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1. Top Caregiver Duties to Know.<br>2. Caregiving Tips and Tricks to Ease Caregiving Problems.<br>3. Assisted Living & In-Home Care Compared.<br>4. Understanding the role of caregivers.<br>5. Hiring a Private Caregiver.<br>6. Mistakes to avoid when hiring a caregiver.
What You Should Know Before Hiring A Caregiver
Synopsis I. II. Caregiving Tips and Tricks to Ease Caregiving Problems III. Assisted Living & In-Home Care Compared IV. Understanding the role of caregivers V. Hiring a Private Caregiver VI. Mistakes to avoid when hiring a caregiver Top Caregiver Duties to Know
Top Caregiver Duties to Know • Keep Ta?s of the Patie?t’s Medi?atio? Re?ui?e?e?ts • Ca?egi?e?s a?e e?pe?ted to ?e a?a?e of thei? patie?t’s ?edi?atio? s?hedule. The? need to monitor and make sure the patient has been given the medicines on time. Caregivers are supposed to make sure that the care plan designed for the patient is followed strictly. • Give Assistance as Required • This is one of the primary reasons a caregiver is expected from. The patient is not able to perform their simple needs by themselves. They feel the need to depend on someone who will help and aid them whenever need be. Their needs can range from bathing, changing their clothes, drinking water or even peeling a banana. • Prepare Special Meals • There are many cases where the patient is recommended to follow a specific meal intake. In times like these, a caregiver can be of great help. Who better than a caregiver to monitor the nutrition intake and ensure that it is fully provided. A caregiver also takes the responsibility of feeding the patient patiently and good- naturedly.
Top Caregiver Duties to Know • Taking the Patient on Their Appointments • Another main duty that is expected from a caregiver is to take the patient on their s?heduled do?to?’s appoi?t?e?ts. The? a?e also e?pe?ted to ?o?ito? a?d sta? updated as to when the appointment is due. • Provide Support When Patient Needs To Be Transferred • It could be that the patient needs help and support to get out of bed, sit in their wheelchair, or go down the stairs. Caregivers can be a great source of support for these kinds of patients who are dependent on someone with their mobility. • Much Appreciated Companionship • Although it may seem that this is the least important and next-to-nothing duty of a ?a?egi?e?, thei? ?o?pa?io?ship ?a? ?ake all the diffe?e??e i? a patie?t’s life. Just the feeling and presence of someone who is continuously there to look after your every need can make the patient feel cared and loved for.
Caregiving Tips and Tricks to Ease Caregiving Problems • You should plan your day by prioritizing your tasks and your goals that you want to accomplish in your life. Prepare a list of your needs and put the most important ones first • Identify the neighbours, friends and other relatives that are willing to help you. Also, identify the kind of support that they are able to provide and when are they available • Make a schedule to ensure that the needs and requirements of your loved ones are being fulfilled. Arrange a day for taking full advantage of any help available from your friends, other agencies, and neighbours • Gi?e ?ou?self spa?e. Do?’t ?o?k to the poi?t of o?e?ti?ed?ess a?d e?haustio?. It ?a? affe?t your capability of being an affecting caregiver. Moreover, it could be an extreme threat to your well-being • Set ?ou? li?its a?d follo? the? st?i?tl?. Lea?? to ?efuse a??thi?g that ?ou do?’t feel like doing • Caregivers are one of the most important participants of a healthcare team. Develop a strong partnership with the healthcare providers of your loved ones. Get involved in the development of any health care plans for short and long-term
Assisted Living & In-Home Care Compared Assisted Living • As a resident of assisted living, your parents become the part of a specific community. By this, they can participate in the community activities and develop a social circle with a proper routine. The facilities of assisted living include medical facilities, transportation, laundry, and housekeeping. • The communities of living communities are established for helping the residents stay safe and active. • In comparison with home care, assisted living is very different. Many people prefer to live in their own houses, but some of them like assisted living and receiving the professional care. Everyone has their own preferences. Many people want to stay alone and enjoy their own space while others like the company of other people. In-Home Care • With age, older people are becoming increasingly difficult to lead household and observe personal hygiene rules. Moreover, age-related illnesses further complicate their lives. Often, the disease even prevents from leaving the house or even can get the person chained to the bed. It is especially difficult for single people who do not have children or their children are far away, or they themselves need help. • It was for such elderly people that the "Home Care" program was created. After seeking help, program curators visit a potential client at home and assess their ability to self-service and the need for help. If an elderly person is still capable of doing something, he must do it himself as it helps to maintain an active lifestyle and stimulates brain activity. A health visitor will help with what he cannot do anymore - he will wash the floors, go for food and medicine, etc.
