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At every workplace, teamwork is an effective approach for the completion of the work in an effective manner and along with this it enhances the performance of all the members in the team.
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Reflective Essay:Teamwork Purpose of Essay: The purpose of this reflective essay is to focus on the issues which were faced by the members of the team for the successful completion of the assignment. www.studentsAssignmentHelp.com Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore
Introduction In the present scenario, teamwork is considered to be an effective approach for the achievement of the goals and objectives in an effective manner. Teamwork is effective for enhancing the performance, cohesiveness in the group and to maintain a proper culture. Proper delegation of responsibility and the development of proper plan for the completion of goal is the major objective of a team (Hughes, & Jones, 2013). In this context, a reflective essay has been developed which is aimed to describe my experience when I was working in a team of 5 members for the development of a presentation. A reflective essay is considered as an essay that is used to describe the experience of an individual in a particular situation or while working on a particular project or assignment. The purpose of this reflective essay is to focus on the issues which were faced by the members of the team for the successful completion of the assignment. This reflective essay focuses on the linking my personal experience while working in the group with the review of literature. In addition to this, analysis of interpersonal dynamics in the group, analysis of performance of the individuals in the group has been done. Along with this, analysis related to the success or failure of the group in the presentation has been done and conclusion of the reflective essay has been done at the end. Analysis of Interpersonal Dynamics in the Group The group which was formed for the presentation and random and all the five members (A, B, C, D and E) were from different culture and thus there was a great diversity among the members in the group. This diversity has also resulted in the difference in the ethical values www.studentsAssignmentHelp.com Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore
related to the work, effective communication, sense of responsibility and many more. Our group faced all these challenges and because of these differences two of our group members did not show any responsibility on the day of first meeting with the tutor. Our two members (B and C) did not present themselves on the day of the first meeting as they were busy in other jobs or other personal engagements. The topic of our presentation was very vast and it was not possible to cover all the topics in a presentation, so it was important to discuss with the tutor. After the discussion, all three of us have started working on the presentation. On the next week, B and C came to us and we made them clear all the things that were discussed with the tutor. After the discussion with the tutor, three of us have started to work on the presentation without consulting with B and C and this made them aggressive. At the initial stage of preparing the presentation, our group faced challenges related to the ineffectiveness in communication or miscommunication and diversity among all the group members. The review of the literature also supports that the diversity in the group creates problems which need to be overcome for the accomplishment of the objective of the group in an effective manner (Shore, et al, 2011). Similarly, diversity in a team affects proper interaction among the team members which ultimately affects the performance of all the individuals in the team. In addition to this, diversity is also effective as individuals from different culture have different views which can contribute in increasing the efficiency of the task which is needed to be completed (Leonard, Graham, & Bonacum, 2004). For overcoming the issue related to the www.studentsAssignmentHelp.com Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore
diversity, all the individuals in the group should feel them as an important part of the group. In the same manner, according to the research, communication need to be very effective among all the members of the team otherwise there will be deviation from the objective that is needed to be achieved. In addition to this, proper communication in the team is effective for enhancing the productivity (Waller, Gupta & Giambatista, 2004). There was no proper communication among all the group members as B and C did not present on the first day of meeting and did not try to make contact with the other three team members regarding the discussion with the tutor. In the support of this issue, the review of literature also explains that the proper communication helps in explaining the objectives to be achieved in effective manner and it shows the leadership quality of an individual. Similarly, effective communication motivates the members of the team to work effectively for the attainment of the goal (Brewer and Holmes, 2009). Proper communication helps in the management of the team and also ensures the excellent quality in the work which is done by the team members (Garbee, et al, 2013). Analysis of Performance of Group during the Preparation of Presentation At the initial stage of initiating the preparation of presentation, my all group members faced various challenges related to the inefficiency in communication among all the group members and diversity as the group was formed randomly and all the members were from different cultures. My team was the first to present the presentation, so we had to focus on the proper management of time to complete the work on time. We had to submit the slides of our www.studentsAssignmentHelp.com Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore
