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Sharing Good Practice. Extended Services and School Workforce Development North East Regional Network Meeting 12 February 2009 . Darlington – Extended Services Part 1. Share
Sharing Good Practice Extended Services and School Workforce Development North East Regional Network Meeting 12 February 2009
Darlington – Extended ServicesPart 1 Share • Locality Forums: Termly event - 1 in each of 5 localities, attended by all agencies, operational staff in each locality e.g. PCT, school headteachers, voluntary, LA. Why • Informative sharing, development of shared priorities, action plans and allocation of ES funding in collaborative way. Excellent buy in from all. Materials • Locality profile CDs – will be available. Contact: Christine Jones: christine.jones@darlington.gov.uk 01325 388820
Darlington – Extended ServicesPart 2 Share • Sign posting tool. Why • Enable schools/others to better meet FCO and avoid duplication of services. Materials • Published by DCSF/or Continyou ‘Go to it’. Contact: Christine Jones: Christine.Jones@darlington.gov.uk Dawn Gilderoy: dawn.gilderoy@continyou.org.uk
Darlington – School Workforce Development Virtual Leadership College • Succession Planning. • Narrowing the gap. • Relationship building school community – one school concept. Contact: Bernie Bowes bernie.bowes@darlington.gov.uk Locality Forums • Multi Disciplinary Forum. • Captive audience to engage the school workforce in The One Children's Workforce Tool/ Framework. Contact: Justine Stewart: justine.stewart@darlington.gov.uk
Children’s Executive Board (CEB) Local Children’s Board (LCB) Communities of Learning (COL) Geographical Extended Services Clusters ESC Interface between schools & wider community Durham – Extended Services • Example: realigning Extended Services to the work of Local Children’s Boards. • Aim: To ensure that Extended Services developed through schools are linked to Extended Services development through children’s centres. • Why: Places Extended Services at the heart of the work of Children’s Trusts. • Materials available: Structure rationale: • Ensures integrated and coordinated approach to the development of Extended Services across the 0-19 agenda. – Universal and targeted services. • Contact: Rose Envy: rose.envy@durham.gov.uk
Durham – School Workforce Development • Durham develops own assessment centre to validate TA and PSA courses (Targets Met). Packages can be linked to National Occupational Standards. • This facility can be used to help other LAs (validate) their courses in a cost effective way. Contact: Nicola Smallman Assessment Centre coordinator Nicola.smallman@durham.gov.uk (0191) 370 6400
Gateshead – Extended Services Good Practice • School Improvement Clusters Why • Joint Agendas – Extended Services, BEST/BIP, EAZ etc. • Pooled funding. • Sharing data. • Compact agreement. • Annual report linking agendas together. Contact: Margaret Carter: margaretcarter@gateshead.gov.uk 0191 4204445 ext. 206
Hartlepool – Extended Services Share - Hartlepool • Excellent partnership work through Extended Services/ voluntary sector/ schools to deliver core offer/ ECM outcomes. • Example: ‘Cool project’ delivered across localities in schools by voluntary organisation. Impact on ASB/ community cohesion/ strategic engagement/ obesity. Contact: Kay Porritt: kay.porritt@hartlepool.gov.uk
Hartlepool - Workforce • Worked with Curee to present new initiatives in coaching and monitoring to all schools.* • Worked (with South Tyneside and Darlington) to pilot SEN TDA materials for NQTs (February-July 2009).* • Created on EPD (Early Professional Development) programme for teachers in 2nd-5th year of their career.* • Engaged with key National partners (TDA, NCSL, QCA etc.) on Hartlepool Transforming Schools Programme Change Plan. – to drive forward changes required under BSF/PCP.** Contact: * Angela Makepeace: Angela.Makepeace@hartlepool.gov.uk ** John Leach: John.Leach@hartlepool.gov.uk
Middlesbrough – Extended Services Good Practice • Development of Extended Services teams within schools (supported by NCSL). Why • Recognition by senior leadership of the value of an extended school team. • Team meet regularly to consider all aspects of core offer. • Team develop the Extended Services Plan in collaboration with Extended Schools Coordinator. • The plan ‘fits’ with school improvement plan and ‘fits’ with Local authority ES plan. Documentation • ES Audit • ES Plan (document) Contact: Julie McGee: julie.mcgee@middlesbrough.gov.uk 01642 728362
Middlesbrough – School Workforce Development Share • TA / HLTA support and development. • CPD Emerging Practice. Why • Offering a wide range of CPD for all TAs and HLTAs, from NVQ to NAPTA and beyond. • Engaging with all CPD leaders across LA. Materials Available • Via Carole Tonner, Middlesbrough LA. • Developing Programme available offer 09 March 2009. Contact: John Appleyard: john_appleyard@middlesbrough.gov.uk
Newcastle What we want to share • Developing Regional optimism and resilience (with other LAs) • PSA (2nd year) and links with CAF developing – likely to be mainstreamed. Why • Changing limiting beliefs is a good place to start. • Schools see positive benefit and impact. Materials • Conference flyer (and other materials) at conference. • Impact model (PSA) and linked to PM outputs and SM score card and how PSA ‘fits’ into parenting strategy. Contact: Helen Walker: Helen.Walker2115391@newcastle.gov.uk
North Tyneside – Extended ServicesPart 1 What • Health driven aspect of commissioning framework. • BMI testing progressive. • Targeted work regarding reduction in teenage pregnancy. • Intrinsic link to NHSS • Chlamydia testing • Reduction in alcohol consumption by YP links to ‘childsafe’ initiative. Why • Demonstrating partnership working – developing of C/trust arrangements. • Pooling of budgets. Materials • Guidance on testing. • Detailed costed Action Plan.
