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In 1924, an Italian immigrant, De Bortoli fled war-ravaged Europe in pursuit of a better life and made Australia his second home. After two years, he was united with his fiance, Giuseppina and in 1928, De Bortoli Wines was born. With their sheer dedication and commitment to produce delicious wines the family has established a name in the wine market. https://justwines.wordpress.com/2019/06/11/a-story-of-success-de-bortoli-wines/
A STORYOF SUCCESS—DE BORTOLIWINES H T T P S : / / J U S T W I N E S . W O R D P R E S S . C O M / 2 0 1 9 / 0 6 / 1 1 / A - S T O R Y - O F - S U C C E S S - D E - B O R T O L I - W I N E S /