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  1. LOCAL LEVEL TRAVEL & TRAVAIL NARRATIVES: A REVIEW OF THE KSD HOUSEHOLD SURVEYS IN SUPPORT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN IRTPSATC Presentation10th July 2017CSIR International Convention Centre, PretoriaAuthors: Mac Mashiri, James Chakwizira & BongisizweMpondo Presented by: James Chakwizira (PhD), University of Venda, School of Environmental Sciences, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, P/Bag X5050, Thohoyandou, 0950Tel: +27 (0)15 962 8585; Cell: +27 (0)76 387 7814; Email: james.chakwizira@univen.ac.za; jameschakwizira@gmail.com


  3. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND TO STUDY AREA • Rural communities in SA often face pervasive socio-economic problems on a daily basis, not least of which is transportation • This transportation burden is real & substantial (many communities are not connected to the main rural transport infrastructure network) • The lack of mobility & accessibility of goods & persons has had the effect of limiting participation in local economic activities & has further entrenched their isolation & marginalization from the economic mainstream • Given the endemic poverty, transportation is therefore purchased at a high social & economic cost • Clearly, one of the most significant determinants of rural poverty is the lack of access to socio-economic opportunities • Concomitant to these access &poverty issues is the concern for spatial restructuring geared towards the effective & sustainable use &distribution of rural resources to redress historical imbalances

  4. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND TO STUDY AREA • Aim of the Study • To explore local level household travel & travail issues in KSD & assess their implications for improving local level transportation in the study area • Study Objectives • The following objectives framed the study: • Describing the status quo pertaining to the pattern of household travel and transport in KSD by gender and disability • Explore the household travelling and travailing constraints in KSD including their gender implications, and • Analyzing opportunities for overcoming the travelling and travail constraints in KSD and make suggestions for improvement.

  5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HHD Surveys • Mixed method approach was employed to assemble information, while a three-pronged approach was utilized to generate the IRTP, namely: • Literature review synthesizing existing knowledge on transportation & development & highlighting information gaps • Field consultations, internal reviews, analysis & synthesis & feedback workshops, and • Development of the plan Spatial Profiling CBD Counts Data Collection In-Vehicle Surveys Road Sides Counts

  6. LITERATURE REVIEWRural Poverty & Access • Rural poverty is closely associated with poor access to socio-economic opportunities • Accessibility represents the real value of transport infrastructure & services as it encapsulates all the advantages of spatial interaction / exchange of goods, information, know-how & experience • Access is a critical element in rural development - its existence or absence defines the opportunity that rural communities have to improve their socio-economic stations • Elements of accessibility include the extent & quality of infrastructure, the extent & condition of communications, facility location relative to settlement patterns, & availability& affordability of transport services • For KSD, 3 main constraints are recognized: • Information, accessibility & critical mass constraints

  7. LITERATURE REVIEWRural Poverty & Access Information Constraints Accessibility Constraints Critical Mass Constraints • Low service demand volumes & market sizes • Vast networks of low-volume roads • Uneconomical small farm/ enterprise sizes • Low volume & uncompetitive supply chains • Digital divide • Reliance on tacit/ local knowledge • Poor macro–accessibility (to markets & specialised services) • Poor micro-accessibility (to basic facilities) from farms & villages Qualified by Qualified by Qualified by Reasonable to good micro-accessibility within some rural towns Medium>big enterprises & med>high volumes in many commercial farming areas Expanding & cheapening telecom access

  8. LITERATURE REVIEWBarriers to Accessing the Built Environment Disability Awareness & Assistance Personal Security Communication Social Barriers Psychological Barriers Affordability Self Esteem Structural Barriers Information Infrastructure Planning Pedestrian Environment Vehicle design

  9. LITERATURE REVIEWBarriers to Accessing the Built Environment • Barriers to accessing the built environment especially for PWD & the elderly are largely a combination of : • Social • Psychological • Structural barriers • Accessibility can be altered by changes in location of activities vis-à-vis: • the transport system • the availability of an appropriate mode • infrastructure or operating framework • Transport is perceived not as a problem in itself in KSD, but always as part of a far more general social, political & economic problem • Implication: need for integrated sustainable solutions that treat the total value chain • Innovative integrated planning has largely been sacrificed on the altar of sectoral planning despite the many shortcomings associated with adherence to sectoral fiefdoms