North Tyneside – Extended ServicesPart 2 2. What • Impact development using results based accountability model of FSES journey. Why • It’s a roller coaster! All templates available
Northumberland – Extended Services & School Workforce Development Share • Full 15 partnership multi-agency approach to the dissemination and development of the TDA logic model to evaluate impact – launched via large conference 6 February (180 people). • Facilitation and support for phase specific CPD leaders. (1/2 day network meetings and enrichment training opportunities e.g. SIPf, coaching) • WAMG – 1/2 day development session – audit against Deliverables. • A3 summary product • Out of this session came specific actions to be done over next 6 months, e.g. ‘We can help you’ flyer. (Now going to happen every April once Deliverables available) Why • It is current ongoing work that we are excited about. e.g. Partnerships already beginning to work on detail of Evaluating Impact model. Contact: Carol Leckie: CLeckie@Northumblerland.gov.uk 01670 533582 Claire King: CKing@Northumberland.gov.uk 01670 533532 Alan Jonston: AJohnston@Northumberland.gov.uk 01670 534048
Redcar & Cleveland – Extended Services & School Workforce Development Extended Services • To ensure each primary within the LA has an allotment. • The project hits every ECM outcome. Also study support around gardening/ cooking/ healthy eating/ enterprise and family learning. • Materials available shortly from: Contact: Keith Scott keith_scott@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk Workforce Development • Identified CPD leads in every school within the LA. The headteachers feed into the LA to help the LA arrange more effective CPD across the workforce.
South Tyneside – Extended Services What do we want to share? • Our Every Child Matters (ECM) Awards. Why do we want to share? • Because we have developed a great way of children and young people aged under 10 to work towards a locally accredited award for each of the 5 outcomes. When children have achieved each award there is a celebration event and certificates awarded. We are training parents to work with children to gain the awards. Materials & Resources • We have handbooks, certificates and examples of work done. • (The scheme is copyright to South Tyneside but is £20 to purchase the £1 per child for each handbook.) Contact: Helen Quick: helen.quick@southtyneside.gov.uk
South Tyneside – Extended Services What do we want to share? • Our participation work with schools councils. Why do we want to share? • Because this is how we have ongoing dialogue with C&YP and how we ensure they have a say in services and the CYP Plan. Materials & Resources • We have a participation team of staff in Extended Services (TWPE transferred from Children’s Fund). Staff work with children and YP on school councils and bring groups together across the borough. Staff have developed workshops for special schools. • We have reports to share showing work done – the reports include a ‘recipe’ for each workshop, games activities that are tried and tested. Contact: Helen Quick: helen.quick@southtyneside.gov.uk
South Tyneside – School Workforce Development • Introduced PM process for support staff using TDA Regional Model. Introduced reviewer training. • Introduced headteacher sabbaticals to allow deputy headteacher to ‘act up’ creating a more viable pool of headteacher candidates. • Working with Children’s Trust to use Children’s Development Workforce Tool. Held very successful half day conference. • Held one day conference for all Senior Officers involved/have role in SEN to develop more integrated approach to inclusion. • Pilot authority (with Hartlepool and Darlington) to work on TDA NQT SEN initiative piloting new resources February-May 2009. Contact: Malcolm Grady: malcolm.grady@southtyneside.gov.uk
Stockton-on-Tees • The pupil voice scheme is running across the borough with approximately 30 primary schools. • This programme involves children travelling to other schools to evaluate good practice. • Children look around the school and discuss different procedures. Take any good ideas for improvement back to their own schools to implement. • Example: In one school children were involved in deciding school lunch menus – this is now mirrored in many of the other schools. • In extended schools we have supported this practice and have adapted the programme to include children visiting and evaluating after school clubs, sharing ideas around what may be effective in their own school. Also we now use the scheme to consult with children around their views and ideas for childcare provision. Contact: Karen Orley: Karen.orley@stockton.gov.uk
Stockton-on-Tees In collaboration with regional sub-group • Support Staff Reviewer Training. • Following regional development of support staff PM policy and guidance which agreed with local WAMG: • Ties in with PM for teachers. • Re-emphasises whole school workforce at centre of school improvement and raising attainment. • Developed regionally but finalised and delivered recently by ourselves. • Very well received by schools. • Model of good practice. • PowerPoint presentation and notes and resources/activities. Contact: Jane Reynolds: jane.reynolds@stockton.gov.uk 01642 527157 Denise Mclean: denisemclean@stockton.gov.uk 01642 527659
Sunderland - Extended Services Share - Sunderland • 100% access to core Offer. • Sustainability and passport to schools – developing in consultation 17 clusters – with a host school for each cluster. • Extensive partnership agreements – LA/Host and partner schools. • 17 school cluster managers in post – undertaking intensive training. With cluster managers and TDA pilot project for sustainability leading on to develop enhanced core offer. Contact: Norma Clark: norma.clark@sunderland.gov.uk
Sunderland – Extended Services SIPf Roll Out: Delivery Model – in Functional Clusters. • Introduces all as cluster managers to all schools in their cluster. • Link SIO/SIP + Primary/Secondary/Special Heads + Cluster manager PSA + School Workforce officer + ES. • Has given very good cross-fertilisation opportunities and re-awarded link to workforce development for some heads. – i.e. revision training on Remodelling Tools (e.g. the back door!) • Andrew W has the delivery programme for the half term.