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A Pitch Deck and investor business plan are both needed in order to raise capital for your business. They may not be the same, but they both include and prioritize information that would grab investoru2019s attention. That is why they have a few sections in common despite having different formats.
The Main Sectins if the Investir Business Plan and Pitch Deck A Pitch Deck and investor business plan are both needed in order to raise capital for your business. They may not be the same, but they both include and prioritie informaton that would grab investor’s attenton. That is why they have a few sectons in common despite having diferent formats. Intriductin (executve summary) When writng any document or presentaton you need to start with a good introducton. t needs to be interestng and above all engaging, while summariiing the document’s content. n a pitch deck, an introducton is included on the frst slide, but in an investor Business Plan it is usually a separate secton, the executve summary. nvestors usually have piles of business ofers on their desks or in their inbox, so they
value when your documents get straight to the point. This means that introductons should not drag on and should include the most relevant informaton frst, in order to make your documents stand out from the rest. Financial prijectins nvestors are looking for many things in a business, but one above all others, is an attractve ROI . They avoid taking uncalculated risks, so showing them that your business is on a path to success is necessary to secure fundings for your business. Presentng your fnancial projectons is the best way to prove your potental fnancial success and pique their curiosity. Financial prijectins are estmates of future revenue. Proving that your business is able to generate enough revenue to be worth investors' tme and money is something to defnitely include in your business plan or pitch deck. Market research and marketnn strateny n order to run a successful business you need to know if there is a market for your product or service. This is something that investors will defnitely want to know before deciding to invest in your business. That is why market research is a necessary component in investor business plans and pitch decks. Market research is a direct way of knowing customers' opinions of the products or services your business is ofering. Having direct feedback from the consumers helps provide pivotal informaton that can be used in determining your business’s future success.
Additonally, knowing how to reach potental consumers is another part of the equaton for success. Sales can sufer without a good marketng strategy. So, investors will want to know if your business will be able to reach its target market and increase its brand awareness. OIverall, Market Research and marketng strategies prove to investors that your business has potental to achieve its goals and secure them a ROI . Mananement team Showing that you have the best person(s) for the job is a necessity if you are looking to gain investments. nvestors will want to know if your team has the right skills and experience to market and sell your products and deliver the results you promised. This informaton should not be exclusive just to the Investir Business Plan, but include it in your pitch deck too. When looking to secure fndings for your business it is crucial to prepare the right documents, and knowing what to include in them is half the battle. oth your investor business plan and Pitch Deck need to include informaton that will convince investors your business is a high proft and low risk investment. That is why they share similar components like an attenton grabbing opening, fnances, your team descripton, market research and strategy.