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Upgrade your office with High Moon office Furniture we offer all kinds of office furniture and we ready to listen to your opinion and customize furniture as you desire.
Welcome to Mighmoon HiGHMOON Office Furniture Manufacturer A premier furniture manufacturer and supplier dubai like Highmoon Office Furniture is more than just a business, it's an architect of workspaces that inspire and empower. From ergonomic office chairs that prioritize well-being to conference tables that foster colloboration, our creations weave functionality and aesthetics into the very fabric of modern work culture. Highmoon pursuit of excellence, inovation and sustainbility makes them a driving force in the realm of furniture design elevatingworkspace to new dimensions of comfort andcreativity. TopOffiiceFurniture Manufacturer and Supplier Dubai We take pride in technology and exceptional craftsmanship. with a mission to reimagine spaces in to lasting. fulfilling work enviornments, individuals and business everyday with high-quality, durable furniture that elevates productivity and inspire creativity. our mission is to provide top-notch products reflacting our passion for elevating workspace worldwide. crafting cutting-edge designs using top-nontch we empower OON HiG Office Furniture Manufacturer Furniture Catalogue Check our furniture cataloguefor you Home& officeneeds.get the bestfurniturefor you. www.highrnoonofficefurnlture.ae
HiGHmOON HiGHmOON OfficeFurnitureManufacturer Office FurnitureManufacturer ZaraLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk VelaLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk The innovative design with functional excellence. Made from wooden finished MFC and accented with PUmatte spray paint on uniquely designed MDF, this desk stands out features three lockable drawers, providing secure storage for confidential files, and open shelves that offer convenient access to frequently used items and display spaces. Equipped with a rectangular grommet, the Zara desk facilitates effective cable management, ensuring a clean and organized work environment. Zara L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, presented by Highmoon UAE, is a statement piece that combines The Vela L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, crafted by Highmoon UAE, is a robust and stylish addition to any executive office. Constructed from wooden finished MFC and supported by a grit powder coat finished metal frame for heavy-duty use. It features three lockable drawers, providing secure storage for confidential documents, and open shelves for easy access to books and office supplies.The desk also includes a rectangular grommet, allowing for efficient cable management and a tidy workspace. laminated MDF, this desk is built to last, for its distinctive style and sophistication. It Vela L Shaped CEO Executive Desk (Black) ''"'"''"'""'Natural KendalOak CEODHk5izeOpliQns:200LJ1 J1leK>Sl.f[M) ■■[g] Zara L Shaped CEO Executive Desk (White) Vela L Shaped CEO Executive Desk (White) Surl•c•Fintsh1LincolnWalnut ZaraL Shaped CEO Executive Desk (Black) SurfaceFini5h:.Anthracite MetalRock CEODuk SizeOptions.:200LJI900 X18/JSLfCMf surt..c• Flnist-t:LincolnWalnut CEODeskSiz Options.200la9C011180Sl (CM) ■lil CEODe1-kSizeOptlon1-: JOOl. 9CO l80Sl \'CMI 4499 AED 4499 AED 3899 AED 3899 AED Description Description The Zara L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, presented by Highmoon UAE,is a statement piece that combines innovative design with functional excellence. Made from wooden finished MFCand accented with PUmatte spray paint on uniquely designed MDF, this desk stands out for its distinctive style and sophistication. It features three lockable drawers, providing secure storage for confidential files, and open shelves that offer convenient access to frequently used items and display spaces. Equipped with a rectangulargrommet, the Zaradeskfacilitateseffective cable management, ensuring a cleanandorganized work environment Its L- shaped configuration not onlymaximizes the efficiency of office spacebut also provides a spacious area for work andmeetings, makingit aprimechoiceforCEOswhodemandboth aestheticappealand practicalityin theirofficefurniture. The Vela L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, crafted