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Watsons go to Birmingham-1963 Vocabulary. Chapters 7-8 13. Chihuahua 14. clomp 15. executioner 16. haphazardly 17. maestro 18. scowl Chapters 9-12 19. eavesdrop 20. drooling 21. grapevine 22. hilarious. 23. offended 24. pathetic 25. pout 26. puny 27. sanitation 28. seniority
Watsons go to Birmingham-1963Vocabulary Chapters 7-8 13. Chihuahua 14. clomp 15. executioner 16. haphazardly 17. maestro 18. scowl Chapters 9-12 19. eavesdrop 20. drooling 21. grapevine 22. hilarious 23. offended 24. pathetic 25. pout 26. puny 27. sanitation 28. seniority 29. snitch 30. temptation 31. vittles 32. whimper 33. wilier Chapters 1-3 1. delinquent 2. emulate 3. hostile 4. huddle 5. intimidate 6. numb 7. vital Chapters 4-6 8. drowsy 9. genie 10. tempted 11. traitor 12. zombie
delinquent [di-ling-kwuh nt] adjective 1.failing in or neglectful of a duty or obligation; guilty of a misdeed or offense. 2. past due; overdue. noun 3.a person who is delinquent. 4. juvenile delinquent
2. emulate[em-yuh-leyt] –verb (used with object) 1.to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass: to emulate one's father as a concert violinist.
3. hostile[hos-tl • –adjective • 1.of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an enemy: a hostile nation. • 2.not friendly, warm, or generous; not hospitable. • –noun • 3.a person or thing that is antagonistic or unfriendly. • 4.Military. an enemy soldier, plane, ship, etc.
4. huddle[huhd-l] –verb 1.to gather or crowd together in a close mass. 2.to heap or crowd together closely. –noun 3.a closely gathered group, mass, or heap; a huddle for two hours.
5. intimidate[in-tim-i-deyt] verb (used with object), -dat⋅ed, -dat⋅ing. 1.to make timid; fill with fear. 2.to overawe or cow, as through the force of personality or by superior display of wealth, talent, etc.
6. numb[nuhm] –adjective 1.deprived of physical sensation or the ability to move: fingers numb with cold. 2.incapable of action or of feeling emotion; enervated; prostrate: numb with grief. 3.lacking or deficient in emotion or feeling; indifferent: She was numb to their pleas for mercy. –verb (used with object)
7. vital[vahyt-l] –adjective 1.of or pertaining to life: vital processes. 2.having remarkable energy, liveliness, or force of personality: a vital leader. 3.of critical importance: vital decisions.
8. drowsy[drou-zee] –adjective, -si⋅er, -si⋅est. 1.half-asleep; sleepy. 2.dull; sluggish.
9. genie [jee-nee] –noun 1.a spirit, often appearing in human form, that when summoned by a person carries out the wishes of the summoner. 2. any spirit; demon.
10. Tempted[tempt] –verb (used with object) 1.to entice or allure to do something often regarded as unwise, wrong, or immoral. 2.to attract, appeal strongly to, or invite: The offer tempts me.
11. traitor[trey-ter] –noun 1.a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2.a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.
12. zombie[zom-bee] –noun 1. a. a person whose behavior or responses are wooden, listless, or seemingly rote; automaton.
13. chihuahua[chi-wah-wah, -wuh] –noun 1. one of a Mexican or Aztec breed of very small dogs having either short or long hair of any one of a variety of colors.
14. Clomp[kluhmp] –noun 1.a small, close group or cluster, esp. of trees or other plants. 2.a lump or mass 3.a heavy, thumping step, sound, etc... –verb (used without object) 4.to walk heavily and clumsily. 5.to gather or form into a clump; mass.
15. Executioner[ek-si-kyoo-shuh-ner] –noun 1.an official who inflicts capital punishment in pursuance of a legal warrant. 2.a person who executes an act, will, judgment, etc.