  10. LITERATURE REVIEWImportance of Transportation Infrastructure • One of KSD’s main developmental challenges continues to be the backlogs in physical infrastructure • Provision of rural roads almost inevitably leads to increases in agricultural production and productivity by bringing in new land into cultivation • Improved infrastructure also leads to expansion of markets, economies of scale and improvement in factor market operations. • Rural infrastructure provision thus accentuates the process of commercialization in agriculture and the rural sector • To ensure competitiveness of local production vis-à-vis imports into KSD by reducing the cost of production, storage & transportation of produce to the markets and to stimulate higher volumes of production and trade,

  11. LITERATURE REVIEWKSD IRTP Cornerstones • Rural communities in KSD face pervasive socio-economic problems on a daily basis, not least of which is transportation • The transportation burden is real & substantial (communities lack connection to main rural transport infrastructure network) • Lack of mobility & accessibility means limitation in economic participation • Given the endemic poverty, they therefore purchase transportation at a high social & economic cost • Clearly, one of the most significant determinants of rural poverty in KSD is the lack of access to socio-economic opportunities

  12. External node Resource allocation bias District node Economic / job access needs Resource access needs Village node Social/ educational access needs LITERATURE REVIEWKSD IRTP Cornerstones Baseline Conditions & Constraints: Bias towards roads, motorised transport & male-defined transport needs “Woman’s burden” SMME SMME Community Community

  13. LITERATURE REVIEWKSD IRTP Cornerstone • KSD conditions describe a transport system that exhibits significant bias towards: • roads • motorized transport • male-defined transport needs • The burden of accessing socio-economic activities (fetching water & firewood) ‘deep’ rural areas is socially allocated to women • Women & children play second fiddle as transport stakeholders • KSD needs to recognize the fundamental rural-urban differences between Mthatha& its hinterland, and come to the realization that interventions can only be successful if treatment is applied to a continuum rather than discrete systems

  14. FINDINGS & RESULTSRegional & Local Connectivity • KSD is one of 7 LMs within OR Tambo DM in the Eastern Cape Province – a district nationally designated as a poverty node requiring • KSD is approximately 3019km² area & is dominated by the regional urban centre of Mthatha& the secondary urban node of Mqanduli • Rural-urban migration has been pilling pressure on Mthatha &Mqanduli’s already inadequate urban infrastructure & services • Mthathais connected to South Africa’s industrial heartland through daily flights from Mthatha Airport to ORTIA in Ekurhuleni in Gauteng • The N2 currently connects Mthatha via Kokstad to both Durban in the east & Cape Town in the south-west via East London & Nelson Mandela Bay

  15. FINDINGS & RESULTSChallenges & Opportunities for Local Level Transportation Transformation • Demographic profile: age-sex profile of respondents: • 69% of respondents who responded as HHD heads were men • 31% were women KSD Levels of Poverty in KSD Municipality Typology of Settlements in KSD Municipality

  16. FINDINGS & RESULTSChallenges and Opportunities for Local Level Transportation Transformation • Occupation and income profiles of respondents • 65% of HHD heads reported HHD income of up to R3’000 per month • 34% of spouses reported no income at all • 40% had upwards of R1’000 per month • Over 70% of other HHD occupants do not earn any income • Water sources • Natural sources of water – 47% • Treated water sources including piped internal – 44% • Handcart hawkers and tankers had an 8% share suggesting an opportunity for transport service providers • Over 30% of HHD water requirements are fetched some distance from the HHD

  17. FINDINGS & RESULTSAccess to Education Travelling times to educational facilities Type of Transport Mode Used for Educational Trips

  18. FINDINGS & RESULTSAccess to Healthcare Access to Healthcare Travel Time to Healthcare

  19. FINDINGS & RESULTSAvailability & Accessibility of Services Access to Services Location of Banks

  20. FINDINGS & RESULTSTransport Infrastructure & Services Profile • Vehicle ownership, access and usage Adequacy of roads in KSD municipality HHDs had no access to a motorable road

  21. FINDINGS & RESULTSTransport Infrastructure & Services Profile • Accessibility Levels Dissatisfaction with Current Accessibility Levels