by Highmoon UAE, is a robust and stylish addition to any executive office. Constructed fromwooden finished MFCand laminated MDF,thisdesk isbuilt to last, supportedbyagritpowder coat finished metal framefor heavy-duty use.It featuresthreelockabledrawers,providing securestorageforconfidential documents,andopenshelves for easyaccessto booksandofficesupplies.ThedeskalsoIncludesarectangulargrommet allowing forefficientcablemanagement anda tidyworkspace.TheL-shapeddesignof theVeladesknot only enhancesits aestheticappealbut alsomaximizesofficespace,offeringa large,comfortableworkareasuitableforthedemandsof aCEO'sdailytasks. www.highmoonofficefumiture.ae www.hlghmoonofficefurntture.ae
HiGHmOON HiGHmOON Office Furniture Manufacturer OfficeFurnitureManufacturer SivoLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk RivoLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk The Sivo L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, designed by Highmoon UAE, epitomizes executive luxury with its sophisticated design and functional features. Constructed from wooden finished MFC and enhanced with PU matte spray paint on curved MDF,thisdesk boasts a sleek, contemporary look. It comes equipped with three lockable drawers, ensuring the safekeeping of valuable documents, and open shelves that provide ample spacefor storage and display. The Rivo L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, crafted by Highmoon UAE, is a perfect blend of form and function, tailored for the modern executive. Made from high-quality wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF, this desk guarantees both longevity and a polished look. Featuring three lockable drawers, it provides secure storage for sensitive documents, while the open shelves offer convenient access to books and display items. The desk includes a rectangular grommet for efficient cable management, keeping the workspace organized and freeof clutter. SivoL Shaped CEO Executive Desk (Black) Sivo L ShapedCEO Executive Desk (White) RivoLShaped CEO Executive Desk (White) SWl•e•Finith! LincolnWalnut ■Iii■ RivoLShapedCEO Executive Desk (Black) suttt.ceFiniffl:Natural KendalOak CEOOesk Siu00ptiont::2'301.)(900 x 160SlKM) ■■GJI $url•c• Ffnlsk:AnthraciteMetalRock C.l:OllflkSi Opti.-clOOt.119COl(U!O I (CM) ll■ Surfa<:•Flnl, Llncoln Walnut C.EOOuk Sb:•Option :mt 1i9Cl>x 1L ■Ill ICM) 5999 AED 5999 AED CEODbk $iz.eOptj011i:200Lx900"ll150SLlCMl 5499 AED 5499 AED Description Description The SivoL-Shaped CEOExecutive Desk.designed by Highmoon UAE, epitomizes executive luxury with its sophisticated design and functional features. Constructed from wooden finished MFC and enhanced with PU matte spray paint on curved MDF, this desk boasts a sleek, contemporary look. It comes equipped with three lockable drawers, ensuring the safekeeping of valuable documents, and openshelves that provide ample space for storage and display. The desk also features a rectangular grommet for efficient cablemanagement, maintaining a neatand orderly workspace.TheL-shaped configuration of the Sivo deskmaximizes the use of office space while offering a spacious work area, making it an ideal choice for CEOs who value bothaesthetics and efficiency in their office furniture. TheRivo L-Shaped CEOExecutive Desk,crafted by Highmoon UAE, is a perfect blend of form andfunction, tailored for the modern executive. Made from high-quality wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF, this desk guarantees both longevity and a polished look.Featuring threelockable drawers, it provides secure storage for sensitive documents. while the openshelves offerconvenient access to booksanddisplay items.The deskIncludes arectangular grommet forefficientcablemanagement, keeping the workspace organized and free of clutter. With its L-shaped design. the Rivo desk optimizes office space and offers a vast working area, making it an excellentchoice for CEOswho requirea functionalyet stylish officesolution. www.hlghmoonofficefurnlture.ae www.highmoonofficefurniture.ae
