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Conducting the Online Technical Paper Review

Conducting the Online Technical Paper Review. Information for Session Organizers. Overview. Papers will be reviewed for publication, SAE Transactions, and certain awards at the same time Scoring by reviewers will be conducted online Organizers can check reviewer activity online at any time.

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Conducting the Online Technical Paper Review

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  1. Conducting theOnline Technical Paper Review Information forSession Organizers

  2. Overview • Papers will be reviewed for publication, SAE Transactions, and certain awards at the same time • Scoring by reviewers will be conducted online • Organizers can check reviewer activity online at any time

  3. Process • SAE sends organizer instructions on process • Organizer selects 3-5 reviewers for each manuscript • Organizer receives manuscripts from authors via email • Organizer forwards manuscripts and reviewing instructions to reviewers

  4. Process (cont.) • Reviewers access online evaluation form • Provide reviewer qualifications • Score manuscripts on listed criteria • Rate manuscript • Approved • Approved if modified • Disapproved • Provide comments/suggested revisions

  5. Process (cont.) • Reviewers submit evaluation electronically • Organizers can check reviewer activity online at any time in password-protected location • If an organizer is also an author/co-author, reviewer scores for that paper will be available only to the co-organizer in order to maintain reviewer anonymity

  6. Ratings • Manuscript “approved” • Notify author of approval and submit Organizer Approval Form (when 3 reviews complete; at least 2 approvals) • Manuscript “approved if modified” • Send author comments/required modifications and request revised manuscript • When author submits revised manuscript, re-send to reviewer(s) who approved it if modified for a second online evaluation; for minor modifications, organizer may review and approve instead of re-sending to reviewers • Manuscript disapproved • Notify author of disapproval

  7. Information for Reviewers • SAE staff will provide you with the following information your reviewers will need: • Location of link on meeting home page to online review system • Meeting-specific reviewer password • Paper number or paper offer number • Schedule for completing online evaluations

  8. Reviewer Selection • Organizer selects 3-5 reviewers for each paper in session • Organizer may serve as reviewer unless he/she is an author of the paper or is employed by the same company as the author • Reviewers should have expertise in the subject area of the paper • Reviewers do not have to be SAE members

  9. Draft Manuscripts • Organizer receives draft manuscript from author via email • Organizer forwards draft manuscript to selected reviewers along with instructions and meeting-specific password (provided by SAE)

  10. Review Criteria • Paper must make a new and original contribution to the state of the art or be a constructive review of its technical field • Commercialism must be avoided • Paper must be free of technical errors • Performance claims and conclusions must be supported by test data or validated simulation • Editorial quality must be maintained at a high level

  11. Reviewer Instructions • From the meeting home page, under “Registration & Resources,” click on “Technical Paper Review System.”

  12. Reviewer Instructions • Enter your SAE user id and password. (Note: This is not the meeting-specific password.) • Click on “Submit.”

  13. Reviewer Instructions (cont.) • Enter the meeting-specific password and paper number. • Click on “Proceed.”

  14. Tracking Reviews • To check reviewer activity, go to the meeting home page, click on “Organizer Resources,” click on “Paper Review Reports.” • Enter your SAE user ID and password and will see the session(s) you’re organizing. • Click on the session title to see the status report for that session.

  15. Tracking Reviews • Report includes: • Number of reviewers who have completed scoring each paper • Summary of scores/ratings • Reviewer comments • Reminders/comments from SAE staff

  16. Reviewer Anonymity • If an organizer is also an author/co-author in his/her own session, the review must be conducted by the co-organizer. The review scores for that paper will be available only to the co-organizer in order to maintain reviewer anonymity

  17. Reviewer Comments • Up to 4000 characters may be entered online • Longer comments, equations, etc., must be sent to organizer in Word document

  18. Contact Authors • If manuscript is approved with no changes, notify author(s) • Send reviewers’ comments to author – do not reveal identity of reviewers • Advise authors to make requested changes and resubmit manuscript for second review • Suggest additional improvements, if appropriate

  19. Revised Manuscripts • Receive revised manuscripts from authors • Email revised manuscripts to reviewers who rated “approved if modified” (or, for minor modifications, organizer may approve) • Include information on accessing online evaluation form • Request completion of evaluation by established deadline

  20. Organizer Approval Form • When at least 3 evaluations have been recorded, at least 2 of which rate the manuscript “approved”: • Notify author to submit final manuscript to SAE by established deadline • Submit Organizer Approval Form online

  21. Thank you! • SAE, your authors, and conference attendees appreciate the time and effort you put into ensuring quality of information in SAE technical papers

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