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MALAWI POLICE SERVICE- ITS ROLES AND FUNCTIONS Presentation By Mr George Kainja, Deputy Commissioner Of Police, Officer In-charge, Community Policing Services Branch. Presented At Malawi Defence Force Militery College Salima on 8 th July, 2010. PRESENTATION OUTLINE. 1.0 SCOPE
MALAWI POLICE SERVICE-ITS ROLES AND FUNCTIONSPresentation By Mr George Kainja, Deputy Commissioner Of Police, Officer In-charge, Community Policing Services Branch Presented At Malawi Defence Force Militery College Salima on 8th July, 2010
AIMAIMS OF THE PRESENTATION • To discuss the Malawi Police Service organization, structure , roles and functions • To allow the presenter and the trainees share safety and security experiences in general
Learning Objectives • Trainees should be able explain the MPS mission statement, vision and values • List the MPS core strategic objectives • List the main roles and functions of the MPS • Discuss the MPS organization and structure • Explain the roles and functions of the MPS major branches
1.0 INTRODUCTION • The Malawi Police Service is a government department under Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Security • It is responsible for maintaining public order and enforcing laws and regulations made by the lawfully constituted government • Historically the Service started as an organized Nyasaland Police Force on 5th October, 1921 • It had its headquarters in Zomba, situated at the present Police College. • Police stations were also established at Zomba, Blantyre, Mulanje and Mangochi
3.0 MISSION, VISION AND VALUES • The statement of common purpose and values emphasize the objects of the Malawi Police Service. It also clarifies how these objects shall be fulfilled by members of the Malawi Police Service • VISION • Creating a safe and secure Malawi • OUR MISSION • We the Malawi Police service working in partnership with the community shall provide quality internal security services for all by: • Maintaining law and order • Protecting life and property • Preventing crime • Investigating and detecting crime • Reducing the fear of crime • Apprehending and bringing all offenders to justice • Promoting road safety • Safeguarding the freedoms and rights of all the people • Respecting the rule of law in accordance with the constitution
VALUES • OUR VALUES • As an organization, our values shall be • Independence and professionalism • Impartiality • Openness and accountability • Responsiveness and dependability • Quality in service provision • Efficient and effective use of available resources
Values Continued.. • INDIVIDUAL VALUES • As individual officers, we shall carry out our duties • In an empathetic manner • Courteously • Diligently • Selflessly • Fairly • Decisively • Without fear or favour • Without engaging in corrupt practices • With honestly and integrity • With due respect for Human rights • Exercising sound judgement
Police Powers and functions • Section 153 of the Constitution and the Police Act set out the following as powers and functions of the Malawi Police Service • Protecting life and property • Preventing crime • Maintaining law and order • Safeguarding the freedoms and rights of all people • Respecting the rule of law in accordance with the constitution • Apprehending and bringing all offenders to justice • Investigating and detecting crime • Reducing the fear of crime and Promoting road safety
Police Strategic Objectives • To reduce the levels of crime through enhanced professionalism and efficiency in prevention, detection , investigation of crime and prosecution of offenders, • To promote community safety and security through enhanced partnership with the community and all stakeholders • To promote public order and safety in the communities, reduce the fear of crime , provide proper management of disasters, emergencies and other critical incidences • To provide an improved, efficient, proactive traffic management system, which will assist in reducing road accidents and congestions to ensure safety for all road users, • To develop a human resource management and development systems that focus on selection,
Strategic Objectives Continued.. • training, career development, discipline, appraisal, grievances handling and welfare of all police officers, • To develop clear strategic policies for proper allocation, utilisation, care and management of available financial and material resources to ensure their optimum use • To develop a well focused, coordinated and coherent strategic development approach that facilitates the implementation of service improvement and overall organisational efficiency • To develop a modern, wide integrated management information and communication system that will support decision making processes which can easily be adapted to accommodate any changes in the environment
ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE • National Police Headquarters • Regions • Stations • Sub Stations • Posts • Units
4.0 ORGANIZATION OF THE MALAWI POLICE SERVICE Police Station is composed of the following personalities and branches; 1. Officer In-Charge This is the most senior person having overall command of the Police Station whose duty is administration 2. Station Officer This is an officer who is second in command who assists the Officer In-Charge in the general running of the station. He is the crime officer in that he looks into all crime reports brought at the station by members of the public and also disciplinary offences committed by junior officers
