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Selection. Chapter 5 March 12, 2014. Objectives. Explain the objectives of the personnel selection process. Identify the various sources of information used for personnel selection. Compare the value of different types of employment tests.

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  1. Selection Chapter 5 March 12, 2014

  2. Objectives • Explain the objectives of the personnel selection process. • Identify the various sources of information used for personnel selection. • Compare the value of different types of employment tests. • Illustrate the different approaches to conducting an employment interview. • Describe the various decision strategies for selection. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  3. Matching People and Jobs • Selection • The process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings. • Selection Considerations • Person-job fit: job analysis identifies required individual competencies (KSAOs) for job success. • Person-organization fit: the degree to which individuals are matched to the culture and values of the organization. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  4. MISS Inaccurateprediction(Person would have succeeded on the job) HIT Accurateprediction(Person succeeds on the job) High Job Performance HIT Accurateprediction(Person would not have succeeded on the job) MISS Inaccurate prediction(Person fails on the job) Low Low High Predicted Success The Goal of Selection: Maximize “Hits” MQM 323/Fall 2004

  5. Steps in the Selection Process Hiring decision Medical exam/drug test Supervisor/team interview Preliminary selection in HR department Background investigation Employment testing(aptitude, achievement) Initial interview in HR department Note: Steps may vary. An applicant may be rejected after any step in the process. Completion of application MQM 323/Fall 2004

  6. The Selection Process • Obtaining Reliable and Valid Information • Reliability • The degree to which interviews, tests, and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time and alternative measures. • Validity • Degree to which a test or selection procedure measures a person’s attributes. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  7. HIGH RELIABILITYTEST RETEST APPLICANT SCORE SCORE Smith 90 93 Perez 65 62 Riley 110 105 Chan 80 78 VERY LOW RELIABILITY TEST RETEST APPLICANT SCORE SCORE Smith 90 72 Perez 65 88 Riley 110 67 Chan 80 111 Reliability as Stability over Time MQM 323/Fall 2004

  8. HIGH RELIABILITY APPLICANT Rater #1 Rater #2 Rater #3 Smith 9 8 8 Perez 5 6 5 Riley 4 5 5 Chan 8 8 8 VERY LOW RELIABILITY APPLICANT Rater #1 Rater #2 Rater #3 Smith 9 5 6 Perez 5 9 4 Riley 4 2 7 Chan 8 4 2 Reliability as Consistency (Interrater Reliability) MQM 323/Fall 2004

  9. Validation Approaches • Criterion-related Validity • The extent to which a selection tool predicts, or significantly correlates with, important elements of work behavior. • A high score indicates high job performance potential; low score is predictive of low job performance. • Concurrent Validity • The extent to which test scores (or other predictor information) match criterion data obtained at about the same time from current employees. • High or low test scores for employees match their respective job performance. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  10. Validation Approaches cont’d • Predictive Validity • The extent to which applicants’ test scores match criterion data obtained from those applicants/ employees after they have been on the job for some indefinite period. • A high or low test score at hiring predicts high or low job performance at a point in time after hiring. • Correlation Coefficient • A number ranging from 0.00, denoting a complete absence of relationship, to 1.00 and to -1.00, indicating a perfect positive and perfect negative relationship, respectively. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  11. Correlation Scatterplots MQM 323/Fall 2004

  12. Validation Approaches (cont’d) • Content validity • The extent to which a selection instrument, such as a test, adequately samples the knowledge and skills needed to perform a particular job. • Example: typing tests, driver’s license examinations • Construct validity • The extent to which a selection tool measures a theoretical construct or trait. • Are difficult to validate • Example: creative arts tests, honesty tests MQM 323/Fall 2004

  13. Validation Approaches • Cross-validation • Verifying the results obtained from a validation study by administering a test or test battery to a different sample (drawn from the same population). • Validity generalization • The extent to which validity coefficients can be generalized across situations. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  14. Application Forms Online Applications Biographical Information Blanks (BIB) Background Investigations Polygraph Tests Integrity and Honesty Tests Graphology Medical Examinations Employment Tests Interviews Sources of Information about Job Candidates MQM 323/Fall 2004

