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Survey Results - Career Development National Organization of Professional Hispanic NRCS Employees Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Frank B. Clearfield Social Sciences Team Leader East National Technology Support Center Greensboro, NC August 6, 2009. Presentation Outline. Design and methodology
Survey Results - Career Development National Organization of Professional Hispanic NRCS EmployeesPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania Frank B. Clearfield Social Sciences Team Leader East National Technology Support Center Greensboro, NC August 6, 2009
Presentation Outline • Design and methodology • Background characteristics • Findings • What this survey tells us • Recommendations
Survey Methodology • Web survey; opened February 23, 2009 and closed April 17, 2009 • Organization sent e-mails/hyperlink to about 115 members, and 66 NOPHNRCSE responded for a 57% return rate • Also, placed survey’s hyperlink on organization’s web site • Approximately 95 responded to the survey
Survey Design • Some questions were the same as previous surveys for comparison purposes • Human Capital Survey • Asian American/Pacific Islander Career Development Survey • Black/African American Career Development Survey • Native American/Alaskan Native Career Development Survey
References and Comparison • 1999 NRCS Employees Survey, (N=749) • 2005 NRCS Human Capital Survey (N=7,754) • National Financial Center, various years
Likert Scale A Likert scale is based on ordinal numbers; one number is relatively higher/lower than the next The lower the mean/average, the more positive the total response
How important is it to have a mentor help me with career development? Mean = 1.92 83% positive
How satisfied are you with the opportunity to get a better job in NRCS? Mean = 2.69 48% positive
Are you currently a member of the NOPHNRCSE Organization? N=84
Regional Breakdown N = 84
Work Location* N = 85 *NRCS employee data is from NFC (May, 2004)
Supervisory Status N = 85
Grade* N = 85 *NRCS employee data as of 9/30/05
Ethnicity/Race* N = 86 *NRCS employee data is from NFC, 2003
Gender N = 86
Years with Federal Government* N = 86 *NRCS employee data is from ICAMS and NFC (May, 2004)
STC’s ASTC or DSTC DC AC, area specialist, RC Technical specialists at various levels SAO, Budget, HR National Level positions (Chief, SES, Deputy Chief, etc.) 4% 8% 26% 9% 18% 7% 4% What leadership position would you be interested in attaining in the short term? N = 76
NRCS “detail” outside your state Leadership development program On-the-Job Training Formal training Serve as “acting” supervisor NRCS “detail” within your state Going to grad school to earn degree International assignment 46% 39% 28% 28% 21% 19% 19% 17% Activities to reach your career goal (three choices) N = 95
Number of times you applied for a job in NRCS and not been chosen?
Immobility due to dual careers w/ spouse No opportunity to serve on an NRCS “detail” outside state Leadership program unavailable Work/family balance Other (most were in list of responses) No opportunity to return to school to earn graduate degree I have no obstacles that hinder me Immobility due to personal situation (elderly parents, etc.) 21% 19% 17% 17% 17% 16% 14% 14% Identify the biggest obstacles that hinder you from achieving career goals (three responses) N = 94
When asked an open-ended question on how the agency could overcome obstacles, respondents made several observations: • Offer more educational opportunities (e.g., reimburse employees for college courses) • More opportunities for details and acting positions • Selection process needs to provide feedback to unsuccessful job applicants, more interviews, greater number of in-house selections, less favoritism • If moving is required, agency should purchase house
How the agency can overcome obstacles? (cont…) • Continue to raise awareness regarding discrimination • Offer more opportunities for formal and OJT training • Offer a variety of leadership development programs for different grade levels • Assist spouses find jobs in relocation • Acknowledge two career families; support telecommuting, as appropriate
Number of times moved by the Federal Government because of a job change N = 91
How mobile are you? Mean: 2005 – 3.3 Current – 2.3
What is your status regarding participation in Leadership and Mentoring Programs:
Would you be interested in participating in Leadership and Mentoring Programs:
Mentor help me with career development Having a Mentoring Program sponsored by the NOPHNRCSE Mentor help me at my current position Mentor that reflects my ethnicity/race Mentor that reflects my gender Mean 1.92 2.14 2.39 2.86 3.05 How important is the following:
Performance appraisal is fair reflection of my performance In most recent appraisal, I understood how to be rated at different performance level My supervisor helps me overcome constraints that hinder from work goals Mean 2.31 2.34 2.51 Extent of agreement with the following statements about promotions and performance
I am comfortable with the skills I have to perform my job I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in NRCS Supervisors work well with employees of different backgrounds Mean 1.96 2.33 2.68 Extent of agreement with the following statements about job skills & improvement
Involvement in decisions that affect your work Opportunity to get a better job in NRCS Mean 2.52 2.69 How satisfied are you with the following:
Employees in NRCS sometimes make comments regarding race, national origin, gender, age, disabilities, religion, marital status or sexual orientation that might be considered offensive or inappropriate NRCS provides adequate programs to promote cultural understanding, and appreciation for differences, including differences between races and gender Mean 2.93 2.5 Agreement or disagreement with the following:
(1) Comments about race, gender… are Offensive (2) NRCS provides adequate Programs to… Comments: 39% agreement Programs: 62% agreement
The survey says…. • Respondents are a highly mobile, young, higher graded, Hispanics, and generally an ambitious group. 40% can be classified as super-ambitious • Top preferred activities to reach career goals are “details” outside the state, Leadership Development Program, and training (both OJT & formal) • ¼ have applied for jobs over 7 times and not been chosen • Over 3/4’s unsuccessfully applied for jobs in NRCS • Top agency obstacles are: low opportunity to serve on out-of-state details, unavailability of leadership program, and lack of formal educational opportunities
The survey says…. • Respondents have high positive attitudes toward mobility than other groups • If offered, well over half the respondents would participate in a LDP and a Mentoring program during the next 2 years • High support for NOPHNRCSE sponsorship of a mentoring program with career development as its goal
The survey says…. • Mediocre support for the performance appraisal system, the supervisor’s help in overcoming career obstacles, and whether supervisors work well with people of diverse backgrounds • Respondents are comfortable with their own skills, but some don’t feel they are given an opportunity to improve them • Medium satisfaction with involvement in work decisions and opportunities for a better job
The survey says…. • Discrimination seems to be felt, witnessed or perceived by half the respondents on a personal level • Respondents give the Department/Agency an above average score in its efforts to address cultural understanding and diversity
Recommendations • Career development programs should be offered at national AND state levels • The agency needs to provide adequate resources for LDP at different grade levels • The agency should provide appropriate resources for mentoring programs at the state level • NOPHNRCSE should help coordinate mentorship programs by matching mentors with employees from their organization (including retirees)