presentation on week 4 and there was much more to do for preparing an effective and knowledgeable presentation. Both B and C were not contributing in the presentation and they use to make excuses in every meeting. I and other two members of the team (A and D) have distributed the work and started focusing on preparing the slides. At the end of the 3rd week, C started to show his interest in the presentation and was present in all the discussions but still in the last weeks, B did not appear and did not contribute anything in the preparation of the presentation. We all decided not to include the name of B in the presentation and submitted the presentation without including his name. After the submission of the presentation, B came to the class and complained to the tutor that he was not included in any meeting and the work was not done according to the decided plan. C also started to support B and this created conflict in among our group members. Our tutor has helped us in resolving our conflict. The review of literature also supports that the resolution of conflict in the group is important for gaining the cooperation from all the group members (Dovidio, Saguy and Shnabel, 2009). Grievances among the group members results in the conflicts which hampers the performance of the individuals (Weidmann, 2009). Analysis of the Success or Failure of the Group Processes My group has faced various challenges from the initial stage but at the end on the day of presentation, we were succeeded in delivering the presentation in an effective manner. According to my experience, we all were successful in giving our best because of the contribution of all the team members. My team has faced some challenges because we all were lacking in the skills for the management of a team. The members of my group could have worked more effectively if the support from B and C could have been received from the first day of the presentation www.studentsAssignmentHelp.com Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore
preparation. Along with this, proper management of the conflict results in the attainment of the objective of the group. According to the literature review, conflict is a situation which cannot be separated from the nature of the individuals. It is therefore, very important and crucial for a team to manage the diversity in the team for avoiding the situation of any kind of conflict (Lee, 2008). The author has also explained that while working in a team, conflict is a situation that should be avoided in any case. The literature has also supported that there is a difference between the efficiency of the work when it is performed by an individual and by a team. There is a great efficiency when is work is accomplished in a team. In this group presentation, the members of the team were supposed to work for many weeks together for preparing the presentation, so, there is a need of developing the trust among all the group members and all the team members should do justification with their assigned duties otherwise the work cannot be done successfully (DeChurch & Mesmer-Magnus, 2010). Conclusion At every workplace, teamwork is an effective approach for the completion of the work in an effective manner and along with this it enhances the performance of all the members in the team. In my group, all the members have performed in an effective manner and we were able to deliver the best presentation on the final day. The challenges related to the diversity in culture, ethical values, proper communication, conflicts need to be avoided and resolved for maintaining cohesiveness in the team and to achieve cooperation from all the team members. Proper resolution of conflict and effective communication has resulted in the success of our group and at the end we were successful in getting the support from all the team members. www.studentsAssignmentHelp.com Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore
References Brewer, E. C., and Holmes, T. L. (2009). Obfuscating the Obvious. Journal of Business Communication 46(4): 480-496. DeChurch, L.A. & Mesmer-Magnus, J.R. (2010). The Cognitive Underpinnings of Effective Teamwork: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(1): 32–53. Dovidio, J. F., Saguy, T., and Shnabel, N. (2009). Cooperation and Conflict within Groups: Bridging Intragroup and Intergroup Processes. Journal of Social Issues 65(2): 429-449. Garbee, D. D., et al. (2013). Effectiveness of teamwork and communication education using an interprofessional high- fidelity human patient simulation critical care code. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 3(3): 1-12. Hughes, R.L., & Jones, S.K. (2013). Developing and Assessing College Student Teamwork Skills. New Directions for Institutional Research, 149: 53-63. Lee, K. L. (2008). An Examination between the Relationships of Conflict: Management Styles and Employees’ Satisfaction. International Journal of Business and Management 3(9): 11-25. www.studentsAssignmentHelp.com Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore
Leonard, M., Graham, S., & Bonacum, D. (2004). The human factor: the critical importance of effective teamwork and communication in providing safe care. Qual Saf Health Care, 12: 85-90. Shore, et al. (2011). Inclusion and Diversity in Work Groups: A Review and Model for Future Research. Journal of Management 37(4): 1262-1289. Waller, M.J., Gupta, N., & Giambatista, R. C. (2004). Effects of adaptive behaviors and shared mental models on control crew performance. Management Science, 50: 1534 –1544. Weidmann, N. B. (2009). Geography as Motivation and Opportunity. Journal of Conflict Resolution 53(4):526-543. www.studentsAssignmentHelp.com Custom Essay Writing – Assignment Help Services – UK | US | Australia | Singapore
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