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Recuerden!. College in the high school forms are due tomorrow. Also, your first journal entry and interview are due on Monday! Read your packet and ask if you have any questions. Pregunta por 2 puntos.
Recuerden! • College in the high school forms are due tomorrow. • Also, your first journal entry and interview are due on Monday! Read your packet and ask if you have any questions.
Pregunta por 2 puntos • En la semana pasada, fui a un parque junto a mi casa. ¡Fue la mejor diversión! Anduve en la bicicleta nueva que Mamá me dio en mi cumpleaños. • Cuando yo llegué al parque, vi que había un total de 11 bicicletas y triciclos. Si el número total de ruedas (wheels) era 27, ¿cuantos triciclos habían?
Primera pareja • Cual es su estacion favorita y por que? Segunda pareja • Cual es su dia de fiesta favorito y por que?
Tercera pareja • Quien es su cantante favorito y por que? Cuarta pareja • Cual es su pelicula favorita y por que?
Please pick out the subjunctive and its trigger Hola, mamá, Sólo quiero que sepas que voy a la casa de la abuela. Sé que siempre me dices que no vaya por el bosque, pero tengo que hacerlo para que llegue a tiempo. ¡Es muy importante que la abuela tenga su medicina! No creo que sea probable que el lobo esté allí. Besos y abrazos, Caperucita Roja
What to do? • As you read this presentation you will be asked to do several tasks. • Have some paper ready to complete these tasks in written form.
What you already know about the subjunctive mood • It’s not a tense, i.e. does not refer to time, rather it is a mood. • You have learned the present tense of the subjunctive. • The present subjunctive is used only in special cases.
When to use the subjunctive mood • When you have a sentence made up of two phrases, joined together by que. • When the subject of the first phrase is different from the subject of the second phrase. • When in the first phrase there is a ‘trigger’ verb or phrase to provoke the use of the subjunctive.
Recuerden WEIRDO • Wishes • Emotions • Impersonal Expressions • Requests • Doubt / Denial Ojalá
When to use the subjunctive mood • So far, we have learned about Wishes and Requests • those verbs where someone is imposing their will on someone or something else • recomendar, querer, preferir, prohibir, insistir en que, … Juan recomienda que nosotros vayamos de vacaciones este mes. • Read the sentence above and say your answers to the following questions: • What is the subjunctive form used in the above sentence? • What is the verb that this form comes from? • What are the three reasons why the subjunctive form is used in this sentence?
Subjunctive with verbs of emotion • On the next page, you will find examples of these verbs and sentences in the subjunctive. • With a partner, take turns writing them in english on the whiteboards. • After you are done translating the sentences, compare the Spanish and English versions. Are they different? How? Are they the same? How? Could you translate them in different ways if it was in the subjunctive or not?
Subjunctive with verbs of emotion • Nos alegramos de que las vacaciones vengan pronto. • La profesora espera que todos sus estudiantes lean esta presentación. • A la profesora no le gusta que sus estudiantes no hagan sus tareas. • Los estudiantes se preocupan de que la profesora les dé una prueba muy difícil. • Los estudiantes se quejan de que la profesora les asigne mucha tarea. • La profe siente que sus estudiantes no puedan ir a muchas fiestas. • A la profe le sorprende que sus estudiantes hablen tan bien el español. • Todos nosotros tenemos miedo de que no haya tanto tiempo para las vacaciones.
More contexts to use the subjunctive • The next context for using the subjunctive, impersonal expressions, is really not new at all. • An impersonal expression is one where no subject is explicitly stated. • Es preferible tener una casa en el campo. • It is preferable to have a house in the country. • impersonal, because there is no explicit subject. • Juan prefiere tener una casa en el campo. • Juan prefers to have a house in the country. • personal, because the subject, Juan, is explicit • “Es preferible” (it’s preferable) can refer to anyone.
More contexts to use the subjunctive: Impersonal expressions • When you consider the impersonal expressions presented, you will notice that each expresses either request/persuasion or emotion/opinion. • With a partner, decide if each phrase represents [R] if its meaning represents volition/persuasion or [E] if it expresses an emotion/opinion. • es preferible quees bueno /malo que • es importante que es (im)posible que • es lógico que es mejor que • es necesario quees ridículo que • es una lástima que
When not to use the subjunctive with impersonal expressions: • If the conditions for subjunctive are not met • Es importante tomar las vacaciones cada año. • The above example contrasts with the following: • Es importante que Juan tome las vacaciones cada año. • Here we do have a subjecto for the verb tomar. This sentence does not state that it is generally important for anyone to take a vacation, but rather it states that it is important that specifically Juan take the vacation.
One more context for the subjunctive • There is another phrase that expresses a desire with which we always use the subjunctive • Ojalá que • It is an idiom originally from Arabic • Oh Allah (may God grant) • Translates to English as: • I/we hope • Let’s hope • If only
¡Manos a la obra! • Translate the sentences on the next slide into Spanish. You must decide if the sentence requires the subjunctive or not, so take a moment to recall the rules for using the subjunctive.
Translate into Spanish: • We are worried that San Marcos has too many daring men. • It’s necessary to plant more trees. • They complain that there are no engagement rings in town. • It’s logical that Miguel wants a restless life. • Let’s hope that they buy many types of jewels. • I don’t like diamonds. • It bothers us that Jose talks to the clerk.
Subjunctive - Adverbial Clause • What is a clause? • A group of words containing a verb, that express an idea. • What is an adverb? • Describes a verb - how, when or why
How to form the adverbial • Just like we have done before, you need a trigger • And a ‘que’ • But this time the trigger will be a conjugation.
ESCAPAA • En caso de (que) - in case . . . • Sin (que) - without (that) . . . • Con tal (que) - provided that, so that . . . • Antes de (que) - before . . . • Para (que) - in order that, so that A menos (que) - unless A fines de (que) - so that
¡Cuidado! • If there is a "QUE", you must use the subjunctive. • If there is no "QUE", you must use the infinitive. • Never use the indicative after one of these!
Translate out loud with a partner • Yo te digo para que puedas saber donde estaremos • Necesito la cuchilla para cortar el pan • Me afeito antes de ducharme • Me afeito antes de que salgas para las clases
Take turns writing on white boards You cant get good grades without studying • No puedes sacar buenas notas sin estudiar • We cant get good grades unless the teacher helps us. • No podemos sacar buenas notas sin que la maestra nos ayude • She goes to the park so that her friends can see her Va al parque para que sus amigos puedan verla