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Yoga and meditation have innumerable benefits in everyday life, if practiced on the daily basis. You should definitely include Yoga and meditation in your lifestyle to have stress free life with well-nourished physical and mental health.
Yoga And Meditation Benefits For Everyday Life Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word, which means unity or to join. Yoga helps in uniting mind, body, soul and breath with the universe. Yoga if practiced daily not only relaxes your senses and nerves but also is proven to be beneficial in treating several diseases like Asthma, Diabetes, Reproductive or sexual issues, depression and many more. Practicing yoga and meditation in everyday life can be witnessed in the Indus valley civilization in Northern India over 5000 years back. Few centuries later Patanjali, the yoga guru or master created a system of ‘Asanas’ and ‘Pranayama’ to rejuvenate body and soul for a prolong life. The brighter side of the story is that yoga has not only influenced Indians but has reached across the world. Now lets check on the benefits of practicing Yoga and meditation in everyday life. In today’s fast paced world, everyone is behind numbers and growth in their respective
careers and life. In today’s busy lifestyle people fall short of time, because of which they do not invest enough time on their physical health. Yoga and meditation not only makes your physical body flexible and fit but also helps in developing your mental health as well. Spiritual health can only be nourished if at least 1 hour daily is given on Yoga. Benefits of Yoga and Meditation As Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says “ Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life- in terms of joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are”. Yoga consists of set of Asanas and Pranayama which helps in achieving the physical health with a healthy mind and soul. ⚫Yoga helpful in weight loss- surya namaskar or sun salutation and kapal bhati pranayama are majorly responsible in losing weight and maintain a beautiful body structure.
⚫Inner peace- yoga and pronouncing the word ‘Om’ from within can help release negativity, stress, pain and make the mind peaceful. ⚫Release stress- yoga is also beneficial in eliminating stress from the body as it helps the connection of body with the universe. Daily practice of yoga and mediation helps you feel fresh and rejuvenated. ⚫Improves immunity- if the mind and soul is not healthy, it definitely will affect the body and immunity which fight against the bacteria and diseases. By including yoga in your lifestyle will boost your immunity. ⚫Yoga for eyesight- pranayam (breathing exercise) with right amount of Vitamin A like carrots. Beetroot, spinach etc in your diet will make your eyesight stronger and help get rid of spectacles completely. Conclusion Yoga and meditation have innumerable benefits in everyday life, if practiced on the daily basis. You should definitely include Yoga and mediation in your lifestyle to have stress free life with well nourished physical and mental health.