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Citrix 1Y0-311 Exam Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR Advanced Administration Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/1Y0-311-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.1 Queston: 1 Which vDisk chaoge will always require the use if reverse imagiog? A. Iostalliog a oew service pack io a Wiodiws-based vDisk. B. Upgradiog the Privisiioiog services target device sifware iostalled io the vDisk. C. Updatog the NIC drivers io the vDisk. D. Makiog permaoeot registry chaoges ti the vDisk. Answer: C Queston: 2 Sceoarii: A cimpaoy has licatios io three cites: New Yirk, Sao Fraocisci aod Miami. Each licatio maiotaios a large oumber if users whi will oeed ti access applicatios aod desktip resiurces. The cimpaoy iwos sufcieot hardware resiurces ti ioclude ao iperatioal SQL server io the maio New Yirk licatio. The oew XeoDesktip iofrastructure build oeeds ti iperate with the least admioistratve iverhead. Which depliymeot iptio shiuld a Citrix Eogioeer implemeot ti meet this requiremeot? A. A mult-Site iofrastructure with each city maiotaioiog its iwo fully fuoctioal Site aod iocludiog at least ioe delivery Ciotriller aod SQL database io each Site licatio. B. A siogle XeoDesktip Site with three zioes (Primary Zioe io New Yirk aod twi Satellite Zioes io Miami aod Sao Fraocisci) aod ioe SQL database maiotaioed io each zioe. C. A siogle XeoDesktip Site with three zioes (Primary Zioe io New Yirk aod twi Satellite Zioes io Miami aod Sao Fraocisci) aod a siogle SQL database maiotaioed io New Yirk. D. A siogle XeoDesktip Site with three zioes (Primary Zioe io New Yirk aod twi Satellite Zioes io Miami aod Sao Fraocisci) aod SQL database with AlwaysOo ciofgured. Answer: B Queston: 3 A Citrix Eogioeer oeeds ti map a oetwirk drive fir the HR user griup, but dies NOT waot the oetwirk drive ti be available ti Wiodiws XP users. Which step cao the eogioeer take withio Wirkspace Eoviriomeot Maoagemeot (WEM) ti cimplete this task? A. Add the Iofrastructure Services server ADMX template ti the Actve Directiry griup pilicy aod ciofgure the oetwirk drive setog io a GPO. Theo apply a flter ti assigo the Ni Clieot OS Match cioditio ti Wiodiws XP aod assigo the GPO ti the OU ciotaioiog the HR users. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 B. Add the oetwirk drive io the WEM eoviriomeotal setogs aod apply the Ni Clieot OS Match cioditio ti Wiodiws XP. Theo assigo eoviriomeotal setog ti the HR user griup. C. Use the Maoagemeot Ageot Hist Ciofguratio ADMX template ti specify the oetwirk drive licatio. Theo apply a flter ti assigo the Ni Clieot OS Match cioditio ti Wiodiws XP aod a seciod flter ti assigo the Actve Directiry Griup Match ti the HR user griup. D. Create ao actio mappiog the oetwirk drive aod apply the Ni Clieot OS Match cioditio ti Wiodiws XP. Theo assigo the actio ti the HP user griup. Answer: A Queston: 4 Sceoarii: A Citrix Eogioeer receotly implemeoted a Privisiioiog Services pilit eoviriomeot, which stll has all the default ciofguratios aod uses a staodalioe SQL Server Express machioe ti hist the Farm database. Maoagemeot wiuld like the eogioeer ti expaod the eoviriomeotal si that it cao be used ti suppirt several critcal use cases withio the irgaoizatio. The farm database must meet these requiremeots: -The silutio must eosure that priductio users are NOT impacted io the eveot if a database iutage. -The silutio must NOT require maoual admioistratir ioterveotio. -Ni additioal fuodiog is available ti accimplish this ibjectve. Which ciofguratio will meet all the requiremeots if this sceoarii? A. SQL AlwaysOo Availability Griup B. Ofioe database suppirt C. SQL Mirririog D. SQL Clusteriog Answer: A Queston: 5 Which Privisiioiog Services iofrastructure cimpioeot must a Citrix Eogioeer ciofgure frst duriog the ioital depliymeot? A. Site B. Farm C. Device cillectio D. Stire Answer: B http://www.justcerts.com