HiGHmOON HiGHmOON Office FurnitureManufacturer OfficeFurnitureManufacturer Nura StraightCEOExecutiveDesk MisoLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk The Nura Straight CEO Executive Desk by Highmoon UAE is a symbol of sophistication and functionality, designed for the modern executive office. Crafted with wooden finished MFC and a PU matte spray-painted MDF base, this desk exudes elegance and durability. It is equipped with three lockable drawers, offering ample and secure storage for important documents and essentials. The desk also features a rectangular grommet, ensuring efficient cable management anda clutter-free workspace. The Miso L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, brought to you by Highmoon UAE, combines elegant design with functional excellence, perfect for the discerning executive. Constructed from superior wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF, this desk stands out for its durability and sleek aesthetic. It features three lockable drawers, offering secure storage for confidential files, and open shelves that provide ample space for books anddisplay items. Nura StraightCEOExecutive Desk {White) AnthraciteMetalRqck Sb:•Options.: JPQI_1i9(()x 180SL11:Mf Ill■ Nura Straight CEOExecutiveDesk(Black) $url•c•Ffnlsk:LlncolnWalnut ctODfl.kSi%-eOpti.-clOOt.119COl(U!O I (CM) ■la NuraStraight CEOExecutive Desk(White) swf•c•FinW.: NaturalKendalOak (EODnllSluOpti°"':1001 i900x 180Sl ■■GW Miso L ShapedCEOExecutive Desk(Black) Surf •Finlftl= AnthraciteMetalRock CEOOa-5k5h.Options.!Xl >.WOx l [j]■ $urfa<:•Flnl, SI.ICM) 1CM1 C.EOOuk 3599 AED 3599 AED 3599 AED 3599 AED Description Description The Mlso L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, brought to you by Highmoon UAE, combines elegant design with functional excellence, perfect for the discerning executive. Constructed fromsuperior wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF, thisdeskstands out for its durability and sleek aesthetic.It features three lockable drawers, offering secure storage for confidential files, and open shelves that provide ample space for books and display items.With a rectangular grommet integrated into thedesign,cable management is simplified, ensuring a tidy andefficient workspace.The l-shaped form of the Mlso desk not onlyenhances the visual appealbut also efficiently utilizesofficespace,offering a generousworkarea.It's an idealsolution forCEOs seeking a harmonious blendof style, security,and practicality in their officefurniture. TheNura Straight CEO Executive Deskby Highmoon UAE is a symbol of sophistication and functionality,designed for the modern executive office. Crafted with wooden finished MFC and a PU matte spray-painted MDF base, this desk exudes elegance and durability. It is equipped with threelockable drawers, offering ample and secure storage for important documents and essentials. The desk also features a rectangular grommet. ensuring efficient cable management and a clutter-free workspace. The straight design of the Nura desk provides a spacious work area, making it a practical and stylish choice for CEOs who value organization, security, and a touchof modernity In theiroffice furnishings. www.hlghmoonofficefurnlture.ae www.highmoonofficefurnlture.ae
HiGHmOON HiGHmOON OfficeFurnitureManufacturer Office FurnitureManufacturer MeroLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk LumeLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk The office furniture with its sophisticated design and practical features. Constructed from high-quality wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF, this desk offers durability and a sleek, professional look. It comes equipped with three lockable drawers, providing secure storage for important documents, while the open shelves offer convenient space for books and display items. Mero L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, designed by Highmoon UAE, represents the pinnacle of executive The functionality.Crafted with wooden finished MFCand laminated MDF, and accented withPUspray paint for a matte finish, it features elegantly curved legs that exude a contemporary charm.This desk is equipped with three lockable drawers, offering secure storage for confidential documents, and open shelves that provide ample space for books and decorative items. A rectangular grommet for cable management ensures that the workspace remains tidy andwell-organized. Lume L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk by Highmoon UAE is the epitome of modern sophistication and Nura Straight CEO Executive Desk(White) Mero L Shaped CEO Executive Desk (Black) Lume L Shaped CEO Executive Desk (White) Lume L Shaped CEO Executive Desk(Black! s rt •Fin.. NaturalKendalOak ■■CID hi Anthracite Metal Rock x000xl80SI (CMI Surf.11,.FJ,,hh: Lincoln Walnut CEOOKI;5i Optior,,:2001,,:9Q[)J!1S051.KMl ■!il■ swf•c•FinW.: Lincoln Walnut (EODnllSluOptiOf'lJ:i<Xlli!IOOx 190S,t.I.CMJ ■rr.i Surf•(•Fl CEOD.