16. Haphazardly[hap-haz-erd-lee] –adverb in a haphazard manner; at random
17. Maestro[mahy-stroh] –noun, plural maes⋅tros. 1.an eminent composer, teacher, or conductor of music: Toscanini and other great maestros. 2.(initial capital letter) a title of respect used in addressing or referring to such a person. 3.a master of any art: the maestros of poetry.
18. scowl[skoul] –verb (used without object) 1.to draw down or contract the brows in a sullen, displeased, or angry manner. 2.to have a gloomy or threatening look – verb (used with object) 3.to affect or express with a scowl. –noun 4.a scowling expression, look, or aspect.
19. eavesdrop[eevz-drop] –verb (used without object) 1.to listen secretly to a private conversation.
20. drooling[drool] –verb (used without object) 1.to water at the mouth, as in anticipation of food; salivate; drivel. 2.to show excessive pleasure or anticipation of pleasure. 3.to talk foolishly.–noun
21. grapevine[greyp-vahyn] –noun 1.a vine that bears grapes. 2.Also called grapevine telegraph. a person-to-person method of spreading rumors, gossip, information, etc., by informal or unofficial conversation, letter writing, or the like. 3.a private or secret source of information.
22. hilarious[hi-lair-ee-uh s, -lar-, hahy-] –adjective 1. arousing great merriment; extremely funny: a hilarious story; a hilarious old movie. 2. boisterously merry or cheerful: a hilarious celebration. 3. merry; cheerful.
23. offended[uh-fend] –verb (used with object) • to irritate, annoy, or anger; cause resentful displeasure in: Even the hint of prejudice offends me. 2.to affect (the sense, taste, etc.) disagreeably. 3.to violate or transgress (a criminal, religious, or moral law). 4.to hurt or cause pain to. –verb (used without object) 5. to cause resentful displeasure; irritate, annoy, or anger: a remark so thoughtless it can only offend. 6. to err in conduct; commit a sin, crime, or fault.
24. pathetic[puh-thet-ik] –adjective • causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight. 2.affecting or moving the feelings. 3.pertaining to or caused by the feelings. 4.miserably or contemptibly inadequate: In return for our investment we get a pathetic three percent interest.
25. pout[pout] –verb (used without object) • to thrust out the lips, esp. in displeasure or sullenness. 2. to look or be sullen. 3.to swell out or protrude, as lips. –verb (used with object) 4.to protrude (the lips). 5.to utter with a pout. –noun 6.the act of pouting; a protrusion of the lips. 7.a fit of sullenness: to be in a pout.
26. puny[pyoo-nee] –adjective, -ni⋅er, -ni⋅est. 1.of less than normal size and strength; weak. 2.unimportant; insignificant; petty or minor: a puny excuse. 3.Obsolete
27. sanitation[san-i-tey-shuh n] –noun 1. the development and application of sanitary measures for the sake of cleanliness, protecting health, etc. 2. the disposal of sewage and solid waste.
28. seniority[seen-yawr-i-tee, -yor-] –noun, plural -ties for 2. • the state of being senior; priority of birth; superior age. 2.priority, precedence, or status obtained as the result of a person's length of service, as in a profession, trade, company, or union: First choice of vacation time will be given to employees with seniority.
29. snitch[snich] –verb (used with object) Informal. to snatch or steal; pilfer. –verb (used without object) • to turn informer; tattle. –noun 2. Also called snitcher. an informer.
30. temptation[temp-tey-shuh n] –noun 1. the act of tempting; enticement or allurement. 2. something that tempts, entices, or allures. 3. the fact or state of being tempted, esp. to evil.
31. vittles[vit-l] –noun 1.victuals, food supplies; provisions. 2.food or provisions for human beings.
32. whimper[hwim-per, wim-] –verb (used without object) 1. to cry with low, plaintive, broken sounds.– –verb (used with object) 2. to utter in a whimper. –noun 3. a whimpering cry or sound.
33. wilier[wahy-lee] –adjective, wil⋅i⋅er, wil⋅i⋅est full of, marked by, crafty, cunning.