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Watch this Presentation to Uninstall Avast Antivirus From Your PC. After watching this presentation, If you have any kind of issue then quick dial our Avast tech support number New Zealand - 64-04-8879102 or visit our website http://avast.supportnewzealand.co.nz
A v ast antivirus w orks as a s e cu rity m e a s ure a g a inst o nline threats.Avast In t e rnet Secu rity u ses a f ire w a llto m o n it o r in c o ming and o u t g oing traffic.It c a n , h o w e v e r, d e t ect fa lse p o s itiv es fo r c e rtain applications and p re v ent t hem fro m accessing th e intern et.To m ake th e s e applications work n o rm a lly , you can e it h e r d is able th e A v ast f ire w a ll add th e applications as exceptions to th e A v ast f irew a ll.
Following are the steps provided by the Avast Antivirus Support New Zealand for assisting that how to disable an Avast firewall. Step1 - Open Avast Internet Security and then click Settings. Step2 - Under Active Protection, click ON and then select an option from the drop-downmenu: Add Firewall Exceptions: Step1 - Open Avast Internet Security, clicks Tools, and then clicksFirewall. Step2 - ClickApplicationRules.
Continue Step3 - Click New Group, enters a name for the group, and then pressesEnter. Step4 - Click New Application Rule and then select the newly createdgroup. Step5 - Browse to the location of an application, selects the application’s main executable file, and then click Open. Step6 - The application appears under the selected group. Next to the application, click and drag your cursor over the five orange bars until the status changes to All Connections. Click Closeto save thechanges.
Additional information: If the application is already listed on the firewall, click and drag your cursor over the five orange bars next to the application until the status changes to All Connections, which gives the application full access through thefirewall. If you have issues with the Avast firewall even after excluding applications or disabling the firewall, consider switching to an alternate anti-virus application such as Norton Internet Security, McAfee Internet Security or Kaspersky Internet Security.
Only exclude applications that you already trust. OriginalSource