  15. The Effectiveness of Selection Methods In a survey of 201 HR executives, participants were asked which selection methods produce the best employees. The mean rating for nine methods on a 5-point scale (1 = not good, 3 = average, 5 = extremely good): Work samples 3.68 References/recommendations 3.49 Unstructured interviews 3.49 Structured interviews 3.42 Assessment centers 3.42 Specific aptitude tests 3.08 Personality tests 2.93 General cognitive ability tests 2.89 Biographical information blanks 2.84 MQM 323/Fall 2004 Figure 5.4

  16. That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to It MQM 323/Fall 2004

  17. How HR Uses Background Investigations Percentage of respondents conducting the following checks: Contact references provided by candidate 75% Verify schools attended and degrees earned 62% Contact people suggested by references 42% Check driving records 41% Verify reference letters provided by candidate 30% Run credit checks 25% MQM 323/Fall 2004

  18. Application Forms • Application date • Educational background • Experience • Arrests and convictions • Country of citizenship • References • Disabilities MQM 323/Fall 2004

  19. Biographical Information Blanks • Sample Questions: • At what age did you leave home? • How large was the town/city in which you lived as a child? • Did you ever build a model airplane that flew? • Were sports a big part of your childhood? • Do you play any musical instruments? MQM 323/Fall 2004

  20. Background Investigations • Checking References • Letters of reference • Mail and telephone checks • Specific job-related information • Family Educational Rights Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) • Requires signed requests for reference letters and signed consent to background checks. • Applies to both educational and private employers. • Failure to Check References • Negligent hiring liabilities MQM 323/Fall 2004

  21. Background Investigations (cont’d) • Organizations using credit reports must: • Advise and receive written consent from applicants if a report will be requested. • Provide a written certification to the consumer reporting agency as to the purpose of the report. • Provide applicants a copy of the consumer report as well as a summary of their rights under the CCRRA. • Must provide an adverse-action notice a person if that person is not hired and contact information related to the reporting agency. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  22. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (1988) • Use of “lie detectors” is largely prohibited. • Act requires qualified examiners. • Act requires disclosure of information where used. • Encouraged employers’ use of paper and pencil integrity and honesty tests. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  23. Integrity Test Question Examples MQM 323/Fall 2004

  24. Background Investigations (cont’d) • Graphology • The use of a sample of an applicant’s handwriting to make an employment decision. • Medical Examinations • Given last as they can be costly. • Ensure that the health of an applicant is adequate to meet the job requirements. • Provides a baseline for subsequent examinations • ADA requires all exams be job-related and conducted after an employment offer is made. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  25. Drug Testing • Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 • Testing for illegal drugs is required applicants and employees of federal contractors. • Effects of Testing • Questions about the accuracy of results. • Applicants testing positive are generally not hired. • Current employees testing positive are referred to employee assistance programs for rehabilitation. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  26. Employment Tests • Employment Test • An objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior that is used to gauge a person’s knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) in relation to other individuals. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  27. Percentage of Job Skills Testing in Selected Industries TEST ALL JOB ONLY SELECTINDUSTRY APPLICANTS JOB CATEGORIES Manufacturing 7% 49% Financial Services 4% 68% Wholesale and Retail 0% 53% Business and Professional Services 2% 57% Other Services 6% 63% MQM 323/Fall 2004