Understanding the role of caregivers • Anyone who cares for someone is a caregiver and is rewarded in many ways. The reward could be monetary (for example paid nurses, paid staff) but the wages is only part of the reward. The bond that is formed between the caregiver and the receiver receives much of the reward. A type of bond or reward which cannot be weighed in any form of currency. • Sometimes caregivers spend a short duration of time with their patients. Sometimes they are their caregivers for a much longer period of time. So much so that not only do the patients depend on them but also love them like they do their own children, especially elderly patients. • For the caregiver, spending time with patients with terminal illnesses makes so much of a difference to be able to add some joy and comfort to their patients in the last days of their life. • Many paid caregivers make personal visits of different duration of time for all kinds of nursing or helping aid jobs. Different kinds of people need a caregiver, the elderly, the sick, the injured who need assistance for a long recuperation of health. • Caregivers are not necessarily hired help. Caregivers can be family members or neighbours as well. You might be, or perhaps should be a caregiver to your parents or other relatives in need. The caregiver needs to have a world of patience and tolerance. • A caregiver could also be someone who connects with you in times of need. Females are found to be better caregivers than men because of their maternal instincts, the compassion and level of tolerance as well as being firm when needed.
Hiring a Private Caregiver • Is Empathetic • In order for the caregiver to provide their best care, they need to build a level of comfort and understanding with the patient. They need to form a strong bond of connection with the patient. If the patient does not feel comfortable with the caregiver, it will be very hard for the patient to be taken care of. • Is Patient • In the industry of caregiving, patience is an extremely valuable quality that caregivers need to possess. Not that it is easy to do so, but caregivers need to show tolerance and endurance with the patients. They will face many challenges along the way. It could be that the patient is not willing to eat their food or take their medicine on time. They could be obstinate and not listen to what they are told to do.
Hiring a Private Caregiver • Is Passionate About Their Work • Caregivers are only good at what they do, provided that they have the passion and zest for their work. Many caregivers are in this business because it brings them a high level of gratitude and satisfaction knowing that they are serving a righteous cause. • Is Always Alert And Attentive • If you need to hire a caregiver to look after an elderly patient, the caregiver should fulfill their requirement of providing constant attention. They need to be familiar ?ith a? elde?l? patie?t’s ?e?essities a?d ?e ale?t as ?ell as atte?ti?e to thei? requirements. • Is Placing The Patient Before Their Own Needs • Hired caregivers are aware of the importance that they need to give to their patients. The? a?e ?illi?g to put thei? patie?t’s ?eeds ?efo?e thei? o??. The? pla?e p?io?it? o? putti?g thei? patie?t’s health a?d ?ell-being above all.
Mistakes to avoid when hiring a caregiver • Taking too long to hire a caregiver • There are various proofs that indicate the need to hire a professional and a well- experienced caregiver. Various research and studies have found that if you hire a caregiver early, it will help in improving the psychological well-being of a disabled or a patient and also their family. Most people seek the help of professional caregivers for alleviating stress, anxiety and depression. If you see the signs of any of these p?o?le?s i? ?ou? lo?ed o?e, do?’t take too lo?g a?d get the help of a p?ofessio?al caregiver as soon as possible. • Not researching about the agency or a caregiver • This procedure can sometimes be overwhelming and threatening, particularly if a family member or a friend suggested a caregiver. However, it is a big and an important decision. Before hiring a caregiver, you should thoroughly research and investigate the right person that you think can manage and fulfill your requirements. After the research process, ask the caregiver for their IDs, licenses and any previous experience while conducting the interview. It will ensure that you are ending up with a potential and skilled caregiver. Moreover, it is usual to consider the cost, pe?so?alit? a?d the skills of e?e?? p?ospe?ti?e ?a?egi?e?. But, do?’t let the issue of one of these factors outweigh the other elements. All of them are equally important.
Mistakes to avoid when hiring a caregiver • Not involving other family members • If a person has been taking care of their loved ones alone and they have siblings that are too lazy, unfocused or busy for helping. It will be his/her responsibility of hiring a? e?pe?ie??ed ?a?egi?e? a?d o??e the? fi?d a pote?tial ?a?egi?e? fo? thei? pa?e?t’s caregiving requirements, they should ask their siblings to be there while interviewing a caregiver. It is very important to consult all the family members before hiring a caregiver. This might help in avoiding contentious problems after some time and all the family members would know about the caregiver. And after all, each family member will interact with the chosen caregiver. • Not staying involved • If ?ou ha?e fi?all? hi?ed a ?a?egi?e?, it’s ?e?? i?po?ta?t to keep aski?g ?ou? pa?e?ts about how things are going every week at least. Pay attention to the care and help that ?ou? pa?e?ts a?e ?e?ei?i?g. That’s ho? ?ou ?ill k?o? if the?e a?e a?? requirements or needs that should be met. It will also ensure you and your siblings that your parents are happy and are satisfied with the care provided.
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