  22. FINDINGS & RESULTSTransport Infrastructure & Services Profile • Opportunity to Leave or Stay in KSD Opportunity to leave or stay in KSD Reasons for not travelling regularly

  23. FINDINGS & RESULTSTransport Infrastructure & Services Profile • Transport activity diary Ranking of public transport problems

  24. FINDINGS & RESULTSRural Transport Services • Rural transport services in KSD are largely provided by the private sector • Market for these services does not operate effectively largely due to: • Inadequate transport infrastructure • affordability considerations • market manipulations and distortions through cartel-like practices • poor information flows between transport operators and users, and • the lack of effective demand • Services are often provided along the relatively lucrative main corridors by way of poorly maintained, largely old, & often unsafe vehicles, some of which are retired from the urban areas • This leaves out a significant portion of the rural inhabitants without reliable means to access socio-economic opportunities

  25. FINDINGS & RESULTSPublic Transport in KSD: Anatomy of a Dysfunctional Service • Public transport in KSD is not only operating in a crisis situation but it is also grossly underfunded • Given the poverty conditions in the municipality, the socio-economic role that public transport could play has not been fully realized • The inadvertent policy of totally surrendering the provision of rural transport services to the private sector appears to work only partially • KSD needs to re-examine this policy with a view to generating intervention options that widen the public transport service dragnet

  26. FINDINGS & RESULTSReducing the Local Level Transportation Travail Challenges in Mthatha. • IRTP’s departure point: there is a high socio-economic price to pay if the travel & transport needs of the poor majority are not adequately provided for • Capacity building of & technical support for the IRTP is an integral pillar of the plan • Two main strategic thrusts that undergird the ITRP: • Promotion of coordinated rural nodal & linkage development • Development of a responsive, balanced &sustainable rural transport system • It is envisaged that coordinated development of an effectively interlinked network of rural service nodes and transportation linkages will be pursued within the context of strengthened IDPs • the plan provides a platform for investment in balanced rural transport systems supported by sustainable funding, • This has the effect of strengthening the capacity of communities, to own & productively employ their assets

  27. FINDINGS & RESULTSTowards an Indicative Transportation Transformation Framework • The plan provides a fulcrum for undertaking innovative rural transport programs &projects to provide communities with: • year-round accessibility • cater for the needs of vulnerable users • reduce access times to markets, tourist attractions, education & health facilities • The realization of these programmes is underpinned by the need to develop entrepreneurship in areas such as transport brokerage, as well as the adoption and dissemination of appropriate technologies • The plan will prove to be a useful signpost, guide & planning tool for all stakeholders running the gamut from government officials, politicians, organized business, & rural communities through to NGOs & CBOs

  28. FINDINGS & RESULTSReducing the Local Level Transportation Travails in KSD • It is hoped that the plan will create a greater general appreciation of the potential catalytic development role of rural transport • The plan is a living document & will be periodically reviewed to accommodate changing circumstances in KSD • The outcome of the KSD rural development agenda should be a vibrant, equitable, cohesive and sustainable community • Pivotal spine to achieving the transformational agenda: • Guaranteeing infrastructural capacities to produce &deliver goods & services • Securing minimum conditions & enabling environment to produce & deliver basic services associated with the movement & transportation of people & their goods in &around and beyond KSD

  29. FINDINGS & RESULTSKSD IRTP Cornerstones KSD Rural Development Agenda Welfare Approach Income Generating Approach Land Reform & Agricultural Transformation Human Resources Development KSD IRTP Providing Access to Opportunities Vibrant Equitable & Sustainable KSD Communities Early Childhood Development Better Life Chances Low Carbon Econ Base Skills & Capacity Building Institutions & Governance Sense of Place & Belonging Vision for transport for sustainable development in KSD

  30. CONCLUSION • KSDLM developed an IRTP to provide direction & impetus to efforts to address the travelling & transportation travails of KSD with a view to pushing back the frontiers of poverty & charting a sustainable socio-economic development path for the municipality • The development of the IRTP has been a deliberately inclusive, data-driven process incorporating: • Extensive data collection employing various types of surveys • Bilateral and multi-lateral discussions • Workshops to take account of a wide cross-section of interests • Unpacking active and latent needs.

  31. Thank You!

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