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Stephanie Drennan NWTF Interpretive Programs Coordinator a SCAT of many names! Fecal matter Feces Turd Stool Diarrhea Bowel movement Droppings Buffalo chips Cattle cookies Frass Manure Pellets Splay Pasture paddies Caca Stinky Waste Stool Poop Number 2 Dung Dump Poopie
Stephanie Drennan NWTF Interpretive Programs Coordinator
a SCAT of many names! Fecal matter Feces Turd Stool Diarrhea Bowel movement Droppings Buffalo chips Cattle cookies Frass Manure Pellets Splay Pasture paddies Caca Stinky Waste Stool Poop Number 2 Dung Dump Poopie Doo Doo Dookie Deuce Doodie
Fecal Frameworks 1 In some countries, cattle dung is still used to help build houses for humans. African termites glue their houses, called mounds, together with their own dung.
Poop Paper 2 Did you know that an elephant plops out about a hundred pounds of poop per day? That's because an elephant's basically inefficient digestion system dumps out about 50% of what it takes in. One day's worth of elephant poop is enough to produce 115 sheets of paper? That’s because elephant poop is mostly fiber ideally suited for manufacturing paper.
Cooling Caca 3 DIAPERS NOT NEEDED! Vultures often squirt their soft poop on their legs. Here's why: You know how you feel cooler when your skin is wet than when it's dry? Scientists have studied vultures' body temperatures when the birds' legs were dry and when they were covered with wet poop. You guessed it: the poop helped the birds stay cool onwarm days.
Doo Doo Dessert 4 Many animals eat their own poop or feed it to their babies such as: Rabbits Koalas Elephants
Doo doo defense 5 Some animals use their poop as a weapon for self defense! Potato Beetle Larva tries to make itself a little less appetizing by covering itself in it's own toxic poo. Many species of monkeys and primates will fling their poo like a bomb.
Doodie Directions 6 Animals mark their territory with their droppings. A hippopotamus will mark a trail down to the water with dung so that he can find his way at night.
Caca Camouflage 7 Some caterpillars try to camouflage themselves to look like bird droppings to avoid being eaten Other animals will roll in the scat of their prey to mask their own scent
Scat Sitters 8 The Dung Beetle uses balls of dung to lay it’s eggs in. Once the eggs hatch, the dung becomes a nursery for the young with plenty to eat!
The Power of Poop! 9 Many zoos and some cities are using animal waste to create power. Yes, it's possible to produce electricity, natural gas and even fuel from poop!
Medical Wonders 10 Flying Squirrel Cures Flying squirrel dung is used in Chinese medicine for abdominal pain, childhood nutritional deficiencies, and certain insect or snake bites. Described as bitter, sweet, and warm, it’s served in a tea. Interested in trying flying squirrel dung? Unfortunately, it’s banned in theUnited States. Stick to ibuprofen.
Growth Power 11 Most fertilizer, which we all use, is made out of…..POOP! Earthworms help to create fertile soil with their poop.
The Language of Poo! 12 Animals use scat to communicate! Some animals mark their territories with poop others attack mates with it.
Worth your weight in…elephant dung African elephants are the biggest poopers of all land animals. They can poop up to 30 lbs of dung per hour (0.5 lbs per minute). How long would it take for an elephant to excrete a your body weight in poop? Your weight x 2 minutes = # total minutes
Dung Detectives Coprolite is perhaps the most unusual fossil in anyone's collection! It is what it looks like, fossilized poop.
Who Dung It! Taste Test of some fecal fakers!