-;di:SiuOptio,11iJOOI • • CEOD"k 5h.Options.!Xl >.WOx l SI.ICM) 4499 AED 3599 AEO 4499 AED 3599 AEO Description Description TheMero L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk., designed by Highmoon UAE,represents the pinnacle of executive office furniture withits sophisticated design and practical features. Constructed from high-quality wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF, this desk offers durability and a sleek, professional look. It comes equipped with three lockable drawers, providing secure storage for important documents, while the open shelves offer convenient space for books and display items. The inclusion of a rectangular grommet for cable management ensures a clean and organized workspace, free from the clutter of wires. The L-shaped configuration of the Merodesk maximizes officespace andprovides a large, expansive workarea, making it an excellent choicefor CEOswhodemandfunctionalitywithout compromisingonstyle. TheLumeL-Shaped CEOExecutive Deskby Highmoon UAEistheepitome of modern sophistication andfunctionality.Crafted with wooden finished MFC andlaminated MDF,andaccented withPUspray paint fora matte finish,it features elegantlycurvedlegs that exude a contemporary charm. This desk is equipped with three lockable drawers, offering secure storage for confidential documents, and open shelves that provide ample space for books and decorative items. A rectangular grommet for cable management ensures that the workspace remains tidy and well-organized. The L-shaped design of the Lume desk not only enhances theaesthetic appeal but also optimizes the use of office space, making it anideal choice for CEOs who appreciate ablend of style,security,andefficiency in their officefurnishings. www.hlghmoonofficefurnlture.ae www.hlghmoonofficefumiture.ae
HiGHmOON HiGHmOON OfficeFurnitureManufacturer Office FurnitureManulacturer KeroLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk LiroLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk The Kero L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, designed by Highmoon UAE, merges sleek design with functional excellence, ideal for the contemporary executive. Constructed with top-quality wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF, it offersadurable and stylish work surface.The desk features three lockable drawers, ensuring the safekeeping of important documents, alongside open shelves for convenient storage and display of books or decorative items. Arectangular grommet is incorporated for efficient cable management, keeping the workspaceneatand orderly. The Liro L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, crafted by Highmoon UAE, is a masterpiece of officedesign, blending luxurious aesthetics with peak functionality. Constructed from high-grade wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF, and complemented with a PU spray paint finish, it presents a matte finish on its elegantly curved legs, showcasing a unique and sophisticated profile. This desk features three lockable drawers, ensuring securestoragefor sensitivematerials,andopen shelvesforaccessible storageanddisplay. - Liro LShapedCEOExecutive Desk(White) KeroLShaped CEOExecutiveDesk(White) KeroLShaped CEOExecutive Desk(Black) Surl•c• Ffnlsk: NaturalKendalOak Liro LShaped CEOExecutiveDesk (Black) s rt •Fin.. NaturalKendalOak CEOOa-5k5h.Options.!Xl >.WOx l ■■Id swf•c•FinW.: Anthra<;.iteMetalRock (EODnllSluOpti°"':1001 i900x 180Sl 1 1 1 ■ Surfa<:•Flnl,b: Anthradte MetalRock C.EOOuk Sb:•Option :mt 1i9Cl>x 1L • • 1CM1 (CM,l C.EOllflkSi:z.eOpti.