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CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION. First meeting of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution Brussels, 1 – 3 June 2005. Keith Bull UNECE secretariat. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE. THE SECRETARIAT
CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION First meeting of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution Brussels, 1 – 3 June 2005 Keith Bull UNECE secretariat UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
THE SECRETARIAT The Executive Secretary of UNECE, under article 11 of the Convention, carries out the functions of the secretariat for the Convention’s Executive Body. UNECE staff perform the day-to-day functions to support the Convention UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION The Convention and its Protocols • The Convention was adopted in 1979 • It is a framework on which has been built eight Protocols – all now in force (since 17 May 2005) • The Protocols have aimed to increase ambition levels in a stepwise manner
INFORMATION ON THE CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDAR AIR POLLUTION • The website – www.unece.org/env/lrtap • The brochure – prepared for the 25th anniversary • The Handbook – treaty texts, Executive Body decisions, other information • The history book – “Clearing the Air” prepared for the anniversary • The newsletter – also “Clearing the Air” started in 2005 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
Executive Body Implementation Committee Working Groupon Effects EMEP Steering Body Working Group onStrategies and Review ICP Forests Task Force Programme Coordinating Centre Task Force onEmission Inventoriesand Projections Expert Group on Ammonia Abatement ICPIntegrated Monitoring Task Force Task Force on Heavy Metals Task Force onMeasurement and Modelling Programme Centre ICP Modelling and Mapping Task Force Coordination Center for Effects Chemical Coordinating Centre Network of Experts on Benefits and Economic Instruments Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-West ICP Materials Task Force Main Research Centre Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East ICP Vegetation Task Force Programme Centre Task Forceon POPs Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling ICP Waters Task Force Programme Centre Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling Expert Group on Particulate Matter Task Force Health Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution
Kara Sea Kara Sea Barents Sea Barents Sea Kara Sea Kara Sea Barents Sea Barents Sea Artic Ocean Artic Ocean Artic Ocean Artic Ocean Canada Canada Canada Canada Iceland Iceland Iceland Iceland Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Finland Finland of America of America Finland Finland North Sea North Sea North Sea North Sea of America of America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Norway Norway Sweden Sweden Norway Norway Sweden Sweden Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia Lithuania Lithuania Denmark Denmark Lithuania Lithuania Denmark Denmark Ireland Ireland Belarus Belarus Ireland Ireland Belarus Belarus United United United United Poland Poland Poland Poland Kingdom Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Kingdom Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany Germany Germany Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Ukraine Ukraine Czech Rep. Czech Rep. Ukraine Ukraine Czech Rep. Czech Rep. Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Luxembourg Luxembourg Slovakia Slovakia Luxembourg Luxembourg Slovakia Slovakia Austria Austria Austria Austria Hungary Hungary Moldova Moldova France France Hungary Hungary Moldova Moldova Liechtenstein Liechtenstein France France Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Aral Aral Aral Aral Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Slovenia Slovenia Romania Romania Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Slovenia Slovenia Romania Romania Sea Sea Sea Sea Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Bosnia and Bosnia and Bosnia and Bosnia and Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Monaco Monaco Herzegovina Herzegovina Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Monaco Monaco Herzegovina Herzegovina Black Sea Black Sea Black Sea Black Sea Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Caspian Caspian Caspian Caspian Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Sea Sea Sea Sea F.Y.R.of F.Y.R.of Italy Italy F.Y.R.of F.Y.R.of Italy Italy Albania Albania Macedonia Macedonia Albania Albania Macedonia Macedonia Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Spain Spain Spain Spain Greece Greece Greece Greece Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Malta Malta Malta Malta Cyprus Cyprus Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Sea Cyprus Cyprus Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Sea CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION 49 Parties in Europe, North America and Central Asia THE CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION 49 Parties in Europe, North America and Central Asia
TASK FORCE ON HEMISPHERIC TRANSPORT • HISTORY • Earlier workshops under the Convention (Pallisades, Bad Breisig) • Awareness that “background” concentrations of ozone have been increasing • Gothenburg workshop (2004) discussed future priorities for the Convention – identified hemispheric transport for further study • Executive Body for the Convention decided, December 2004 (decision 2004/3), to establish the Task Force UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
A NEW TYPE OF TASK FORCE………. • Covering pollutant transport within and outside the UNECE region • Additional invited participants from outside the UNECE region ……. BUT……. • Remember this is a scientific Task Force (reports to the EMEP Steering Body) and operates like other Task Forces under the Convention • It has advantages over workshops – a continuing workplan and membership UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
TF ON HEMISPHERIC TRANSPORT OF AIR POLLUTION The Task Force was established under the leadership of the United States and the European Community The lead Parties appoint Chairs of the Task Force and are principally responsible for coordinating its work, organizing meetings, communicating with experts and for activities associated with the workplan (adopted by the Executive Body) UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
TF ON HEMISPHERIC TRANSPORT OF AIR POLLUTION • Experts participating are: • Nominated by Parties to the Convention; • Representatives of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs); • Representatives of other bodies and centres under the Convention; • Invited by the Co-Chairs; • Nominated by non-Parties. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
TF ON HEMISPHERIC TRANSPORT OF AIR POLLUTION The Task Force is not a “decision-making” body - it is a group of experts. It reports its conclusions and recommendations to the EMEP Steering Body, which is one of the two main scientific bodies under the Convention It reports through its Co-Chairs who, together with the secretariat, are responsible for preparing and presenting the report (NB Minority views can be reported). UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
TF ON HEMISPHERIC TRANSPORT OF AIR POLLUTION As well as reporting conclusions and recommendations the Task Force should submit a draft workplan to the EMEP Steering Body. The Steering Body submits its plan (including that of the Task Force) to the Executive Body for approval. The Executive Body is the decision-making body for the Convention. It agrees the Convention’s workplan, budget, etc annually, as well as adopting decisions and, on occasions, protocols UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE
THE CO-CHAIRS REPORT TO THE EMEP STEERING BODY • A short report (2000-3000 words) consistent with the Secretary-General’s 2004 guidelines • Avoiding summaries (presentations can be placed on web site) lengthy discussions and repetition • Should be action orientated – focus on conclusions (new developments/findings) and recommendations and decisions