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Government. Human Migration. Africa’s Regions. Vocabulary. Citizen Participation. 100 pt. 100 pt. 100 pt. 100 pt. 100 pt. 200 pt. 200 pt. 200pt. 200 pt. 200 pt. 300 pt. 300 pt. 300 pt. 300 pt. 300 pt. 400 pt. 400 pt. 400 pt. 400 pt. 400 pt. 500 pt. 500 pt. 500 pt.

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  1. Government Human Migration Africa’s Regions Vocabulary Citizen Participation 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 200 pt 200 pt 200pt 200 pt 200 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt J. Parke

  2. In this type of government, people get to vote, their rights are guaranteed, and ordinary people hold the power.

  3. What is a democracy?

  4. In this type of government, one ruler or a small group takes control by force. Citizens have no personal rights or freedoms.

  5. What is a dictatorship?

  6. In a democracy, this is who holds the power.

  7. Who are the people?

  8. In a monarchy, this is how the king or queen gains his/her power.

  9. What is inheriting?

  10. This type of government is similar to a democracy. There is a king or queen, but they hold no true power. Citizens have guaranteed rights, and the head of state is often called a prime minister.

  11. What is a constitutional monarchy?

  12. Despite its harsh climate, people are pulled to the Sahara Desert to mine this natural resource.

  13. What is salt?

  14. People are drawn to this region of Africa located along the equator, because of the abundance of trees, an important natural resource.

  15. What is the rainforest?

  16. Despite the seismic activity (earthquakes, volcanoes) there, people are pulled to the Great Rift Valley because of this.

  17. What is fertile soil?

  18. These are two reasons people decide to live along the Nile River in Egypt.

  19. What are silt, transportation, water for drinking, water for irrigation?

  20. These are two reasons people move to the city. These two pull factors lead to urbanization.

  21. What is are jobs, education, or women’s rights?

  22. This term means very dry. It describes Africa’s desert region, which receives very little precipitation.

  23. What is a arid?

  24. Because of this process, the Sahel region is becoming a desert.

  25. What is desertification?

  26. In order to survive in the hot, arid climate of the Sahara Desert region, people settle around these places in the desert where underground water comes to the surface through springs or wells.

  27. What are oases?

  28. It’s the type of region represented by this climograph.

  29. What is a savanna?

  30. These are the 4 types of productive resources (resources needed to start and maintain a business). Different regions have different amounts of each.

  31. What is are entrepreneurship, capital, natural resources, & human resources?

  32. This term means “the growth of city population”. Cairo is experiencing this problem.

  33. What is urbanization?

  34. Rather than resorting to military conflict, countries can use this, which is a way of resolving conflicts by peacefully discussing issues in order to avoid violence and leave both sides satisfied.

  35. What is diplomacy?

  36. This occurs because of deforestation, overgrazing, and poor farming techniques causing soil loss.

  37. What is a desertification?

  38. This process occurs when land is cleared for farming and forests are lost.

  39. What is a deforestation?

  40. This term means using technology to modify living things. Banana and rice farmers use it in Africa, since farming is difficult in some parts of the continent.

  41. What is a biotechnology?

  42. This word, meaning apartness, describes the class structure in South Africa until 1991. During this time the black citizens were terribly mistreated and did not have rights equal to the white minority.

  43. What is apartheid?

  44. These are two ways that citizens can participate in a democracy.

  45. What is vote, run for office, protest, work for a political campaign, exercise freedoms guaranteed in a Bill of Rights, or pay taxes?

  46. In this type of government, citizens’ rights are determined by a king or queen.

  47. What is a monarchy?

  48. In this type of government, citizens have no guaranteed rights. They are ruled in fear by the person who gained power by force.

  49. What is a dictatorship?

  50. These are at least two ways that life changed for citizens in South Africa when apartheid ended.

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