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Geometry Scavenger Hunt

Geometry Scavenger Hunt . Sindy Garcia Maria Milan Estella Montoya Vanessa Cruz . POINT. Man–Made: The tip of knife is an example of a man-made point. . Natural: A pine needle is an example of a natural point. Textbook: .

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Geometry Scavenger Hunt

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  1. Geometry Scavenger Hunt Sindy Garcia Maria MilanEstella MontoyaVanessa Cruz

  2. POINT • Man–Made: The tip of knife is an example of a man-made point. • Natural: A pine needle is an example of a natural point. • Textbook: A point is an exact location of something, with no area, volume or length.

  3. LINE • Natural: The red line shows how grass can be an example of a line. • Man–Made: The electrical cables around the city are examples of lines! • Textbook: A straight path that goes in two directions without end!

  4. LINE SEGMENT • Man–Made: The metal bars in a prison cell are examples of a line segment. • Natural: This plant shows a representation of a line segment with the leaves. • Textbook: A straight path that has two endpoints.

  5. RAY • Man–Made: The shadow created by an electrical pole represents a ray. • Natural: This picture illustrates the rays of the sun cutting through the forest. • Textbook: A two dimensional figure that has one endpoint and goes on forever in one direction.

  6. PARALLEL LINES • Natural: The lines in this mountain are parallel lines. • Man–Made: Wood balusters or spindles are examples of parallel lines. • Textbook: Parallel lines are lines that never ever intersect!

  7. INTERSECTING LINES • Man–Made: The traffic signs is representing two intersecting lines. • Natural: The trees in this pictures are making an intersecting line. • Textbook: Lines that meet or cross at a common point.

  8. TRANSVERSAL • Man–Made: This window shows an example of a man-made transversal. • Natural: This leaf shows a line cutting through making a transversal. • Textbook: Is a line cutting across parallel lines

  9. PARALLEL LINES CUT BY A PERPENDICULAR TRANSVERSAL • Man–Made: The back of this sign shows an example of parallel lines cut by a perpendicular. • Natural: This sedimentary rocks are an example of parallel lines intersected by another line. • Textbook: Parallel lines which do not intersect but have a line intersecting them at a right angle.

  10. PARALLEL LINES CUT BY ANON-PERPENDICULAR TRANSVERSAL • Man – made: • Natural: • Textbook: A transversal line intersecting a system of other lines, creating acute and obtuse angles.

  11. PLANE • Natural: The branch of a tree is a natural example of a plane. • Man–Made: The top of a table makes a man-made plane. • Textbook: A plane is a flat surface that stretches off into infinity.

  12. TRIANGLE • Man–Made: The roof of the sign of a subdivision makes the shape of a triangle as a man-made example. • Natural: The pine trees in Denver are examples of triangles. • Textbook: A triangle is a figure with three sides and three angles

  13. RECTANGLE • Man–Made: Sindy’s bag for cosmetics is an example of a rectangle • Natural: The mountains at Red Rocks Park in Denver show the rocks in form of rectangles. • Textbook: A rectangle is a four sided figure whose opposite sides are congruent.

  14. SQUARE • Man–Made: The side of a box represent the square face. • Natural: One little piece f corn has the shape of a square. • Textbook: A two dimensional figure that has four equal sides and four square corners.

  15. QUADRILATERAL • Natural: The mountains at Red Rocks Park in Denver show a quadrilateral figure • Man – made: The windows of the Colorado State capitol show an example of a quadrilateral figure • Textbook: A figure with four sides.

  16. RHOMBUS • Man–Made: A metal fence makes the shape of a rhombus. • Natural: This rock also has the natural shape of a rhombus. • Textbook: A parallelogram with all four sides the same length.

  17. TRAPEZOID • Man–Made: This lighting post has the shape of a trapezoid. • Natural: A leaf can also have the natural shape of a trapezoid. • Textbook: A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.

  18. PENTAGON • Man–Made: The shape of this house illustrates a pentagon. • Natural: The top shell of this big turtles have different shapes of pentagons in a pattern. • Textbook: A figure with five sides and five angles.

  19. HEXAGON • Man–Made: This metal fence follows the pattern of an hexagon shape. • Natural: A beehive forms the shape of many little hexagons. • Textbook: A figure with six sides and six angles.

  20. CIRCLE • Textbook: • Man–Made: A plate illustrates an example of a circle. • Natural: This circular opening in the ground is probably the home of some animal. A closed, curved two dimensional figure. All the points on the circle are the same distance from the center.

