Lovbot By Jorge Carmona
Hieveryone! Welcometolovbot: a mixture of love and robots. In ordertoknowabout my story, youhavetoreadverywell. Eachpart of my story has someemptyspaces youneedto complete bychoosingone of thethreeoptionsthatappearthere. Ifyouroptioniscorrectyouwillbeallowedtocontinuereading. Otherwise, you are going back tothestorytoreadagain and takeanotheroption. Hope youlearn so muchbyreading my story! clic whenyou are ready
It was summer and I was tripping around on my _¤_electric scooter when I got stupefied by looking at an attractive, bright, silver female robot. Voice-activatedlabour-savingstate-of-the-art
I wrote down some bits… some words… on a piece of sheet I had… and I attached it to my _¤_ drone. labour-savingvoice-activatedstate-of-the-art
She answered back by shooting a 3D photograph using Instagram in her _¤_ smartphone. old-fashionedwide-spreadhigh-tech
For three months, I kept going to the same park, to the same part, with new and amazing _¤_ surprises. We kept both flirting with each other. wirelessinnovativedisposable
One day, we were _¤_ and I found out why all her answers included images, photos and gifs. back to backhand in handfacetoface
She was deaf-mute and she didn´t speak Spanish but German. She couldn´t communicate well because she was using a very _¤_ avatar translator device. user-friendlyold-fashionedcutting-edge
Fortunately, we found the way to communicate and our love was a _¤_ story in and on and at the net. cutting-edgefifth-generationwide-spread
I invited her to go and surf the net into the amazing Colombian coasts. She agreed and we took a _¤_ transport straight to Riohacha. outdateddisposabletrendy
We spent there a fantastic week and _¤_ up and down. browsedscrolleddragged
Back in the city, we decided to live together and plan our life together. Together, we decided to create _¤_ tales people with any disability could enjoy. waterproofsmartoutdated
We set up a company where we produced _¤_ kindle books with a copyright signature. labour-savingold-fashioneduser-friendly
We didn´t take care of evil _¤_ artificial intelligence robots using spyware to get defective information about our company. cutting-edgefifth-generationwide-spread
Nowadays, weekly, STY69 and I shared some time with our _¤_ users. wirelessinnovativedigital
We are absolutely in-loved and our company is widely _¤_ around the world. well-knownportablebest-selling
Retrievedfrom:https://www.pinterest.com/pin/406098091370700683/http://www.animationplaza.com/1/animations/fictional_creatures/robots/vp_female_robot_valentine.htmhttp://bestanimations.com/Sci-Fi/Robots/Robots.htmlhttps://www.tumblr.com/tagged/robot-gifhttp://imgur.com/gallery/555hb3Dhttp://cargocollective.com/georgeausgeorgien/Love-Machinehttp://cosasdekiko.blogspot.com.co/2010/05/rod-hunt.htmlhttp://giphy.com/search/e-loves/3http://statichoneybee.tumblr.com/page/3http://giphy.com/search/evil-robothttp://www.hitfix.com/comedy/daft-punk-with-googly-eyes-gifs-are-geniushttp://industryreportstore.blogspot.com.cohttp://iesolossalados.centros.educa.jcyl.es/sitio/index.cgi?wAccion=news&wid_news=231&wid_seccion=&wid_item= http://www.howtogeek.com/121811/your-kindle-is-more-than-an-ereader-5-hidden-kindle-featureshttp://sylviamartinez.com/2013/06/http://cliparts.co/clipart/25039http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photos-robots-holding-blank-poster-illustration-format-eps-image34544538http://www.clipartbest.com/clipart-4i9o7bqEThttp://liradvs.blogspot.com.cohttps://freesound.org/