • achieving total turnover from the sale of Royal and Sapphire Business Packages worth USD 6,740 minimum • 4 Personal Royal Partners, or • 10 Sapphire Personal Partners, or • a combina<on of Royal & Sapphire Personal Partners
The FutureNet Scoring System In order to be qualified for prizes in kind, the scoring resulHng from your and your structure’s total turnover is taken into account. Turnover from the sale of products: USD 1 = 2 Points Turnover resul<ng from Business Packages, Upgrade and monthly qualifica<on: USD 1 = 1 point (purchase of products in exchange for Media Points is not taken into account)
FutureNet prizes in kind Smartphones / Tablets / Laptops Smartphone 10.000 Points 5 Frontliner Tablet oder Laptop + 20.000 Points (= 30.000 Points) 7 Frontliner 3 qualified for Smartphone The number ofaccumulated points is added for a period of one year. After one year the account is reset. The Partners may win each of the above prizes only once.
FutureNet prizes in kind Requirements: 100,000 points= exclusive watch 10 Frontliner 300 Partner 3 qualifiet for Tablet / Laptop After the qualification for the watch, your points account is reset to 0,00. Now, your qualification for ONE of the 3 Audi cars starts. You decide which vehicle you prefer. We add the points throughout a period of one year. If you have not managed to qualify after one year, your qualification starts from zero. For your qualification, all active business partners are assessed.
FutureNet Car Programme Requirements: Audi A4 Audi A6 Audi A3 600,000 points 2,000 Ac<ve Partners 20 Personal Partners 3 Partners qualified for Audi A3 800,000 points 3,000 Ac<ve Partners 30 Personal Partners 3 Partners qualified for Audi A4 500,000 points 1,000 Ac<ve Partners 15 Personal Partners 3 Partners qualified for prizes in kind (a watch) After qualifying for prize in kind (an exclusive watch), the account is automatically reset. Now starts the AUDI Promotion. It is your decision, which AUDI you want. We add the points throughout a period of one year. If you have not managed to qualify after one year, your qualification starts from zero. For your qualification, all active business partners are assessed.
Future Net prizes in kind Grand Prize: Porsche Panamera Requirements: 1,400,000 points 5,000 Active Partners 30 Personal Partners 3 Partners qualified for Audi A6 After the qualification for one of the Audi cars, your points account is reset to 0,00. Now your qualification for the Porsche Panamera starts. We add the points throughout a period of one year. If you have not managed to qualify after one year, your qualification starts from zero. For your qualification, all active business partners are assessed.
Activity Status DefiniHon of ACTIVE PARTNER In order to receive commission from the Marke<ng Plan, you need to have the status of Ac<ve Partner. As a Product Member or Business Member, you have to use at least one product personally in order to be qualified as ac<ve partner (landing page system, video, e-‐ mail, blog, cloud, website template, momentum system).
Activity Status in the Product Packages For the MEMBER MarkeHngplan you don’t need any qualificaHons. You only need to upgrade to MEMBER. BASIC & GOLD: You have a status of Ac<ve Partner automa<cally for 30 days from the start day onwards. To be eligible for commission in the BASIC posi<on, you must have the BASIC Package and meet the required qualifica<ons; the same rule also applies to the GOLD Product Packages. When you sponsor the first Partner, you are given addi<onal 30 days (this period is added to the original start date). Each new sponsored Partner means another 30 days of ac<vity Each new sponsored or upgraded Personal Partner means another 30 days of ac<vity. If, for example, you have sponsored ten Partners, the <me of your ac<vity is 330 days in total. By sponsoring only 3 AcHve Partners, you make you qualificaHon permanent.
Activity Status in Business Packages You have a status of Ac<ve Partner automa<cally for 30 days from the start day onwards. In order to have the "Ac<ve" status in the EXCLUSIVE package, you have to be upgraded to this posi<on; the same rule also applies to SAPPHIRE & ROYAL Business Packages. -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ The following qualificaHon applies to all three PosiHons, namely: EXCLUSIVE, SAPPHIRE & ROYAL. In order to be ac<ve in all these Posi<ons, it is enough to sponsor at least one new Partner or upgrade an exis<ng one to the EXCLUSIVE package (USD 100). Then the qualifica<on is automa<cally extended for another 30 days (this period is added to the original start date). Each new sponsored Partner means another 30 days of ac<vity. Each new sponsored or upgraded Personal Partner means another 30 days of ac<vity. If, for example, you have sponsored ten Partners, the <me of your ac<vity is 330 days in total. By sponsoring only 3 AcHve Partners, you make you qualificaHon permanent.
Activity Status = USD 20/Month Business Partners (Exclusive, Sapphire Royal) It is charged in whole from your online account. If in a given month you and your structure have been inac<ve and have earned nothing or earned less than USD 20, the acHvaHon fee is not charged. In Business packages, monthly qualifica<on fee is USD 20. Half of the ac<va<on fee (USD 10) is spent on prizes in kind, contests, trips, events and your Business Management. Another USD 10 goes to the Marke<ng Plan, thereby increasing the pool of bonuses in the Friends Bonus, Matching Bonus and Unilevel Bonus.