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Security of Number Theoretic Public Key Cryptosystems against Random Attack

Security of Number Theoretic Public Key Cryptosystems against Random Attack Paper by: Rob Blakley and G.R. Blakley Presentation by: Jason Bourg Historical Aspect Paper written in 1978 Then 0 < log(p) < 19,937 4.3 x 10 6001 Now 0 < log(p) < 13,466,917 2 144000 = 2.0 x 10 43348

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Security of Number Theoretic Public Key Cryptosystems against Random Attack

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  1. Security of Number Theoretic Public Key Cryptosystems against Random Attack Paper by: Rob Blakley and G.R. Blakley Presentation by: Jason Bourg

  2. Historical Aspect • Paper written in 1978 • Then • 0 < log(p) < 19,937 • 4.3 x 106001 • Now • 0 < log(p) < 13,466,917 • 2144000 = 2.0 x 1043348

  3. Overview • Introduction • The RSA number theoretic method • The background in modular arithmetic • Coding moduli which are products of distinct safe primes • Complementarity properties of safe primes

  4. Overview • The directorate and the message receiver in an RSA public key cryptosystem • The cryptanalyst and the sender in an RSA public key cryptosystem • Summary

  5. 1. Introduction Public Key Cryptosystems • Concentrate on RSA • Goal of receiver: • Produce lists (c, d, m) of three positive integers where xcd = x mod(m) holds for every integer x

  6. Square Free m Please • c and d > 1 exist if and only if m is square free • What is square free? • A positive integer m is square free if and only if it is the product of distinct primes belonging to some finite set T of primes.

  7. 2. The RSA number theoretic method • Same stuff we talked about in class

  8. 3. The background in modular arithmetic • Let Y be a finite set of pairwise relatively prime positive integers. Let m be the product of the members of Y. Then cyc[x,m] = LCM {cyc[x,y] | y € Y} • 9 lemma’s • 6 theorem’s • 3 corollary’s

  9. 4. Coding moduli which are products of distinct safe primes • p – 1 and q – 1 should have large prime factors • Safe primes • p is safe if there is an odd prime a such that 2a + 1 = p • More bad math • 2 lemma’s • 5 theorem’s • 2 corollary’s

  10. 5. Complementarity properties of safe primes • Suppose p and q are safe primes whose product is m • Find one nontrivial pair x, e such that xe = x mod(m) can factor m • If x is small then e must be large, and conversely

  11. 6. The directorate and the message receiver in an RSA public cryptosystem • If the directorate chooses a width w > 2 • It allows every message receiver N to pick primes p(N) and q(N) at random such that q < log(p(N)) < g + 1 < g + w / 2 < g + w < log(q(N)) < g + 3w / 2

  12. 6. cont. • This guarantees that 2g < 2g + w < log(p(N)q(N)) < 2g + 2w and 2p(N) < q(N) • Whence random search for factors of m = p(N)q(N) new sqrt(m) becomes expensive if g gets large

  13. 6. cont. • Assuming w > 2 the directorate will • Choose at random an odd positive integer a such that g – 1 < log(a) < g + w / 2 – 1 • Form • GCD (r ,a) and GCD (r, 2a+1) for every prime r <= u. • GCD (a, (u-1)/2) If either of these numbers is unequal to 1, forget a and return to step 1

  14. 6. cont. • Test whether a and 2a+1 are both prime to all intents and purposes. If either is demonstrably composite, forget a and return to step 1. • Choose at random an off positive integer b such that: g + w – 1 < log(b) < g + 3w / 2 - 1

  15. 6. cont. • Form • GCD{r,b} and GCD{r,2b+1} for every prime r <= u. • GCD{b, (u-1) / 2} If any of these numbers is unequal to 1, forget b and return to step 4. • Test whether b and 2b+1 are both prime to all intents and purposes. If either is demonstrably composite, forget b and return to step 4.

  16. 6. cont. • Form • GCD{a,b} • GCD{a, 2b+1} • GCD{2a+1,b} • GCD{2a+1, 2b+1} If any of these numbers is unequal to 1, forget a and b and return to step 1.

  17. 6. cont. • Solve the six pairs of simultaneous linear congruences • A  0 mod(2a + 1) and A  1 mod(2b + 1) • B  1 mod(2a + 1) and B  0 mod(2b + 1) • C  0 mod(2a + 1) and C  -1 mod(2b + 1) • D  -1 mod(2a + 1) and D  0 mod(2b + 1) • E  1 mod(2a + 1) and E  -1 mod(2b + 1) • F  -1 mod(2a + 1) and F  1 mod(2b + 1)

  18. 6. cont. • cont. • Examine the Hollerith character typescripts which correspond to A, B, C, D, E, and F. • If all six of these typescripts are hopeless gibberish, go on to step 9. Otherwise forget a and b and go back to step 1.

  19. 6. cont. • Let • p(N) = 2a + 1 • q(N) = 2b + 1 • m(N) = p(N)q(N) = (2a + 1)(2b + 1) • a(p(N)) = a • a(q(N)) = b • v = 2ab

  20. 6. cont. • Comments on Step 9 • The receiver N now knows that m(N) is square free if both p(N) and q(N) are square free. • The receiver believes that the integers a(p(N)), a(q(N)), p(N), q(N) are all primes. • This belief need not be correct.

  21. 6. cont. • Solve the linear congruence ud  1 mod(v) for d. • Call its smallest positive integer solution d(N) • Send the list (N, m(N)) to the directorate for inclusion as a listing in the directory. • Keep p(N), q(N), and d(N) secret.

  22. 7. The cryptanalyst and the sender in an RSA public key cryptosystem. • Eve needs to factor m….hard. • Same as in class, nice and secure.

  23. 8. Summary • RSA is strong because it is hard to factor m. • Essential you pick your numbers correctly. • These guys must have known what they were talking about since RSA is still strong today. Questions?

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