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Explicit Instruction

Explicit Instruction. Define the term explicit. (Think, Pair, Share). Definition of Explicit. Fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied . Why Provide Explicit Instruction?. Learning effective routines and procedures Supports fidelity to the core program

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Explicit Instruction

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  1. Explicit Instruction

  2. Define the term explicit. (Think, Pair, Share)

  3. Definition of Explicit • Fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied

  4. Why Provide Explicit Instruction? • Learning effective routines and procedures • Supports fidelity to the core program • Link core materials to the five essential components of reading

  5. Benchmark, Strategic, Intensive Benchmark – Students who will likely benefit from the core program , are on track and on grade level Strategic – Students in need of additional support. Intensive – Students in need of substantial instructional support.

  6. Research • 15-20 years of research indicates that “good” readers decode first. (NRP) • If they are behind in first grade, 1-8 chance they will never catch up after 1st grade.

  7. Brain Research • 80’s students used context, syntax and then decoding. • We now know that students do not learn to read in the same manner as you learn to speak. (Shaywitz, 2003)

  8. Brain Research • For a new word to become automatic, an average student will need to practice it 4-14 times. • A student who is intensive may need to practice it 200 times.

  9. Key to Moving Students who are stuck. • Data has to drive you. • Find the gap and fix it.

  10. THE BIG FIVE • Phonemic Awareness • Phonics • Vocabulary • Fluency • Comprehension

  11. Templates • Phoneme Segmentation • Letter Recognition • Sound By Sound Blending • Word Reading • Word Reading with Spelling Focus • Multi-syllabic Words

  12. 50% of all words are phonetic • 32-37% off by one sound • First 107 high frequency words make up 50% of print.

  13. It’s All About Repetition! Charlene Coburn ccoburn@access.k12.wv.us

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