POLICE STATION Continued.. • The following are the branches at the Police Station • 1. Administration Branch • This branch deals with administration of the station. Eg general welfare of the statio, issuing of leave grants and leave passes, preparation of sararies and government allowances. It keeps in contact with Officers In-Charge for directives • 2. Prosecution Branch • This branch is responsible for prosecution of cases which have been properly investigated. It takes such cases to courts of Law to prosecute the offenders for proper justice administration. • 3.Investigation Branch • This branch is responsible for detecting and investigating simple crimes reported at the station. Officers from this branch may be detailed to perform O.B duties and beat and patrols. They wear general duties uniform
Police Station Continued.. • 4. Traffic Branch • This branch deals with control of traffic on roads, investigation of traffic offences and road accidents • 5. Criminal Investigation Department – C.I.D • This branch is responsible for investigation of serious cases, the checking of surveillance men in the areas of their Police Station. They wear in civilian clothes. • 6. General Duties Branch • This is the main branch of the Malawi Police Service from which all the above and below mentioned branches are made. General duties officers deal with the occurrence book duties, rural patrols, beats and escorts of accused persons, currency etc. They put on general duties uniforms • Records Section • It is a section at the station within the general duties branch which keeps crime records for the station
Community Policing Services Branch- CPSB • A branch which establishes an active partnership between the police and the community through which crime, service delivery and police community relationship can jointly be analyzed and appropriate solutions designed and implemented. Despite that some police officers take a leading role but every police officers deals with members of the community
5.0 HIERARCHY OF COMMAND • Listed below is a hierarchy of command in the Malawi Police Service according budges of ranks • Inspector General of Police –POLGEN • Deputy Inspector General- D.I.G • Commissioner of Police • Senior Deputy Commissioner of Police- S.D.C.P • Depyt Commissioner of Police- D.C.P • Senior Assistant Commisioner of Police- S.A.C.P • Assistant Commissioner of Police- A.C.P • Senior Superintendant • Superintendant • Assistant Superintendant • Inspector • Sub-Inspector • Sergeant • Constable • Recruit Constable Note that each and every branch has its head who forms part of the Senior Management Team comprising all heads of branches at headquarters level and Senior DCPs and DCPs The biggest management team is the Executive Management Team which is chaired by POLGEN himself comprising all Commissioners of Police
Information Communication technology • Finalizing the ICT policy and strategy • Recruiting professional qualified personnels to the ICT unit and build its capacity. • Computerizing the organization to improve its efficiently in providing reliable meaningful management information • Conducting information need assessment of the Malawi Police Service • Reviewing the functions of statistics unit and move it from Zomba to Lilongwe (Police Headquarters) • Improving records management systems organizational wide • Provision of accurate and reliable management information at national, regional, Station and Branch levels to facilitate decisions making
Stores • Improving our capacity in stores management • Strategic Management • To develop a well focused, coordinated and coherent strategic development policy that outlines organizations’ objectives, priorities and performance standards. • Setting up an executive team of Malawi Police service comprising of the Inspector General, Deputy Inspector General and Commissioners to formulate and drive organizational policies and strategies. • Setting up a strategy formulation team, which translates policies into operational strategies and sets operational strategies and sets organizational priorities, objectives and performance standards
Setting up an inspection and Audit team that monitors and evaluate the implementation of policies and strategies. • Developing proper coordinating mechanism for strategy implementation to ensure that all development initiatives support the achievements of organization objectives. • Strengthening of leadership and management skills • Developing of costed annual policing plans at national, regional, stations and Headquarters branch levels that forms the basis and the implementation of the plans. • Developing a project management capacity within the Malawi Police Service.
Building • Developing a building strategy, which stipulates areas of maintainance and upgrading of existing structures and costruction of new buildings • Contracting out all new constructions and major rehabilitations of buildings to accredited building contractors • Rehabilitating sub standard housing and office blocks to acceptable standards and provide essential utilities • Using solar energy to provide electricity to rural police units • Develop amore accountable and transparent mechanism to manage the development funds • Police Dogs • Revitalizing the dog section to effectively support operational policing.