-clOOl•90011'18051 SI.ICM) ICM) 4499 AED 3599 AED 4499 AED 3599 AED Description Contemporary Design Ample Workspace Durablit Construction Executive Appeal Integrated Storage Versatile Configuration Ergonomic Comfo,t SleekFinish WireManagement AnomblyRequired Description TheKeroL-Shaped CEO Executive Desk,designed by Highmoon UAE,merges sleek design with functional excellence, ideal for the contemporary executive. Constructed with top-quality wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF,it offers a durable and stylish work surface.The desk featuresthree lockable drawers, ensuring the safekeeping of important documents, alongside openshelves for convenient storage and display of books or decorative items. A rectangular grommet is incorporated for efficient cable management, keeping the workspace neat and orderly.TheKero desk'sL-shaped configuration not onlyoptimizes officespace but also providesa substantial working area, making it a perfect choice for CEOs who furnishings. TheliroLShaped CEOExecutive Deskboasts a contemporary design thatadds sophisticationto anyoffice space. WrthitsL shaped design,thisdeskprovidesample workspace formultitaskingand organizing documents.efficrently. C rafted withhigh·qualltymaterials,thisdeskisbuilt to withstand therigors of daity we, ensurlng longevity. De!iJgned withtheCEOIn n,ind, thisdeskexudesprofes.slonallsm and authority,making it an Idealcholcf!forcorporate.settings. Featuring bvilt--in storagesolutions, lncludlng drawersand cabinets,thlsdesk helpskeepyour workspaceneatandorganized. Thel•shaped configuration allowsforversatlleplacementoptions, optimizingthe layoutof your officespace. Wrthrr$ergonomicdesign, thisdesk promotescomfortduring longhoursof work,reducing strainaM Theblackfinishadds a touch of sophisticationto yourofficedecor,makinga boldstateme11t. Integrated wiremanagementensuresa clutter·free workspace, keepingcablesneatlyorganizedand out of sight. Thisdeskcomeswitheasy•to·follow assembly Instructions,,making setuphassle·free. fatigue. value both form and function in their office www.highmoonofficefurniture.ae www.highmoonofficefurniture.ae
HiGHmOON HiGHmOON OfficeFurnitureManufacturer Office FurnitureManu facturer JuroLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk JuroLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk The Juro L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk by Highmoon UAE is the epitome of executive elegance and functionality. Crafted from premium wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF, this desk ensures both durability and a refined appearance. It features three lockable drawers, providing secure storage for confidential documents, and open shelves for easy access to books and display items.The desk's thoughtful design includes a rectangular grommet for seamless cable management, maintaining a clean and organized workspace. The lvo L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, crafted by Highmoon UAE, offers a premium workspace solution with Itswooden-finishedMFC andlaminated MDF top and a sturdy steel frame with gritpowder coating for added durability.This executive desk features three lockable drawers and open shelves for ample storage, coupled witharectangular grommet for seamlesscablemanagement. -- Jura LShapedCEOExecutive Desk(White) Surfa<:•Flnl,b: AnthradteMetalRock C.EOOuk Sb:•Option:mt1i9Cl>x 1 L • JuraL Shaped CEOExecutiveDesk(Black) $url•c•Ffnlsk:LlncolnWalnut C.EODfl.kSi:z.eOpti.-clOOl•90011'18051 (CM,l ■Ill Iva LShapedCEOExecutive Desk (White) Surf•c• iJti: LincolnWalnut croD k Sl:z.eOptio,i.$J2.00I.:r 9(:0:r18051.\'CM! ii■ JuraL ShapedCEO Executive Desk (Black) Surf.-c•Flnff'h: LlncolnWalnut CEOD.dt u0pti0f'l:l.l:}00t 90Dx 180SI,ftM1 ■tr, ICM) 4799 AED 4499 AED 4499 AED 4799 AED Description Description The Juro L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk by Hlghmoon UAE ls the epitome of executive elegance and functionality. Crafted from premium wooden finished MFC and laminated MDF,this desk ensures both durability and a refined appearance. It features three lockable drawers, providing secure storage for confidential documents, and open shelves for easy access to books and display items.The desk's thoughtful design includes a rectangular grommet for seamless cable management, maintaining a dean and organized workspace. Perfect for the discerning CEO, the Juro desk combines the practicality needed for day-to-day work with the sophisticated stylebefitting a corporate leader,making it a standout addition to any executive office. .. lvo L-Shaped CEOExecutiveDeskby Highmoon UAE" The lvo L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, crafted by Highmoon UAE, offers a premium workspace solution with its wooden-finished MFC and laminated MDF top and a sturdy steel frame with grit powder coating for added durability.This executive desk features threelockable drawersand openshelves for ample storage,coupled with a rectangular grommet for seamless cablemanagement. The combination of robust materials and thoughtful design provides a functional yet stylish addition to any executive office, embodying aperfect balanceof eleganceand practicality. www.highmoonofficefurniture.ae www.highmoonofficefurniture.ae