  28. Classification of Employment Tests • Cognitive Ability Tests • Aptitude tests • Measures of a person’s capacity to learn or acquire skills. • Achievement tests • Measures of what a person knows or can do right now. • Personality and Interest Inventories • “Big Five” personality factors: • Extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness to experience. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  29. Classification of Employment Tests (cont’d) • Physical Ability Tests • Must be related to the essential functions of the the job. • Job Knowledge Tests • An achievement test that measures a person’s level of understanding about a particular job. • Work Sample Tests • Require the applicant to perform tasks that are actually a part of the work required on the job. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  30. Interviewing Methods • Nondirective Interview • The applicant determines the course of the discussion, while the interviewer refrains from influencing the applicant’s remarks. • Structured Interview • An interview in which a set of standardized questions having an established set of answers is used. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  31. Interviewing Methods (cont’d) • Situational Interview • An interview in which an applicant is given a hypothetical incident and asked how he or she would respond to it. • Behavioral Description Interview (BDI) • An interview in which an applicant is asked questions about what he or she actually did in a given situation. • Panel Interview • An interview in which a board of interviewers questions and observes a single candidate. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  32. Interviewing Methods (cont’d) • Computer Interview • Using a computer program that requires candidates to answer a series of questions tailored to the job. Answers are compared either with an ideal profile or with profiles developed on the basis of other candidates’ responses. • Video interviews • Using video conference technologies to evaluate job candidates’ technical abilities, energy level, appearance, and the like before incurring the costs of a face-to-face meeting. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  33. It is the night before your scheduled vacation. You are all packed and ready to go. Just before you get into bed, you receive a phone call from the plant. A problem has arisen that only you can handle. You are asked to come in to take care of things. What would you do in this situation? SCORING GUIDE: Good: “I would go in to work and make certain that everything is O.K. Then I would go on vacation.” Good: “There are no problems that only I can handle. I would make certain that someone qualified was there to handle things.” Fair: “I would try to find someone else to deal with the problem.” Fair: “I would go on vacation.” Sample Situational Interview Question MQM 323/Fall 2004 HRM 2

  34. Variables in the Employment Interview • Context • Purpose of the interview • Law and regulations • Economic issues • Physical settings • Interview structure • Applicant • KSAOs • Education • Experience • Interests • Perceptions • Nonverbal cues • Age, sex, race, etc. INTERVIEW__________________ Process _____________________ Outcome(Hiring Decision) • Interviewer(s) • Experience/training • Age, sex, race, etc. • Perceptions • Nonverbal cues • Goals MQM 323/Fall 2004 Figure 5.11

  35. Ground Rules for Employment Interviews • Establish an interview plan • Establish and maintain rapport • Be an active listener • Pay attention to nonverbal cues • Provide information freely • Use questions effectively • Separate facts from inferences • Recognize biases and stereotypes • Control the course of the interview • Standardize the questions asked MQM 323/Fall 2004

  36. Reaching a Selection Decision • Selection Considerations: • Are individuals to be hired according to their highest potential or according to the needs of the organization? • At what grade or wage level to start the individual? • Should selection be for employee- job match, or should advancement potential be considered? • Should those not qualified but qualifiable be considered? • Should overqualified individuals be considered? • What effect will a decision have on meeting affirmative action plans and diversity considerations? MQM 323/Fall 2004

  37. “Can-Do”and “Will-Do”Factors in Selection Decisions • “Can Do” • ______________________________ • Knowledge • Skills • Abilities • “Will Do” • ______________________________ • Personality • Values • Motivation Job Performance MQM 323/Fall 2004

  38. Selection Decision Strategies Clinical Approach Subjectivity Statistical Approach Objectivity Compensatory Model - Average Multiple Cutoff Model - Minimum Multiple Hurdle Model- Sequential MQM 323/Fall 2004

  39. Selection Decision Models • Compensatory Model • Permits a high score in one area to make up for a low score in another area. • Multiple Cutoff Model • Requires an applicant to achieve a minimum level of proficiency on all selection dimensions. • Multiple Hurdle Model • Only applicants with sufficiently high scores at each selection stage go on to subsequent stages in the selection process. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  40. Selection Process (cont’d) • Selection Ratio • The number of applicants compared with the number of people to be hired. • Cutoff Score • The point in a distribution of scores above which a person is considered and below which a person is rejected. MQM 323/Fall 2004

  41. Test Score Scatterplot with Hypothetical Cutoffs MQM 323/Fall 2004 Figure 5.13

  42. Selection Process (cont’d) • Final Decision • Selection of applicant by departmental or immediate supervisor to fill vacancy. • Notification of selection and job offer by the human resources department. MQM 323/Fall 2004

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