Firearms and Ammuninition • Providing modern firearms and acquisition of non lethal weapons eg: Rubber bullets and water cannons • Building capacity of firearms and Ballistic Unit for proper control, care and maintenance of service firearms and ammunition • Mechanic workshop • Equiping the mechanic workshop with modern tools and develop the capacity of mechanics in handling faults and undertake routine services • Contracting out all major repairs of all police service vehicles to specialize motor vehicles dealers
Transport • Re introduce the transport users Committee and extend it to regions • Delinking the transport component from Traffic and transport • Increasing vehicles in all police formations and allocate them in a manner that reflect operational needs and priorities • Revumping the marine and Air wing Branches and develop their capacity to develop the operational support. • Reducing the number of service vehicles that are involved in road accidents through improving driving skillsof all drivers e:g Defensive course and Refresher Courses.
Financial Resource • Improving financial Management and accounting systems • Local and external training to profesionalizing all staff in finance and accounting • Moving towards greater decentralization and more local control on budgets and resources for instance extending decentralization to headquarters branches • Computerization of financial accounting • Strengthening of audit system • Creating an internal procurement system and establishing an internal procurement committee. • Clearing all debts
Resource Management • To develop clear strategic policies for proper allocation utilization, care and management of available financial, material and human resource to ensure their optimum use
Human Resource Management • Finalizing the development of Human Resource management Policy and Strategy • Evaluation and agreeing on the findings of the functional review and implementation of its recommendations • Developing an intake plan that seeks to improve the police population ratio 1:2000 to 1:1000 • Developing a training plan that sets out requirements and programmes at all levels • Developing proper placement and tenure guideline for improved productivity • Develop database management which would include personal data, career development information, details for retirement and terminal benefits for all individual members in the organization. • Introduction of performance managementsystems that facilitate individual performance and accountability towards desirable goals.
Community Based Policing • Developing a community policing policy strategy • Supporting the expansion of Victim Support Unit to all Police Stations and consolidate the existing ones • Mobilize traditional, civil, religious and political leaders to provide support for effective approaches to crime prevention and and creation of safer communities • Promoting crime prevention partnership programmes through an intensive civic awareness scheme • Assisting communities in developing and implementing community based solutions to problems that contribute to crime and victimization, particularly as they affect women, youth and children. • Designing interagency approaches to crime prevention • Promoting human rights awareness within the Malawi Police Service as well as on the public. • Training in community based policing for both police and the community
Crime Management • Developing and implementing a national crime prevention strategy • Establishing criminal intelligence units target active criminals at national, Regional and station levels • Promoting beats and patrols that are based on crime analysis • Strengthening the training in investigative techniques and ensuring that these knowledge and skills required are used. • Enhancing legal knowledge of prosecutors through better training in institutions • Targeting and reducing crimes of particular concern, namely breaking offences, illegal possession of firearms, armed robbery and all forms of organized crime • Developing a forensic science capacity to deal with emerging trends of crime and to improve the quality of evidence • Intelligence collection towards organized crime • Enhancing capacity in drug law enforcement, commercial and economic fraud. • Clarifying the roles of rapid response and flying squads and developing their capacity. • Developing mutual international relationships with sister police services for effective control of cross border crimes.
Traffic Management • Promoting effective traffic checks and patrols on the roads focusing on accidents black spots, high congestion areas and un road worthy vehicles • Promoting road safety education on the diverse community with particular emphasis to vulnerable groups such as school children and cyclists • Developing appropriate mechanism that effectively deal with all forms of malpractices • Creating public awareness on the rights of road users • Acquisition of modern equipment for traffic law enforcement such as breathalysers and speed traps and reliable police vehicles
Public Order Management • Modernizing The V.V.I.P. and diplomatic protection services • Increasing visibility of uniformed patrol in border, rural and crime prone areas. • Promoting close consultation and coordination with all public events organizers. • Developing management and planning skills for major disasters, emergencies and other critical incidences • Creating and training special squads to deal with terrorism, hijacking, kidnapping water rescues etc • Developing capacity for managing of public events processions demonstrations and any public disorder • Clarifying the roles of rapid response and flying squads and developing their capacity.