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Jed Anthony Ariens | Choosing the Best Boxing Gloves for Beginners

Choosing the best boxing gloves for beginners can be a daunting task, given the myriad of options available in the market. However, by considering several key factors, you can make an informed decision that suits your individual needs and preferences. Jed Anthony Ariens, renowned Australian professional boxer and fighter provides a comprehensive guide.

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Jed Anthony Ariens | Choosing the Best Boxing Gloves for Beginners

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  1. Boxing is a physically demanding sport that requires the right equipment to ensure safety and optimal performance. One of the most crucial pieces of gear for any boxer, whether novice or experienced, is a pair of high-quality boxing gloves. Choosing the best boxing gloves for beginners can be a daunting task, given the myriad of options available in the market. However, by considering several key factors, you can make an informed decision that suits your individual needs and preferences. Jed Anthony Ariens, renowned Australian professional boxer and fighter provides a comprehensive guide. The aim is to empower aspiring boxers with the knowledge and expertise to choose the best gloves for their needs. Understanding The Basics Before delving into the specifics of choosing boxing gloves, it’s essential to understand the basic components and types available. Boxing gloves typically consist of the following parts: Outer Shell: This is the exterior material of the glove, commonly made from leather or synthetic materials like vinyl. Leather gloves are durable but can be more expensive.

  2. Padding: The padding inside the gloves protects your hands and absorbs the impact of punches. Common padding materials include foam, gel, or a combination of both. Closure System: Boxing gloves come with various closure systems such as Velcro straps, lace-ups, or hybrid designs. Velcro is convenient for beginners as it is easy to put on and take off. Weight: Boxing gloves are available in different weights measured in ounces (oz). Beginners often start with 12-16 oz gloves for training and sparring. Type: There are different types of boxing gloves, including bag gloves, training gloves, and sparring gloves. Each serves a specific purpose, so it’s crucial to choose gloves based on your intended use. Factors To Consider 1. Size And Fit: Proper fit is paramount for comfort and safety. Gloves that are too tight can restrict movement and cause discomfort, while loose gloves may not provide adequate support. Measure your hand circumference and consult the manufacturer’s size chart to find the right size. 2. Type Of Training: Consider the type of training you’ll be doing. If you’re primarily hitting the heavy bag, bag gloves might be suitable. For sparring, choose gloves with extra padding to protect both you and your training partner. 3. Closure System: Velcro closure systems are user-friendly and convenient for beginners, as they are easy to put on and take off without assistance. Lace-up gloves provide a snug fit but require help to put on. 4. Material And Durability:

  3. Leather gloves are known for their durability and quality, but synthetic materials like vinyl can be more budget-friendly. Consider your budget and how often you plan to train when choosing the material. 5. Weight Of The Gloves: For beginners, it’s recommended to start with 12-16 oz gloves. Heavier gloves provide more protection and are suitable for training, while lighter gloves are typically used in competitive matches. 6. Brand Reputation: Research and choose gloves from reputable brands known for their quality and commitment to safety. Read reviews from other boxers to get an idea of the performance and durability of the gloves. 7. Cost: Set a budget based on your financial constraints. While it’s tempting to go for the cheapest option, investing in a slightly more expensive, high-quality pair can significantly impact your training experience and longevity of the gloves. 8. Try Before You Buy: If possible, try on different gloves at a sporting goods store or gym before making a purchase. This allows you to assess the fit and comfort firsthand. Additional Features to Consider Thumb Lock: This feature helps prevent thumb sprains and injuries during punching. Wrist Support: Enhanced wrist support reduces the risk of wrist injuries and provides additional stability. Antimicrobial Lining: This lining inhibits the growth of odor-causing bacteria, keeping the gloves fresh and hygienic.

  4. Maintenance And Care Once you’ve chosen the best boxing gloves for beginners, proper maintenance is crucial to ensure longevity and hygiene. Here are some tips Jed Anthony Ariens provided: Air Them Out: After each training session, allow your gloves to air out to prevent odor and bacteria growth. Use Hand Wraps: Wearing hand wraps under your gloves helps absorb sweat and adds an extra layer of protection to both your hands and the gloves. Clean Regularly: Depending on the material, clean your gloves regularly. Leather gloves may require special cleaning agents, while synthetic gloves can often be wiped down with a damp cloth. Rotate Gloves: If you train frequently, consider having multiple pairs of gloves to rotate. This allows each pair to air out between sessions, reducing the risk of unpleasant odors. Invest in Glove Deodorizers: Glove deodorizers or disinfectant sprays can help keep your gloves smelling fresh and kill bacteria. Conclusion Choosing the best boxing gloves for beginners involves a combination of understanding your needs, considering key factors, and making an informed decision based on your preferences and budget. ‘Investing in a quality pair of gloves is an investment in your safety and overall enjoyment of the sport,’ Jed Anthony Ariens says. With the right gloves, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on your boxing journey, whether it’s for fitness, competition, or self-defense.

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