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2 nd A nnual N ursing R esearch & E vidence- B ased P ractice S ymposium Promoting Nursing ’ s Future: Building Bri

2 nd A nnual N ursing R esearch & E vidence- B ased P ractice S ymposium Promoting Nursing ’ s Future: Building Bridges from Classrooms to Clinical Settings. An assessment of nurses attitudes towards rapid response teams (2009). Daniel Ampomah, RN, PhD, NE-BC Phillip Eaton, RN, MSN, RRT

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2 nd A nnual N ursing R esearch & E vidence- B ased P ractice S ymposium Promoting Nursing ’ s Future: Building Bri

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  1. 2ndAnnualNursingResearch&Evidence-BasedPractice Symposium Promoting Nursing’s Future: Building Bridges from Classrooms to Clinical Settings

  2. An assessment of nurses attitudes towards rapid response teams (2009) Daniel Ampomah, RN, PhD, NE-BC Phillip Eaton, RN, MSN, RRT Rodica Sandor-Scoma, RN, MSHA, MD. Zewdensh Bryant, RN, BSN, MS.

  3. MSET/RRT Data 2005-2007

  4. MSET/RRT Data 2007-2008

  5. Problem statement

  6. Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess whether nurses valued the RRT service and to determine whether barriers to calling the RRT exist.

  7. Research questions Do nurses understand the potential benefits of the rapid response team system? Do nurses find the rapid response team service useful in managing sick patients? Do obstacles exist that restrict nurses from using the rapid response team service?

  8. Methodology • Research design: Univariate descriptive • Population: RNs and LPNs working on nursing units and departments in Inova Mount Vernon Hospital • Sample: Convenience sample

  9. Inclusion & exclusion criteria Employed and Working as an RN or LPN at IMVH Newly hired and currently in orientation Travelers, contract or agency per diem nurses working at IMVH

  10. Instruments • Nurses Attitudes to Medical Emergency Teams Survey (NAMETS) by Jones, et al. (2006). • Permission to use the NAMETS tool for this • study was granted by Jones and Bellomo . • For this study the tool was referred to as Nurses Attitudes to Rapid Response Team Survey(NARRTS) • Demographic data sheet • Reliability of NAMETS face validity • Reliability of NARRTS α = .60

  11. Data collection & analysis • Paper survey • Descriptive statistics employing frequencies and percentages was used to answer the research questions.

  12. Characteristics of the sample A total of 140 of the surveys were returned. e Overall response rate was 71% a At the time of the survey 266 nurses were employed at the hospital d b 196 questionnaires were distributed to nurses on day, evening and night shifts c 74% of the accessible target population were surveyed

  13. Sample Matrix

  14. Sample Matrix

  15. Perception of nurses about patients in the hospital

  16. Nurses understanding of the potential benefits of the RRT

  17. Usefulness of the RRT for the nursing staff

  18. Obstacles to the nurses using the RRT service

  19. Under what conditions do nurses make or not make RRT call?

  20. Under what conditions do nurses make or not make RRT call?

  21. Effect of nurses ability to manage sick patients well

  22. Conclusion

  23. Thank You

  24. Questions?

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