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James Freewyo Yoxon, Social Marketing can grow and increase your sales and customer base but it also brings a small-town feel, a personal feeling between businesses and customers.
James Timothy William Yoxon - Why Should Businesses Use Social Media Marketing A lot of things have changed or evolved for the better with regards to internet marketing. Before you could stuff your pages with keywords and rank relatively quickly in the search results, which meant poor quality content popping up around the web. James Timothy William Yoxon says for the better, the way pages are now ranked is a lot better for the user's experience and now there are a lot more quality pages ranking higher. One thing that has changed is the introduction of social media marketing which encourages us to connect with our audience. What is Social Media Marketing? There are a lot of things that make up social media, such as social networks Facebook, Twitter, etc... Social bookmarking and blogging. These are all methods of social media. If you think about it like this, how many people do you know that don't have a social networking profile of some sort? All my friends
are on Facebook and even my family members too, so there is an audience that is very huge there. James Anthony Yoxon, as you are all aware news spreads, whether it is gossip or real news. Social Media efforts can help your product, blog, or website spread. This is known as Viral marketing, when it spreads quickly and to large numbers it is viral. Your friends are more likely to buy from you and are more likely to share your content, then their friends are more likely to share their content, and then theirs are more likely to share their content.... see how effective this can be, one status or tweet can reach thousands very quickly. Affiliate Marketing is one method of marketing that has really benefited from social marketing for business because affiliates can build a buzz around a new product or website. They can carry on to further help the customers as they are directly connected with them, meaning they don't have to email support all the time. Building Trust
Connecting with your customers socially definitely helps grow trust but imagine this... if you see someone like a celebrity advertising a new product on Twitter you would trust this product because of who is promoting it. With social marketing, you can build authority status quickly if you connect with the right people, and high authorities in your niche will help most of the time if there is a benefit for them. I'm sure you have heard the saying it's not what you know; it's who you know this is particularly true with social media marketing. Conclusion According to James Timothy William Yoxon, Social Marketing can improve and increase your sales and customer base but it also brings a small-town feel, a personal feeling between businesses and customers.