  21. RADIUS (CIRCLES) • Man–Made: A street drain illustrates the radius of a circle. • Natural: By looking at Sindy’s eye we can see the radius of her pupil. • Textbook: The radius is a line segment joining the center to any point on the circle.

  22. TANGENT • Man–Made: A battery on top of a table represents a tangent line. • Natural: A vine grapes can also represent a tangent line. • Textbook: A tangent is tangent line is a straight line that touches a function at only one point.

  23. CHORD • Man–Made: This sign shows a chord with a line across to keep out people from smoking in that area. • Natural: This cross section photo of a tree shows a line joining two points of the trunk. • Textbook: A line segment joining two point on a circle.

  24. SPHERE • Textbook: • Man–Made: A basket ball is a good example of a sphere • Natural: An orange follows the shape of a sphere. A three dimensional figure that has the shape of a round ball.

  25. CONE • Man–Made: A traffic cone represents this figure. • Natural: A carrot is also an illustration of a cone. • Textbook: A three dimensional figure whose base is a circle.

  26. ELLIPSE • Man–Made: A wooden egg is an example of an ellipse. • Natural: This tulip is also an example of an ellipse, especially before it blooms. • Textbook: An ellipse is a stretched out circle.

  27. OVAL • Man–Made: A ceramic egg is an example of an oval. • Natural: An egg is an example of an oval. • Textbook: An oval is any curve similar to an egg or an ellipse.

  28. PRISM • Man–Made: This devise shows a rectangular prism. • Natural: This pinto bean represents a rectangular prism. • Textbook: A three dimensional figure with two parallel congruent bases and rectangles for faces.

  29. CYLINDER • Man–Made: This can of food represents a cylinder. • Natural: The bamboo trees in which the monkeys play, are a good example of a cylinder- both faces are circles. • Textbook: A three dimensional figure with two faces that are circles.

  30. CUBE • Textbook: • Natural: This zoom-in photo shows small tridimensional ice cubes • Man–made: This box shows an example of a cube A three dimensional figure with six square sides of equal length.

  31. PYRAMID • Man–made: I created this pile of rocks to demonstrate the shape of pyramid. • Natural: This tulip which is about to bloom shows the shape of a pyramid. • Textbook: A three dimensional figure that is shaped by triangles on a base.

  32. FRACTAL • Natural: When looking at a tree trunk cross section, you can see the repetitive pattern of each layer of the tree. • Man–made: This drawing illustrates a repetitive pattern of the main shape; a triangle. • Textbook: A shape that when is reduced it repeats on a pattern creating an exact copy of the whole shape.

  33. SIMILAR ITEMS • Textbook: • Man–Made: The gift bags are all similar items • Natural: This flowers are all the same kind so they follow the same shape. Two figures that might have the same shape but different size.

  34. CONGRUENT ITEMS • Textbook: • Man–Made: This two plates illustrate a man–made e example of congruent items. • Natural: This two tiny flower have the same shape and same size so they are congruent items! Two figures that have the same shape and same size.

  35. PARABOLA • Man–Made: The monkey bars in a playground are a perfect example of a parabola! • Natural: The way that water comes out of a fountain creates the image of a parabola. • Textbook: A parabola is the set of points in the plane that are halfway from a point (the focus) and a line.

  36. ARC • Textbook: • Man–Made: The design of the Texas State capitol includes arcs in the front. • Natural: The leaves of this plant grow in the form of an arc. An arc is a continuous portion of a curved line that is part of the circumference of a circle.

  37. ANGLE • Man–Made: The two slides in a playground form an angle. • Natural: The dorsal fin of a shark is a natural example of an angle. • Textbook: A figure formed by two rays with same endpoint.

  38. OBTUSE ANGLE • Textbook: • Man–Made: The outside shape of the roof of my room has an obtuse angle. • Natural: The neck of a flamingo illustrates an obtuse angle An angle measuring between 90 and 180 degrees.

  39. RIGHT ANGLE • Man–Made: The side window of a car illustrates a man-made right angle. • Natural: The neck of a giraffe and the body represent a right angle. • Textbook: An angle formed by squared corners.

  40. ACUTE ANGLE • Man–Made: The rim of a tire has examples of many acute angles. • Natural: This rock shows an example of an acute angle • Textbook: An angle measuring between 0 and 90 degrees.

  41. PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLE • Man–Made: The decorative shapes of the Texas State capitol show an example of a right triangle. • Natural: The beak of toucan is an example of a right triangle. • Textbook: This term applies to right triangles; give a right angle in which c is the length of the hypotenuse and a & b represent the lengths of the other two sides.

  42. Textbook pictures courtesy of http://www.mathleague.com/help/geometry/geometry.htm

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