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The UP Police Admit Card 2020 is released by the Uttar Pradesh Police Commission at least 15 days before the exam. The facility of viewing & downloading admit cards is available to the candidates via the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Police Commission Read More.
U s e f u l L i n k s U s e f u l L i n k s UP Police Admit Card 1
U s e f u l L i n k s U s e f u l L i n k s The UP Police Admit Card 2020 is released by the Uttar Pradesh Police Commission at least 15 days before the exam. The facility of viewing & downloading admit cards is available to the candidates via the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Police Commission. The admit card is worth a lot as it is your entry ticket in the examination and holds important information. The candidate can find out all examination-related details on it. Candidates should make sure that the information on the admit card is the same as on their UP Police Application forms. The UP Police Re- cruitment Board has released expected and confirmed vacancies for 5 posts like Sub-Inspector, Driver, etc. Exams for 3 posts are already in process and admit cards have been released accordingly. The pending examinations are to tentatively happen in the month of September 2020. So, admit cards will be released in the first week of Sep- tember 2020. To know more, read this article. How to Download the UP Police 2020 Admit Card? The admit card is a valuable piece of document required to sit in for any examination. It is your entry ticket into the examination hall without which you might not be allowed inside. The admit cards for UP Police Constable(Horse- Rider), Fireman & UP Police Jail Warder have already been released and you shall find the same on the official web- site. The UP Police Admit Card 2020 for the remaining two posts are yet to be out. You shall find the details below and take a look at the steps to download it as well. UP Police SI Admit Card 2020 Click here to download UP Police Driver Admit Card 2020 Click here to download (Note: The direct links are given above to be active soon) OR Step 1: First, enter the official website of Uttar Pradesh Police. Step 2: On the homepage, a link will be available. It will be the “UP Police Admit Card 2020” & click on the admit card of your desired post. Step 3: Enter the verification code it asks for as well as your credentials (Reg.No., DOB, Password) Step 4: Check all the details you enter are similar to the details on your UP Police Application Form 2020 and finally click “Submit”. Step 5: Candidates can view their AP Police Admit Card 2020 on their computer screens. 2
U s e f u l L i n k s U s e f u l L i n k s Step 7: You can download the admit cards & print it safe for future use. Things to remember while downloading UP Police Admit Card 2020 There is always a possibility of some technical errors due to a lot of people trying to download the admit cards at the same time. As a candidate, be patient and try to download again after a short period of time. Always make sure you have a speedy internet connection for zero interruption. You should always have your registration no. & pass- word in memory and do not forget to keep some additional white sheets for printing purposes! Details mentioned on the UP Police Admit Card 2020 To prevent yourself from being debarred from the UP Police Examination 2020, make sure to keep your admit card safely & carry it to the examination hall. It contains all the essential information one can expect to be present in the UP Police Admit Card 2020. Let us look at what all details it contains by looking at the info below: Candidate’s Name Date of exam Roll no. of the candidate Photograph of candidate DOB or date of birth of the candidate Gender of candidate Category of the candidate(General/SC/ST/OBC) Father’s Name UP Police Exam Date & Time (SI/Consta- ble/Fireman/Driver/Jail Warder) Signature/Thumb impression of the applicant Slot of exam(Morning/afternoon/evening) Space for the sign of invigilator Name & address of examination centre Examination day guidelines Documents required along with UP Police Admit Card 2020 All that is required along with the UP Police Admit Card 2020 are original documents that need to be verified. To prevent being disqualified by carrying fake or forged documents, look at the list of documents that you should carry. 3
U s e f u l L i n k s U s e f u l L i n k s oPhoto Identity proof is needed: Passport, PAN Card, Driving Licence, Voter’s Card, Bank Passbook as well as a picture of the candidate, College ID card, Aadhar Card, Employee ID/ a Bank Council Identity Card along with the candidate’s picture. oYour passport photo should be similar to the picture submitted with the UP Police Application Form is Things which cannot be carried to the Examination Hall: You would not want any obstacles to come your way when you are answering the UP Police 2020 Examination. To let this successfully happen, you should prevent yourself from carrying certain items into the examination hall. These include: oCalculators oPagers oLaptops oMobile phones oElectronic Watches oAny eatables. UP Police Admit Card 2020 Examination Day Guidelines The Uttar Pradesh Police Commission issues examination guidelines which should be followed by the candidates. For a hassle-free exam process, candidates should not ignore any of these guidelines. oA signature/thumb impression is required on the UP Police Admit Card 2020 oThere is always a designated place on the admit card for pasting a passport-size picture. oReport to the examination centre on time at least 1.5 hours before. oChecking of the candidates will also be done for removing electronic items, chits, etc. oCarry a blue ball-point pen to the examination centre. oCandidates should leave the examination hall with everybody else. Discrepancy in the UP Police Admit Card 2020 Candidates are sure to face some discrepancies when it comes to UP Police Admit Card 2020. It might happen that your name has been misprinted or some detail which you have entered is incorrect. You can contact the Uttar Pra- desh Police Commission or examining body in case of rectifying any of your faults or even if your admit card goes missing! Feel free to contact the officials on the address given below. 4
U s e f u l L i n k s U s e f u l L i n k s UTTAR PRADESH POLICE RECRUITMENT AND PROMOTION BOARD TULSI GANGA COMPLEX, 19 - C VIDHAN SABHA MARG LUCKNOW, UTTAR PRADESH -226001 UP Police Exam Pattern & Selection Process 2020 Overview The UP Police Selection Process 2020 comprises 5 stages which include a physical measurement test or PMT, a Phys- ical Efficiency Test or PET, a written examination, a medical examination, and finally a document verification for final validation. A candidate who successfully clears them all, bags his desired post. However, when we talk about the exam pattern of the written test, it varies in case of different posts. Names of Posts Exam Pattern of Written Test UP Police SI It is a 400 marks paper with 160 questions. You shall be awarded 2.5 marks for every cor- rect answer. Time Duration: 2 hours. UP Police Jail War- der/Fireman It is a 300 marks paper. There is no mention of the marking scheme by the UP Police Com- mission as of now. UP Police Consta- ble(Horserider) It will comprise 150 multiple-choice questions. Each correct answer will be for 2 marks. Time Duration - 2 hours. UP Police Driver This will comprise 160 questions for 200 marks. Good computer skills are an added ad- vantage. A driving test is also required. Note: All the candidates are quizzed on General Knowledge, Basic Hindi, Numerical Ability, Mental Aptitude, Logical Reasoning & Intelligence. Subjects stand common for all. Hope you have liked the information regarding the UP Police 2020 Admit Card article, let us know your views & queries in the comment section. Click on our Testbook Application for availing comprehensive courses, pdf notes & free tests to shine in any exam! You can also avail of any test series! Amazing offers & attractive deals will excite you! So, just click on the offers here to know more about Testbook’s monthly offers, Testbook Pass, and learning courses to increase your expertise. You can also read other UP Police 2020 related article on below link: UP Police Vacancy UP Police Constable Medical Test 5
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