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Bird Beaks & Their Uses. African Spoonbill. ORDER: Ciconiiformes FAMILY: Threskiornithidae GENUS: Platalea SPECIES: alba. GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Lakes, marshes, rivers, estuaries of Africa from Ethiopia to Kenya to South Africa as well as the lowlands of Madagascar. DIET:
African Spoonbill ORDER: Ciconiiformes FAMILY: Threskiornithidae GENUS: Platalea SPECIES: alba GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Lakes, marshes, rivers, estuaries of Africa from Ethiopia to Kenya to South Africa as well as the lowlands of Madagascar. DIET: Insects, larva, shellfish
ORDER: Ciconiiformes FAMILY: Phoenicopteridae GENUS: Phoeniconaias SPECIES: minor GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Locally common on alkaline lakes in East and Central Africa, sometimes present in vast (up to a million) numbers. Very infrequent in coastal areas. DIET: Herbivorous, feeding solely on Spirulinaplantensis, one of the blue-green algae growing within a very limited range of pH: 10.4 - 10.5. They are surface feeders filtering the top inch or two of water where the spirulina is to be found with the deep-keeled bill that is specialized for very fine food particles. They swim well and are able to forage over the complete surface of a lake (the "swim and skim" technique). Lesser Flamingo
ORDER: Psittaformes FAMILY: Psittacidae GENUS: Amazona SPECIES: ochrocephala auropalliata Yellow-NapedAmazon Parrot GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Along Pacific slope of Central America from eastern Oaxaca, southern Mexico, south to north-western Costa Rica. DIET: Fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, blossoms, and probably leaf buds.
ORDER: Columbiformes FAMILY: Columbidae GENUS: Columba SPECIES: guinea Speckled Pigeon GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Wide distribution from Senegal to Eritrea and Tanzania. Also in South Africa north to Angola and Zimbabwe. Inhabits open country, cultivated regions and open woodland. Avoids forest. Usually in areas where there are Borassus palms or cliffs, rocky outcrops or buildings where it roosts and builds its nest. DIET: Mainly a ground feeder. Feeds on seeds and cultivated grain.
ORDER: Anseriformes FAMILY: Anatidae GENUS: Dendrocygna SPECIES: viduata White-Faced Whistling Duck GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Widespread in Africa from Gambia and Ethiopia in the north to Natal and Madagascar. Also in the West Indies and South America. They occupy a wide range of habitats: fresh water lakes, dams, reservoirs, marshes, swamps, pans on flood plains, sewage farms. DIET: Invertebrates such as aquatic insects, mollusks and crustaceans as well as aquatic plants, seeds and rice. Commonly obtain food by diving.
ORDER: Ciconiiformes FAMILY: Accipitridae GENUS: Gyps SPECIES: fulvus Griffon Vulture GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Widely distributed around the Mediterranean, ranging east into India and south across the savannas of Africa. Sometimes found as far north as the Scandinavian countries. Prefers barren areas with few trees, mountain steppes and high plateaus. DIET: Feeds on large dead mammals, taking only muscle meat and viscera. Their distended crops and gizzards can hold over 13 pounds of meat at a time.
ORDER: Bucerotiformes FAMILY: Bucerotidae GENUS: Tockus SPECIES: erythrorhynchus Red-Billed Hornbill GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: From Senegal right across Africa to Ethiopia and Somalia and south to Kenya and Tanzania. Also in South Africa, Botswana, Angola and Mozambique. Favors open savanna, woodland or thorn scrub. DIET: Obtains almost all food on the ground while running about. Feeds largely on insects - beetles, grasshoppers, termites, ants, fly larvae. Also takes geckos, birds' eggs and nestlings and scavenges dead rodents.
ORDER: Ciconiiformes FAMILY: Scopidae GENUS: Scopus SPECIES: umbretta Hammerkop GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: South and Central Africa, South Arabia, lowland Madagascar. Shallow fresh water, lakes, ponds, and marshes. DIET: Hammerkops feed on frogs, fish and invertebrates.
Egyptian Goose ORDER: Anseriformes FAMILY: Anatidae GENUS: Alopochen SPECIES: aegyptiacus GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Inhabits Africa south of the Sahara, the Nile Valley, and southern Israel. Common anywhere except deep forest and desert, usually near water, sometimes on open plains. The only species of Shelduck found north of the equator. DIET: Feeds on crops and young grass.
Chestnut Mandibled Toucan ORDER: Piciformes FAMILY: Ramphastidae GENUS: Ramphastos SPECIES: swainsonii GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Humid forest edge. Lowlands to 2000 meters in Central and NW South America (Honduras to western Ecquador). DIET: Primarily fruit and berries, but supplemented with large insects, small reptiles and amphibians, as well as the eggs and young of other birds.
Blue & Yellow Macaw ORDER: Psittaciformes FAMILY: Psittacidae GENUS: Ara SPECIES: ararauna GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: Panama and South America to northern Argentina. Inhabits forests and tall palms growing in swamps or along water courses. DIET: Seeds, fruits, nuts and probably vegetable matter.
ORDER: Sphenisciformes FAMILY: Spheniscidae GENUS: Aptenodytes SPECIES: patagonicus King Penguin GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: King Penguins breed on the Subantarctic islands at the northern reaches of Antarctica, as well as Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, and other temperate islands of the region. DIET: King penguins eat small fish mainly lanternfish and squid and rely less than most Southern Oceanpredators on krilland other crustaceans.
Magellanic Penguin ORDER: Sphenisciformes FAMILY: Spheniscidae GENUS: Spheniscus SPECIES: magellanicus GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE AND HABITAT: The Magellanic Penguinis a South Americanpenguin, breeding in coastal Argentina, Chile and the Falkland Islands, with some migrating to Brazil. DIET: Magellanic Penguins feed in the water, preying on cuttlefish, sardines, squid, krill, and other crustaceans.