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Latest market research report on global infrared thermometer market. The study includes industry analysis by product type (Forehand, In-ear, and Multipurpose), application (Medical, Adult, Children, and Veterinary), and geography
InfraredThermometerMarket - GlobalOutlookand Forecast2020-2025 Reachusat: enquiry@arizton.com
Infrared thermometer market size to cross $915 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of over 15% during the forecast period. Reachusat: enquiry@arizton.com
Theglobalinfraredthermometermarket isgoingtowitnessgrowthduetothe worldwideoutbreakoftheCOVID-19 pandemic. Themedicalinfrarednon-contact thermometerssegmentisexpectedto growatastaggeringCAGRof16% by 2025. Theinfraredthermometermarketin Indiaisoneofthefastest-growing regions. Reachusat: enquiry@arizton.com
MarketSegmentsInclude: BYPRODUCTTYPE BYAPPLICATION BYGEOGRAPHY Forehand NorthAmerica Medical oAdult oChildren In-ear Europe Multipurpose APAC Veterinary LatinAmerica MiddleEast & Africa Reachusat: enquiry@arizton.com
PROMINENTVENDORS TopVendors Include: OmronHealthcare PaulHartmann Hill-RomHoldings 50 40 Geratherm 30 20 10 0 Reachusat: enquiry@arizton.com
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