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It’s recommended that you use several light coats, otherwise you will have sags, drips and runs. The first coat should be a very light coat. Painters Joondalup call this a “tack” coat. Don’t worry about covering the piece with the first coat, think of it as just something for the following coats to stick to. You will usually need about three light coats.
First, here’s a caution on a health matter when spray painting–use a proper paint respirator. They are not cheap, but if you want to fully protect your lungs and nervous system and yourself, wear a respirator. The fumes from spray paint can make you dizzy and sick and even pass out. If you can’t afford this extra cost, just hire the best painting company Perth for the task as they have the proper know-how and tools for all types of painting. Painters Joondalup also insist on spraying with adequate ventilation. If you have a metal cabinet or a piece of furniture or anything you can move, the ideal solution is to wait for a warm, calm day and carry the piece outside. If this is not possible, make sure there is a LOT of ventilation. Protect your health. The next caution when spray painting is to make sure you cover anything you don’t want to get any paint using drop cloths, either plastic or canvas, or newspaper. When spraying, there tends to be a lot of over-spray. It can travel very far and really make a mess of things. So, cover it up!
The Best Spray Painting Technique - The proper technique for spray painting, according to house paintiers Perth is to use an on/off on/off motion. Let’s say you’re painting a small metal cabinet. Hold the spray can to the left of the cabinet with your finger on the button and spray FAR from the cabinet. Hold the can about ten inches away from the surface to be painted.
Continue spraying beyond the right edge of the cabinet, then let off the button completely and repeat the process from right to left, and each time you pass beyond the cabinet let your finger off the button for a second and then spray again. Do not paint the piece all in one heavy coat. It’s recommended that you use several light coats, otherwise you will have sags, drips and runs. The first coat should be a very light coat. Painters Joondalup call this a “tack” coat. Don’t worry about covering the piece with the first coat, think of it as just something for the following coats to stick to. You will usually need about three light coats.
Tips for Using Aerosol Cans - When using aerosol cans the first thing you should do is shake the can for a long time. The can has a marble inside which should “break loose” after a few minutes of shaking resulting in a rattling sound inside. Aerosol cans come with an instruction paper you can use to maximize the use of your paint and get the best results. You should however know painting is not for everyone, and the best bet for an impeccable painting job is by hiring the best painting company Perth.