HiGHmOON HiGHmOON Office Furniture Manufacturer Office FurnitureManufacturer HuroLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk GiloLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk TheHuroL-Shaped CEOExecutive Desk, crafted by Highmoon UAE, offers a premium workspace solution with its wooden-finished MFC and laminated MDF top and a sturdy steel frame with grit powder coating for added durability. This executive desk features three lockable drawers and open shelves for ample storage, coupled with a rectangular grommetfor seamlesscablemanagement. Experience the fusion of style and functionality with the Gilo L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk from Highmoon UAE.Crafted with wooden-finishedMFC and laminated MDF,thisdesk offers a robust andelegant workspace. It features three lockable drawers to safeguard your important documents and possessions, along with a rectangular grommetfor effectivecablemanagement, ensuringa tidy andefficient work area. I HuroLShaped CEOExecutive Desk (White) surbc.Finl hi LincolnWalnut CE00Hk.Si:u0ptionc200l'lfoa),-1S0SI ■Ill JuroL ShapedCEO Executive Desk (Black) Juro L ShapedCEO Executive Desk (Black) AnthraciteMetalRock CEO0-,;k5h. Options.!}.Oil.,-'900x llIDSLiCM} rdl■ Gilo L Shaped CEOExecutive Desk(White) s..f.i, •f'Jf"it;h: LincolnWalnut CEODedi:SiH OptiOl'ls:70011C90Dic180SI ICM) ■tr,■ swf•c•FinW.: Lincoln Walnut CEODnllSluOpti°"':1001 i900x 180Sl ■!al Surf •Fin.. {CMI 1CM1 4499 AED 3599 AED 3599 AED 4499 AED Description Description **GiloL-Shaped CEOExecutive Desk by Highmoon UAE** .. HuroL-Shaped CEOExecutive Desk by Highmoon UAE.. The HuroL-Shaped CEO Executive Desk,crafted by Highmoon UAE,offers a premium workspace solution with its wooden-finished MFC and laminated MDF top and a sturdy steel frame with grit powder coating for added durability. This executive desk features threelockabledrawers and open shelves for ample storage, coupled with a rectangular grommet for seamless cable management. The combination of robust materials and thoughtful design provides a functional yet stylish addition to any executive office, embodying a perfect balanceof eleganceand practicality. Experience the fusion of style and functionality with the Gilo L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk from Highmoon UAE. Crafted with wooden-finished MFC and laminated MDF,this desk offers a robust and elegant workspace. It features three lockable drawers to safeguard your important documents and possessions, along with a rectangular grommet for effective cable management, ensuring a tidy andefficient work area.The L-shaped design optimizes space, making the Gila Desk a perfect blend of form and function for the discerning executive. www.highmoonofficefurniture.ae www.hlghmoonofficefumlture.ae
HiGHmOON Office Furniture Manufacturer HiGHmOON OfficeFurnitureManufacturer EvoxLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk ErisLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk The Evox L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, brought to you by Highmoon UAE, melds premium design with practical features. Constructed from wooden-finished MFC and laminated MDF, it ensures lasting durability and a sleek appearance.The desk includes three lockable drawers for secure storage, alongside a rectangular grommet for efficient cable management, keeping your workspace organized and clutter-free. The Eris L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk from Highmoon UAE is a statement of sophistication and practicality. Constructed with wooden-finished MFC and laminated MDF, this desk is designed for durability and style. It features three lockable drawers for confidential storage and a rectangular grommet for efficient cable management. --- 'I EvoxL Shaped CEOExecutive Desk (White) EvoxL ShapedCEO Executive Desk(Black) ErisL Shaped CEOExecutiveDesk(White) ErisL ShapedCEOExecutive Desk (Black) Surf•c• iJti: LincolnWalnut croD k Si Surfa<:•Flnl,b: AnthradteMetalRock C.EOOuk Sb:•Option :mt 1i9Cl>x 1L $url•c•Ffnlsk:LlncolnWalnut C.EODfl.kSi Opti.