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What is Dysmenorrhea or period pain

Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps is the sensation of cramping pains in the lower abdomen.<br>There is most common question that arise "Is it safe to consume Period pain relief tablets or painkillers?" Period pain relief tablets help in relieving pain.

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What is Dysmenorrhea or period pain

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  1. Secondary Dysmenorrhea Secondarydysmenorrheais mostlycausedbysomeother medicalcondition,suchas pelvicinflammatorydisease orendometriosis. Typesof Dysmenorrhea PrimaryDysmenorrhea Primarydysmenorrheabegins atthestartofyourfirstperiod andcontinuesthroughout yourlife.Itcancausesevere menstrualcrampingdueto severeandabnormaluterine contractions.

  2. Symptoms of Dysmenorrhea Crampinginthelowerabdomen Painradiatingdownthelegs Nausea Paininthelowerabdomen Lowbackpain Vomiting Diarrhea Fatigue Weakness Fainting Headaches

  3. Is it safe to consume Periodpainrelieftablets orpainkillers? Periodpainrelieftabletshelpin relievingpain.However,theyare not100%safeandmayhaveside effectsifusedexcessivelyor withoutproperguidance.

  4. Eversinceancienttimesnaturalherbsareused as Ayurvedicherbalmedicinetotreatvariousissues relatedtothemenstrual Bhutakesi:BhutakesialsoknownasCorydalis govaniana is found around the Kashmir region of theHimalayas.Ithasbeenusedlocallyas Ayurvedicherbalmedicinetorelieveperiodpain. Usage:Add1to2gramsofthepowderinacupof boilingwater,strain,andthenmixhoney,and drinktwiceaday. Sesameoil:Sesameoilisrichinlinoleicacid content, due to which it has many antioxidants andanti-inflammatoryproperties,whichcanhelp reduceperiodpain. Usage:Massagelukewarmsesameoilonyourskin.

  5. THANKYOU CONTACTDETAILS ContactNo:+91-9289877344 MailID:satkartar@skinrange.com

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