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THE HORSE INDUSTRY Number of horses in North Carolina as appraised in 1996 http://www.ncagr.com/stats/equine/eqinvmap.htm (This is still the newest available from the NCDA) Where in North Carolina are most of the horses? How many horses are there in North Carolina?
THE HORSE INDUSTRY Number of horses in North Carolina as appraised in 1996 http://www.ncagr.com/stats/equine/eqinvmap.htm (This is still the newest available from the NCDA)
Where in North Carolina are most of the horses? How many horses are there in North Carolina? Let's start with terminology before we discuss the horse Industry: Adult male = Adult female = Young female = Castrated male = Everywhere; although you can see that The Piedmont region has a large percentage Tough to be accurate … but 140,000 estimated (132,000 in 1996). Stallion Mare filly (What’s a young male?) Gelding
Newborn = Term for giving birth = Pony = Hand = Gait = Unsound = Mounting, dismounting foal foaling not a young horse … it is any horse that is under a specific height (14.2 hands or @57in) how we measure a horse’s height … one hand equals 4 inches (measured at the withers; you will see where this body part is in lab today!) the forward movement of a horse (3 types are: walk, trot, & canter) Something is not right either with the horse’s anatomy or the gait getting on & off the horse
These definitions are not in your coursepack so make sure you write this all down! Draft horse = Light horse = Horse whose major work was to haul or pull something (Belgian, Percheron, Clydesdale) Smaller, less muscular horses that are lighter and typically used for pleasure or livestock Handling (Arabian & Thoroughbred)
Taken from: http://www.ncagr.com/stats/equine/eqinvch.htm You do not need to know these Exact charts … just know what is NC’s most popular breed?
Number of Equine Operations in NC, by Size (1996) http://www.ncagr.com/stats/equine/eqopsz.htm The majority of individual horse owners are young women
Colors in horses can be used to describe what the horse looks like (kind of like saying you have blond hair) … but some of them are actual breed registries, too … such as the Appaloosa, Palomino & Pinto). Therefore, if you are working with horses it is important to understand the color differences. You can check out the color variations (and breeds) at: http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/horses/
Colors & Color variations of horses: Palomino (Golden color variation that has its own breed) Bay (one of the 5 main horse colors which are: bay, black, brown, chestnut & white) Chestnut (sorrel) (basically red coloring, light to dark) Buckskin (dominant hair color is yellow w/ balck points) Pinto, paint (combination of white & colored markings)
In 1915, there were 27 million horses in the US, but in 1959 there were only 3 million. Why is this? Now there are about 7 million horses in the US. Why have the numbers gone up so much? What are 6 things horses are used for these days? Tractors & cars replaced them! Companion animals! Why else? Pleasure riding, racing, showing, meat (in other countries), rodeo & hunter/jumpers … can you think of other things, too?
There are some popular breeds of horses you should be familiar with: Quarter Horse Thoroughbred Appaloosa Draft horse breeds “Grade” horse Most popular US breed, name from sprinting in 1/4 mile races .. Many colors & uses A breed, tall & lean, popular for racing, jumping, hunting White background with dark color spots & dev. by NW Indian’s (Defined earlier) NOT A BREED, a mix that is unregistered … most common (kind of like a mix breed dog)
The average price for a horse widely depends on the use & breed! Look at the NC 1996 average value numbers for example: http://www.ncagr.com/stats/equine/eqinvb.htm
Many people end up buying horses for their family. This should be a very serious purchase. Why? What's involved with owning a horse: Type to purchase Personality of the animal Purchase price LONG TERM INVESTMENTS … 30yrs! Why do you want a horse (work or play) Calm vs Excited (is it for a child, an experienced rider, etc.) … For example are ponies the best bet for a child? Can be very cheap ($100) to super expensive (millions); After you buy the horse you need to make sure you can Still afford to care for it!
Feed cost Farrier cost (what is a farrier?) Vet costs (for healthy horse) 70% of owning the animal (not cheap to feed), $850 or more a year in stable … if you board your horse with someone else these expenses can be VERY high! 15$ per month (120/yr) Wormers, vaccines, float teeth … over $100 per year, These prices do not even cover the cost of “fun” horse things … such as riding equipment, etc.
There are two main styles of riding. They are: Western English Cowboy style .. Rodeo, trail riding (only 1 place lets You rent horses by the hour to ride like this in Wake County) No saddle horn, 2 hands for reins … racing and some trail riding (hunting)
Some people choose to have their career working with horses. What opportunities might be available? Barn manager Horse trainer Giving lessons Boarding facility owner Farrier Clean stalls, feed & exercise horses Train for shows NEED People Skills! (This is working w/ the public, too) NEED business sense, people pay you to board their horses so you must prove yourself worthy! Skill, equipment & experience is needed!
What type of income can you expect? Where to get help if you own a few horses and have questions: How to get more education relating to horses: Varies widely! Cooperative Extension Service: http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/an_sci/extension/horse/hhmain.html REINS: http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/an_sci/extension/horse/hhreins.htm and the animal information web pages shown during 1st lab Same as above … & short courses available at NCSU