-clOOl•90011'18051 (CM,l Surf.-c•Flnff'h: AnthraciteMetalRock CEODedt u0pti0f'l:l.l:}00t Optio,i.$J2.00I.:r9(:0:r18051.\'CM! 90DxI80SI,ftMI ICM) 4499 AED 4499 AED 4799 AED 4799 AED Description Description ... EvoxL-ShapedCEOExecutive Deskby Highmoon UAE** .. ErisL-ShapedCEOExecutive Deskby HighmoonUAE"' The Eris L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk from Highmoon UAE is a statement of sophistication and practicality. Constructed with wooden-finished MFC and laminated MDF, this desk is designed for durability and style. It features three lockable drawers for confidential storageand arectangular grommet for efficient cable management.TheL-shaped designmaximizesofficespacewhile providing a luxurious and organized work environment, making the Eris Desk an ideal choice for executives seeking both functionality and elegance. The Evox L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, brought to you by Highmoon UAE, melds premium design with practical features. Constructed from wooden-finished MFCand laminated MDF,it ensures lasting durability and a sleek appearance.Thedesk includes three lockable drawers for secure storage, alongside a rectangular grommet for efficient cable management. keeping your workspace organized and clutter-free. Ideal for the forward-thinking executive, the Evox Desk combines ample work area and modern aesthetics fora productive andstylishofficeenvironment www.hlghmoonofficefurnlture.ae www.hlghmoonofficefurnlture.ae
HiGHmOON HiGHmOON Office FurnitureManu facturer OfficeFurnitureManufacturer DivoLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk CiroLShapedCEOExecutiveDesk The Divo L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, designed by Highmoon UAE, is a perfect blend of functionality and style. Made from high-quality MFC and laminated MDF with a wooden finish, it offers a spacious L-shaped working area, enhanced with three lockable drawers for secure storage.The desk also features a rectangular grommet for seamless cable management, ensuring a tidy andefficient workspace. The Ciro L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk from Highmoon UAE is a sophisticated choice for any executive office. Crafted with wooden-finished MFC and laminated MDF, this desk offers durability and style. It features three lockable drawers for secure storage and a rectangular grommet for efficient cable management, keeping your workspace neat and organized. . : Divo L ShapedCEOExecutive Desk (White) ErisL Shaped CEOExecutiveDesk(Black! CiroL ShapedCEOExecutive Desk(White) Ciro L ShapedCEO Executive Desk !Black) Surf•c• iJti: AnthraciteMetalRock croD k Si Surfa<:•Flnl,b: NolturalKendalOak C.EOOuk Sb:•Option:mt1i9Cl>x 1 L $url•c•Ffnlsk:AnthraciteMetalRock C.EOllflkSi Opti.-clOOl•90011'18051 (CM,l Surf.-c•Flnff'h: NaturalKendalOak CEODedt u0pti0f'l:l.l:}00t Optio,i.$J2.00I.ll 9(:0ir18051.\'CM! 90Dx I80SI,ftMI ICM) 4499 AED 4499 AED 4499 AED 4499 AED Description Description "'Divo L-Shaped CEOExecutive Desk by Highmoon UAE" .. Ciro L-ShapedCEOExecutive Desk by HighmoonUAE.. The Ciro L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk from Highmoon UAE is a sophisticated choice for any executive office. Crafted with wooden-finished MFCand laminated MDF, thisdesk offers durability and style.It features threelockable drawers for secure storage and a rectangular grommet for efficient cable management, keeping your workspace neat and organized. The L-shaped design optimizes space whileproviding a generous workarea, making the CiroDesk both practical and elegant. The Divo L-Shaped CEO Executive Desk, designed by Highmoon UAE, is a perfect blend of functionality and style. Made from high-quality MFC and laminated MDF with a wooden finish, it offers a spacious L-shaped working area, enhanced with three lockable drawers for secure storage.Thedesk also featuresa rectangular grommet for seamless cablemanagement. ensuring a tidy andefficient workspace.Ideal for the modernexecutive,the DivoDeskcombines practicality with professional elegance. www.highmoonofficefumiture.ae www.highmoonofficefurnlture.ae